
Black Sedan's Avatar
Why should I use one?
I echo this, what are the reasons to use one? It looks painful to me.
causewaycommuter's Avatar
I typically don't have any problems getting/staying hard but have one made of silicone (I think) and enjoy using it. It's pretty stretchy so it's easy to get on & off. I find it helps me last much longer (went for almost an hour last night before the first pop) and when I do finally pop, my orgasms last longer and feel more intense.

Overall I think it's pretty damn cool and enjoy it. There is a 1/2 inch nub extending off the top of the ring so when positioned correctly, rubs on her clit and have been told that it feels good for her too.
Searoper's Avatar
I tried one of those big silver ones from Cyndies with the ATF, was ok, nothing special, but maybe we weren't using it correctly, guess will need to repeat until we get it right, but then most sessions with the ATF are pretty awesome anyways
some guys like em and some guys don't need em...
how do I know if what you are saying is true causeway, Let me SEE how its doing...wink wink
NachoN's Avatar
I love stretching one around my cock and balls. It makes me intensely hard. Mmmm I'm getting hard now just thinking about it.