What does mental illness look like today? Let us know...

Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
HenrySwanson's Avatar
If all the ones who PROMISED to leave would actually leave and take one illegal with them, we'll that would be a great start.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
If all the ones who PROMISED to leave would actually leave and take one illegal with them, we'll that would be a great start. Originally Posted by HenrySwanson


Click the above link for enlightenment...Try not to laugh.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
TravelingHere's Avatar
Great thread, I'll share this here for anyone who wants some good laughs

"The meltdowns collection"
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 01-01-2025, 12:50 PM
Brilliant woman