Alena Review

Let's work on that. PMs to come!
Perhaps, Kendra can shed some light on the reviewer Burkalini. On another site he gave Kendra a bad review and in return she accused him of trying to get unprotected sex from providers by threatening bad reviews??

We don't bring other board drama to Eccie. Please refrain from doing that in the future. Thank You JB
Perhaps, Kendra can shed some light on the reviewer Burkalini. On another site he gave Kendra a bad review and in return she accused him of trying to get unprotected sex from providers by threatening bad reviews?? Originally Posted by letsplay
I would be surprised if Kendra said anything publicly about a hobbyist. That sort of information is pretty sensitive and while relevant to another provider who is considering seeing him, it is playing with fire for her to share any information openly.

Would you want to see a woman that you knew was NOT discrete about you?

I'm hoping to see Kendra in the next week and will post a review when I can.
Just like you hobbyists have your reviews, us providers have our areas on boards that help keep us safe.

Our job is to keep secrets, but when a hobbyist threatens our safety...etc, we need to look out for each other. Just not in public.
burkalini's Avatar
Yes I did post the reviews on the Encore girls in the wrong section. I will put them in the agency section from now on. As far as non agency reviews I only have about 60 of them in and about 40 of them on TER. I have had great luck with encore and so I shared the info. From the feedback I guess your only supposed to review independents. Not what I thought this was for

Ask the MOD to put those reviews of agency ladies in the proper section. That way, it saves headaches for the gentlemen who are seeking indies.

Its not that you're supposed to only review indies, all reviews need to be in the proper section and your reviews made those ladies look like they were indies.
Yes I did post the reviews on the Encore girls in the wrong section. I will put them in the agency section from now on. As far as non agency reviews I only have about 60 of them in and about 40 of them on TER. I have had great luck with encore and so I shared the info. From the feedback I guess your only supposed to review independents. Not what I thought this was for Originally Posted by burkalini
Reviews should go in the proper forum. It helps new guys figure out what is going on.

In Rochester, the Indys are well known to provide better service with fewer unfortunate surprises. It sounds like your experience with Encore is very different.

A tip is only a tip if it is out of gratitude and not to get items added to the menu.

Just a few thoughts from a tourist...
John Bull's Avatar
If you guys haven't noticed, the reviews have already been moved. LOL
burkalini's Avatar
Yes Ny Bob I did have a hot streak with Alena,Lauren and Chastity. They all gave me excellant sessions. I never had any problems with any of them although I see some have had a problem with Chastity. I see some more reviews on Lauren have been top shelf. Alena just started so she hasn't had any time to get other reviews. Just because they work for a agency doesn't make them bad providers. I think they might be better off going independent but thats their choice. I have seen Lauren many times so I would recommend her to anyone.
You're lucky to have a great agency in Omaha. Enjoy your good fortune.

The primary one in Rochester is pretty good but the Indys overall outperform consistently.
No one said they were bad providers, I used to work for agency and had no problems. But, the guys need to know they're agency gals because of the upsell factor. Its no secret that agency ladies upsell to cover the loss of money given to the agency.

Glad you've had good experiences with them though. Even if it is a different "Elena."
burkalini's Avatar
Your right Elena I made a mistake on putting them in independent. They have been moved. I do want to say I think you have alot of class. I have been reading your threads and you seem like a solid provider.
She *might* even be a nice person.

Thank you very much. A good provider should always help a hobbyist as much as they can, its not always about the money. I like to think of myself as great provider.

SR.....I *might* have to give you a spanking if we ever meet.
A good provider should always help a hobbyist...
SR.....I *might* have to give you a spanking if we ever meet. Originally Posted by MsElena
Promises, promises.

And a good hobbyist should always help a provider. Or another way to put it, a friend should help a friend.