"Putin aka commie bastard is an American hero" why do you think he is a hero? An American hero? Originally Posted by JD BarleycornWhy do you have such a man crush on Putin?
Please explain.
We are not rooting for Putin... We are laughing at Oboyboy.
And stuff like this makes us think??? WTF... http://freebeacon.com/obama-to-kill-...sile-programs/
. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
bullshit .... some of Idiot Incorporated is comparing Putin to Reagan.... fuck you.You could be right... maybe it was the drag shows & rainbow parades in Oboyboys milatary
if you're at a game sitting in the stands booing one team, the other team accepts that as a sign of support for them ... fuck you again.
in fact fuck every one of you un-American sob's ... Dems be damned, all Americans are laughing at you and praying you catch on fire just so they can refuse to piss on you .. Originally Posted by CJ7
You could be right... maybe it was the drag shows & rainbow parades in Oboyboys milatary
. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
maybe its the people that question the stupidity of the rightwingers, and the stupidity of the rightwingers who swear they're Dems ( even if you're not) ....
take COF for instance, anyone that questions his fanatic politics is automatically an Obamatron .... and he's so stupid you can't convince him otherwise .... but its ok to laugh at the POTUS and praise a communist Russian .... as usual you want it both ways .... sorry commies, you made the rules Originally Posted by CJ7
CBJackass... I have a question for you and your tranny twin WTFagboy:
Whose diplomatic skills vis-a-vis the Russians would you rate as superior (and why) - Ronald Reagan's or Barack Obama's?
(Side note - In case anyone is interested, I'm taking bets that neither of these sycophantic dick-licking Odumbo apologists will answer my question straightforwardly without deflection or evasion.) Originally Posted by lustylad
You sure you don't want some more inspections? Originally Posted by LexusLover