Encounter: Greek Freak and Sexual Savage Mindy Magic

RodnReel's Avatar
Well, I must disagree. New managed ladies coming in have something in common, making them easy to spot. And I do consider it my business if I don’t want to be under audio surveillance during sessions or have the increased security risk and possible extra LE scrutiny of having a third party involved. Not to mention not wanting to provide my financial support to a perpetrator of physical abuse of women. But it comes as no surprise that you hold the opinions you stated.

Originally Posted by SpankyJ

Judging from many of your past reviews, it's clear you have no idea who is or isn't managed. And you still obviate don't. That's clear.
Its also clear that all of scrutiny is conning/coming from u rather than any other unseen source. As almost all of your recent threads reference the same talking points. Few are actually about hobbying anymore.
RodnReel's Avatar
I am with Spanky.... Just concerned about management? She just did not fall out of the sky with this type of performance.... Guess for some clients it does not matter!!!! Just prefer the independent provider!!!! Originally Posted by Coyote83462
Im just wondering how any us know which ladies are managed, and which arent and how?
Word of mouth?????
If so who's mouth????
How do they know???

Just looking for guidance, and acceptance into this exclusive boys club so i can be steered in the right direction, toward the providers this exclusive boys club thinks I should see.
RodnReel's Avatar
Originally Posted by hotrod9898
RodnReel's Avatar
Originally Posted by SpankyJ
RodnReel's Avatar
Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Originally Posted by RodnReel
RodnReel's Avatar
Originally Posted by Baconman
Originally Posted by RodnReel
Originally Posted by RodnReel
Originally Posted by RodnReel
im giving this guy props, he sure gets these young girls from some strip club, his game is strong
biomed1's Avatar
The time is to bring this thread back to a discussion of Mindy Magic is NOW.

Take this tete a tete back channel and communicate amongst yourselves should you wish to compare Hobby Histories, discuss the virtues of Pimps (or the lack there of) or anything other than Mindy Magic.

cluefinder's Avatar
Thank you for your review. Mindy sounds like an exciting play date! Free spirit!
  • MrGiz
  • 10-06-2018, 03:03 PM
Judging from many of your past reviews, it's clear you have no idea who is or isn't managed. And you still obviate don't. That's clear.
Its also clear that all of scrutiny is conning/coming from u rather than any other unseen source. As almost all of your recent threads reference the same talking points. Few are actually about hobbying anymore. Originally Posted by RodnReel
Thanx for the review!!