Abby Peacock (Houston)=expensivedouble booker

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4. Ms. Peacock indicated a preference for the Four Seasons ($400 per night), champagne ($100), and strawberries ($25). I complied because of her “evident” class. Originally Posted by rp
Bottom line: Flake-outs happen far more often than we'd like with providers. I would never, ever suggest anyone go to as much trouble as you did to arrange a session. It's just a matter of time before a debacle like this one happens.

I see providers because I don't feel the need to impress them, as I would with a civilian date. A provider asking for the Four Seasons would be a huge warning sign for me. I understand wanting to avoid a Notel, but a $100/night room at the Hilton should work just fine.

(If a provider choses to stay in the Four Season while she's touring, that's her choice. But if she expects a client to foot their prices on top of her rate, she seems like a golddigger to me. The whole HDH thing seems like a sucker's game to me.)

And FWIW, I've seen Ms. Peacock's ads. She's a cute girl, but four bills per hour?
Awwww I'm sorry you feel that way. I personally prefer St. Regis and have a 2 hour minimum costing more than the "gold digger" mentioned. What the provider did in this case was extremely inconsiderate but in no way does it warrant all escorts in this price bracket be given the title gold digger.

I know I once went to a Palace Inn with a boyfriend just for the hell of it long long ago. It was hilarious, there was some crazy jungle scene painted on the walls in black light paint.
blowpop's Avatar
Rebecca, I think every provider should set her rates where she likes, and she should conduct her session where she chooses.

But after hobbying for well over a decade, I've learned that a provider's hourly rate in no ways relates to the quality of her session.

I've also found that all the HDH-ish accouterments (expensive hotel, bring me a gift, bring champagne, etc.) are typically either marketing tactics to help rationalize the higher rate in the customer's mind, or else simply gold digger behavior.

With a civilian date, I'm not opposed to choosing a luxe setting and fine champagne to set the mood for her. With a professional, the fact that I'm paying her fee should be all that's required to set the mood. And as I said, if you're footing the bill, the St. Regis is fine. But telling a client to book there screams "gold digger" to me.

Perhaps I'm jaded. Or perhaps I just don't get taken in by the marketing.

To me, it's either a real date or a paid session. When a it blurs in a guy's mind is when he starts making bad decisions.
It all comes down to what your final goal is.
blowpop's Avatar
It all comes down to what your final goal is. Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko
Well said.

For me, it's to enjoy the session to the fullest, to leave with a smile on my face, and to have no entanglements. Later in the week, if I look back on the session as a great memory (and don't have buyer's remorse), I achieved my goal.

The best analogy is that of a great concert. No matter how cool the venue, or how much the tickets cost, once the music starts, it's all about the performance.

The best performances can come from a huge national act, or an unknown band trying to make their reputation. What matters is that they are skilled artists and are passionate about what they do.

The biggest disappointments are often the highly touted national acts that book an amazing venue, sell a bunch of high-dollar tickets, blow into town, go through the motions, then move on to the next town.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I agree 100% with you BP; I am happy to spend a ton of energy on a civilian who I want to court. It is an investment in a possible future relationship.

I also love the Four Seasons and stay at them all the time when I travel - staying in a great hotel for a couple of days can make a trip very enjoyable.

BUT When I go to Vegas, I stay at "nice" places but not Four Season-rate places b/c I am not going to spend that much time in the room....a few hours sleep and a place to clean up.

I don't like PI or other notels so I never use them in the RW and wouldn't expect to use them for a session. BUT there are tons of "nice" hotels for well under 100 and since we are only going to use the room for a couple of hours if that is not good enough for the Escort, then I really don't need to see her.

I am not courting an escort; I am not trying to impress her; I am simply renting her for an hour or 2; and I expect to enjoy myself for that time. It is HER JOB to insure that I have a great time.

If she feels she is doing me a BIG favor by seeing me and taking my money; then I can only guess at what her attitude is going to be BCD.

Its a big PASS for me.

It is a complete waste of money - I don't care what your discretionary income is.
While some may see it as a waste there plenty that do not. To each his own.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
While some may see it as a waste there plenty that do not. To each his own. Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko
And on that point, we both agree.
rp's Avatar
  • rp
  • 04-21-2010, 06:08 PM
This thread has so many threads that I am dizzy. Let me finalize my thoughts.
I prefer HDH's. I have suggested to other providers that they ought to try it. I would prefer to work 2 hours a week at $500 per hour than 5 hours a week at $200 per hour. If you've got it, flaunt it. I have been disappointed by only one HDH in the past - arrogance, not a lack of presence. I have little doubt that Abby would have been worth it if she had chosen to show up. I chose her; she did not choose me. I will still eat today and next week despite what she cost me. The money is not the problem. The problem is treating someone in this manner - user or provider. We all ought to be more respectful to one another and more responsible. This is a business - not a game. Even though it is often fun.
surcher's Avatar
Is this the AP you speak of? If so,n she was $200 an hour to $400 on BP in Nov.

Her p411 ad is no longer there.

rp's Avatar
  • rp
  • 04-21-2010, 06:26 PM
That be her in all her glory (so far as I know).
blowpop's Avatar
Is this the AP you speak of? If so,n she was $200 an hour to $400 on BP in Nov. Originally Posted by surcher
Yes, but double your rate, demand a room at the Four Seasons with champagne and strawberries, and behold the birth of the HDH.

Funny, I'd rather have seen her before the rate/attitude increase.

But that's just me. Some guys view HDHs as some sort of step above regular providers, but my experiences have indicated otherwise. They're no better or worse than other providers... just more expensive, and often with an attitude to match.

Fortunately for many of these women, W.C. Fields was an astute observer of the hobby.

For the life of me, I can't see the appeal. I'd much rather spend my time with someone like HollyOfHouston, who's gorgeous, talented, and has the sweetest personality you could imagine. And she doesn't require a room at the Four Seasons, nor does she expect HDH rates.

But to each his own. Heck, there are guys who pay $300 for a pair of jeans.
rp's Avatar
  • rp
  • 04-21-2010, 06:56 PM
I hear you. As you indicate, that's why there are so many flavors of ice cream.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
But to each his own. Heck, there are guys who pay $300 for a pair of jeans. Originally Posted by blowpop

Now you are just talking out of school.

It is hard to find jeans that don't make me look fat - and those HDH jeans are well worth it to me.

Now if I could only find a shirt that would make me look good as well!

Abby started out on BP at $200 and must have found some one who told her she was worth more.....and another HDH was born.

I have been with several HDHs and although I enjoyed myself will all of them, I left thinking I could have had a V-8....not buyer's remorse.....but for the most part, they were no better than the good providers at 150 or 200.

And yes HollyofHouston or Alexxis out of San Antonio are 2 of the most beautiful ladies with service and an attitude as good as any women I have seen anywhere.

The price a lady charges and the quality of her services are not directly related and sometimes not even proportionate.
Cousin Dupree's Avatar
The whole champagne and strawberries sounds like a Pretty Woman thing, and frankly strikes me as silly. As has already been noted the point of the hobby is that we are paying to bypass the usual wooing and impressing rituals. So for someone to request that, on top of $400 per hour, on top of a room at the Four Seasons, seems preposterous.