Even though Obama claims to be Christian, only 45% of Democrats believe it....

His own party doesn't believe the Liar-In-Chief on his own self professed faith......

A liar to the core.

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  • 02-25-2015, 03:42 PM
Let me flip it for you.............

Only 47% of Americans think Obama loves America and a substantial number of those are minority and foreign born Democrats - presumably those getting free shit from Obama!

Pretty pathetic endorsement of Obama. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You do understand that after Bush link 9/11 to Saddam a majority of Americans thought Iraq was responsible for the attack. You do understand how political stupid most Americans are right?
Even though Obama claims to be Christian, only 45% of Democrats believe it....

His own party doesn't believe the Liar-In-Chief on his own self professed faith......

A liar to the core.

http://www.vox.com/2015/2/25/8108005/obama-muslim-poll Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You conveniently leave out independents and Democrats who don't know but thanks for posting the illustration because we can see it for ourselves. Of course a majority of repubtards think he's Muslim. The problem with the right is they've been co-opted by the fundamental Christians.
You do understand that after Bush link 9/11 to Saddam a majority of Americans thought Iraq was responsible for the attack. You do understand how political stupid most Americans are right? Originally Posted by WTF
He makes that evident every time he posts...
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  • 02-25-2015, 03:44 PM
Even though Obama claims to be Christian, only 45% of Democrats believe it....

His own party doesn't believe the Liar-In-Chief on his own self professed faith......

A liar to the core.

http://www.vox.com/2015/2/25/8108005/obama-muslim-poll Originally Posted by Whirlaway

You do understand that Obama is not running in 2016? You're posting like you still expect Romney to win Wisconsin!
I absolutely understand; they voted for Obama not once, but twice.

And like Gruber said; Obama depended on their stupidity; believing Obama's healthcare lies.

You do understand that after Bush link 9/11 to Saddam a majority of Americans thought Iraq was responsible for the attack. You do understand how political stupid most Americans are right? Originally Posted by WTF
I didn't leave out anything; all the data from the poll is there in multi-color.

It is a fact that based on the poll, only 46% of Democrats think Obama is Christian. A majority of Democrats don't believe Obama is, what he professes to be.

You conveniently leave out independents and Democrats who don't know but thanks for posting the illustration because we can see it for ourselves. Of course a majority of repubtards think he's Muslim. The problem with the right is they've been co-opted by the fundamental Christians. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Speaking of stupid Obama voters who Gruber was counting on.

He makes that evident every time he posts... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Even though Obama claims to be Christian, only 45% of Democrats believe it....

His own party doesn't believe the Liar-In-Chief on his own self professed faith......

A liar to the core.

http://www.vox.com/2015/2/25/8108005/obama-muslim-poll Originally Posted by Whirlaway

You're bizarre and weirdly obsessed.

Here's the breakdown on your stupid fucking poll you brainless half wit....it breaks down strictly along partisan lines. Braindead partisan lines. Anybody that thinks that Obama is a muslim is fucking retarded.

President Barack Obama’s love of country isn’t just a concern for Rudy Giuliani, according to a recent Huffington Post/YouGov poll.
A plurality of Americans surveyed — 47 percent — said Obama loves America, but the rest of respondents said they don’t believe the president does or that they weren’t sure. The responses break down an expected partisan line, with 11 percent of Republicans who said they believe Obama loves America, and 85 percent of Democrats responding the same way. Independents were mostly split, with 42 percent saying they think Obama loves the U.S., while 38 percent disagreed and 20 percent who weren’t sure.
Story Continued Below

In the online poll of 1,000 American adults, 39 percent said the president is less patriotic than most people in public life, compared with 12 percent who called him more patriotic and 33 percent who deemed him as patriotic as others.
Giuliani, the former New York City mayor, last week openly questioned whether the president “loves America” during a private dinner featuring Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. Giuliani has since clarified his remarks, writing in The Wall Street Journal on Sunday that he “didn’t intend to question President Obama’s motives or the content of his heart.”
The poll was conducted Feb. 20-23 and has a model-based margin of error of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/0...#ixzz3SoNTLGKc
I didn't leave out anything; all the data from the poll is there in multi-color.

It is a fact that based on the poll, only 46% of Democrats think Obama is Christian. A majority of Democrats don't believe Obama is, what he professes to be.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Is this about him being a christian or loving this country. You seem to be confused. Do you need to be a christian to love this country? Being agnostic, i guess I'm fucked then. Oh well. Keep believing the corn-fed bullshit. 'Merica!
Speaking of stupid Obama voters who Gruber was counting on. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You're like a turd that just keeps whirling around the bowl and won't go down. If you really think Obama is a muslim, you're mentally deficient. If he's anything, he's an agnostic or atheist. Either way, I don't give a shit what his political persuasion is. If anything, I'm glad he's NOT a christian because can you imagine what would happen if he were?
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  • 02-25-2015, 07:21 PM
Speaking of stupid Obama voters who Gruber was counting on. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Did you think Saddam/Iraq had something to do with 9/11?
Did you think Saddam/Iraq had something to do with 9/11? Originally Posted by WTF
That's what W said. Must be true goddamnit. 'Merica!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
A Huffington/MyGov poll asked the question, and a majority of Americans think Obama doesn't love this country or are not sure if he loves this country.

After a week of media bashing of Giuliani, this is a astounding number. Less than half of Americans believe Obama loves this country.

A debate the White House doesn't want to have. But historians will have to consider when writing Obama's legacy.

http://cdn.yougov.com/cumulus_upload...m_20150223.pdf Originally Posted by Whirlaway



Here's a link to George Dubyah's response to going after the man who "allegedly" committed the biggest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor: http://thinkprogress.org/security/20...ush-bin-laden/

Here's is Bush's statement:
and just six months after 9/11, Bush suggested in a press conference that Bin Laden was not a top priority for his administration. Asked whether Bush thought capturing Bin Laden was important, Bush scolded those who cared about Bin Laden for not “understand[ing] the scope of the mission” because Bin Laden was just “one person,” whom Bush said, “I really just don’t spend that much time on“:
Who knows if he’s hiding in some cave or not. We haven’t heard from him in a long time. The idea of focusing on one person really indicates to me people don’t understand the scope of the mission. Terror is bigger than one person. He’s just a person who’s been marginalized. … I don’t know where he is. I really just don’t spend that much time on him, to be honest with you.
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Speaking of stupid Obama voters who Gruber was counting on. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I wonder how much Bush loved America we he openly admitted not caring to capture Osama