sovanna's Avatar
Wow. That's crazy. I was threatened too by a wife and a fiance' this past month. They tell me to leave their husband alone and left me their number if I need to talk. Really? Lol. Guys don't forget to log off your email account. I just don't respond and delete the message.
MGS198's Avatar
Hilarious. I think "whore" stings worse than the other words, strumpet, really?

I like how she says it wasn't worth her time then came on here to make a thread lol.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
Slave Guinevere
I'm pleased that you are handling the situation in such an eloquent manner and with such a positive attitude. This stresses the need for discretion and safety to prevent such situations from developing. Sadly, I am preaching to the choir on this. Please stay safe Slave, until we meet again.

SofaKingFun's Avatar

Well that certainly sucks. Gotta' say though, seems to me that her anger is being misdirected. I admire the way you're handling it, Slave Guinevere.

This is also a hint-and-a-half for you mongers with SOs to tighten-up your game. Get sloppy and let the SO find out and it's likely going to get really interesting around the dinner table. ....just saying.

Now for fun,
Google the word, tilt.



wheels69's Avatar
Going after the wrong person in this situation. ...be careful with who you play with ladies
Don't you realize, girl: you MADE him unfaithful to his SO. This is ALL your fault!

This is also a hint-and-a-half for you mongers with SOs to tighten-up your game. Get sloppy and let the SO find out and it's likely going to get really interesting around the dinner table. ....just saying. Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
That's some funny sh**, Sofa; I can see it now:

(Passing the mashed potatoes): "So, honey...how was your day?"
(Passing the mashed potatoes): "So, honey...how was your day?" Originally Posted by GaryVee
I've seen that movie!
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
SG, As I have told you. I love the way you express yourself -- its like an orgasm with words.

Thank you for being an incredible example of the way things should be handled
Altbier's Avatar
Guinevere--Sorry you had to deal with crap like that. Hopefully, the SO got it out of her system and that will be the end of it for you. Not so for hubby, I bet.

Love the new avatar!!!
flinde's Avatar
I certainly agree with all the if she sucked, swallowed, licked butt like she liked it and invited some of her hot friends over to do the guy and to carpet munch, this never would have happened sentiments expressed here.

Guys needs and wants are pretty simple. When will women learn.

That said, a threat is a threat. Sure, most are bs. But they need to be taken seriously with caution etc. And no threat flame fanning.

Older I get, more weird stuff I see. You just never know.