30 years of the same Republicans

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

: Originally Posted by Tsmokies

i'm TWK and i fixed this post

Great comeback for all the gop fuck ups dah

See what I mean ?

Not a single response discussing anything about the state of the Republican party, except for WD40. Originally Posted by VitaMan
There isn't much of a difference.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Great comeback for all the gop fuck ups dah

Originally Posted by Tsmokies

if you say so
HedonistForever's Avatar
Many right wing posters here are in their 60s and 70s.

With age comes wisdom sonny.


Do we really become more conservative with age?

Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.

There is a reason that is so often quoted.

This maxim – variously attributed to Winston Churchill, Benjamin Disraeli and Victor Hugo, among others – neatly captures the common notion that to be on the left of the political spectrum is to be young and idealistic, while to be on the right is to be older and more pragmatic. But is there any evidence for this?

In Britain, age is a strong predictor of how someone will vote in an election. Older people are more supportive of the Conservatives, while younger people more supportive of Labour, the Liberal Democrats, and more recently, the Greens. This is not a recent phenomenon.


Consistent with previous research but contrary to folk wisdom, our results indicate that political attitudes are remarkably stable over the long term. In contrast to previous research, however, we also find support for folk wisdom: on those occasions when political attitudes do shift across the life span, liberals are more likely to become conservatives than conservatives are to become liberals, suggesting that folk wisdom has some empirical basis even as it overstates the degree of change.

Since 1989, all the Republican party can serve up for President is the Bushes.

Bush #1, Bush #2, and then tried Bush # 3 in 2016. If Trump had not come around,
Bush #3 had a reasonable chance to be elected.

If the Republican party could come up with some decent Presidential candidates, instead of the same old stuff, maybe they wouldn't need to be complaining about Biden. Trump is basically a one off. After Trump is finished with his act, the Republicans need to get their act together.

Currently the Republican party is a void in space. Originally Posted by VitaMan

The worst first year of a President in history ( some say ) now polling with Trump numbers and Biden's is bound to go even lower with what's coming, is currently being beaten ( some say ) by a Trump rematch or even a "generic" Republican.


Biden trails generic Republican in new poll, would face tight race against Trump

Just in case anybody cares, I don't want to see a return of Trump but I do want to see a return of his policies

A poll published on Wednesday found that almost half of those surveyed said they would vote for a generic Republican candidate over President Biden if the election was held now, but he would face a close race against former President Trump.

In a hypothetical match-up, the generic Republican candidate beat Biden by almost 10 percentage points in the new Politico-Morning Consult poll. When asked how they would vote, 46 percent of respondents said they would vote for the Republican candidate in the 2024 presidential election, while 37 percent said they would vote for Biden. The remaining 16 percent had no opinion or didn't know.
The new survey also found that a majority of respondents disapproved of Biden's job as president. Fifty-six percent said they disapproved, while 42 percent said they approved.

About the same number Trump had at the end of his first year.

And what is really funny, talking about how one family can hold so much power in a political party, Hillary is trying to make a come back with the slogan "Even I could do better than Biden and half the country ( or more ) hates me and say they can't trust me".

And within days of what looks like a Hillary comeback tour, the Durham report drops his first indictment linking Hillary to the Trump/ Russia conspiracy hoax that Hillary, evidence will show, orchestrated the biggest surveillance plot perhaps in the history of politics, not only spying on candidate Trump through the expertise of "Tech 1", who had access to servers in Trump tower, but continued the surveillance and now the planting of false evidence on the White House servers. That is what is being alleged in court documents and not a single word of this indictment in the MSM, no acknowledgement what so ever.

As is so often the case in modern day politics, the party out of power just has to sit back and watch the new party in power, destroy itself, witness the Biden administration that promised to be a centrist, somebody that can bring the country together, someone that would never be compared to a Bernie Sanders and yet Biden's entire agenda is right out of the Sanders play book. So all the Republicans have to do this time around, is wait while Biden's approval numbers continue to slide downward.

This is shaping up to be, anybody but a Democrat in the House and hopefully the Senate and an "anybody but Biden or Harris in 2024". No sense worrying about naming said Republican when the polls show and I believe, that any well qualified Republican, a "generic Republican if you will, can, will beat Joe Biden or Harris or Hillary, in 2024.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Many right wing posters here are in their 60s and 70s.

Since 1989, all the Republican party can serve up for President is the Bushes.

Bush #1, Bush #2, and then tried Bush # 3 in 2016. If Trump had not come around,
Bush #3 had a reasonable chance to be elected.

If the Republican party could come up with some decent Presidential candidates, instead of the same old stuff, maybe they wouldn't need to be complaining about Biden. Trump is basically a one off. After Trump is finished with his act, the Republicans need to get their act together.

Currently the Republican party is a void in space. Originally Posted by VitaMan
your math is wrong.

its not 30. its 166!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Many right wing posters here are in their 60s and 70s.

Since 1989, all the Republican party can serve up for President is the Bushes.

Bush #1, Bush #2, and then tried Bush # 3 in 2016. If Trump had not come around,
Bush #3 had a reasonable chance to be elected.

If the Republican party could come up with some decent Presidential candidates, instead of the same old stuff, maybe they wouldn't need to be complaining about Biden. Trump is basically a one off. After Trump is finished with his act, the Republicans need to get their act together.

Currently the Republican party is a void in space. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Joe Biden
Hillary Clinton

Ted Cruz
Donald Trump
Ron DeSantis
Kristi Noem
Marco Rubio
Nikki Haley
Tim Scott
Mike Pence
Mike Pompeo
Donald Trump Jr.
and the list goes on...

The void is between your ears.
LexusLover's Avatar
30 years of the same Republicans
And Trump, who's been a Democrat all his life, comes along and you are jealous of him because he's richer than you'll ever be, has a hotter mate than you'll ever have, and won POTUS the first time he ran for anything.

And you still are jealous of him, because you keep bloviating about him.

Think: "Independents"! Those are folks who vote for what's good for the country as opposed to a "label" .... meaning they vote for the people who they believe will benefit the future of the United States as it has been since 1900's on and not what it started turning into with the Obaminable/Bitten "Team" that started a "feel-good" existence and expressing shame for this country.

Since the Democrats led by Obaminable et al believe in being Nazis, Dictators, and Communists they, like you, resent INDEPENDENT and FREE thinkers who express their opinions and beliefs in opposition to their Nazis, Dictators, and Communism they want to impose on others, and will allow criminals to enter the country without permission, which makes them ALL CRIMINALS, in order to augment their "base" with those who are familiar with the government abusing them and telling them what to believe.

But don't fret it is sounding like some "new" Republicans may be entering governments all over the country and hopefully they will actually start reversing some of the lameass, bullshit that the NazisCommunistSocialistLiberal DumboCrats have been forcing upon the previously quiet mainstream U.S. CITIZENS, which will include deporting all the criminals the NazisCommunistSocialistLiberal DumboCrats have been allowing to infest our country and supporting them WITHOUT VACCINATIONS or BOOSTERS or CRIMINAL HISTORY CHECKS.
VitaMan's Avatar
Nazis again
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Yep, we don't need any more Nazi democrats in the White House, House, or Senate.