Bridge of Spies

Come on Phony Maam, when it come to war/hate/fear mongering Cons WROTE THE F'n book!!!.....

Meanwhile just the FACTS:

Ceremony's Avatar
It's a good flick showing some scary parallels in the right-wingnut hate mongering done back in the 50s, to that same right-wingnut hate mongering still done today!

Def worth seeing!..... Originally Posted by Celso
Lol! It does not.
Plastic Man's Avatar
Come on Phony Maam, when it come to war/hate/fear mongering Cons WROTE THE F'n book!!!..... Originally Posted by Celso
oh mary ...what explaines yer ...flop life

...did them ...cons ...cause ya ta ...fizzle
wantmore1111's Avatar
Come on Phony Maam, when it come to war/hate/fear mongering Cons WROTE THE F'n book!!!.....

Meanwhile just the FACTS:

Originally Posted by Celso
This goes in cycles and the baboon in office had nothing to do with it. What he did do good was make race relations worse than ever and make us look weaker in the eyes of the world.
You dem libs are something for sure.
This goes in cycles and the baboon in office had nothing to do with it. What he did do good was make race relations worse than ever and make us look weaker in the eyes of the world.
You dem libs are something for sure. Originally Posted by wantmore1111
Yup! Them dam cycles.
Funny how when a Repuke is pres how funny things always seem to cycle into the shitter!

Brainless Reagan took the USA from being a Creditor nation to being a Debtor nation with all his massive spending, lying and saying we would 'grow out of his Debt'.....never happened.

Then dad of Dubya lost to Clinton due to him farking up the economy again.
However to his credit dad of Dubya admitted the biggest problem of the GOP is, they have NO vison!....

Bubba knew how to tweak the US economy and got it rip-roaring for 8 yrs, (Great Times) which PO'ed Repukes soooo much they went on a witchhunt trying to impeach Bubba cause he got a hummer in the Oral Office!

Then dimwitted Dubya came along, started 2 BS Wars, under orders from his uncle and brain Dick Cheney! Then proceeded to blow the Clinton Surplus handed him, by giving unneeded Tax Breaks to the Rich & Corporate Welfare to the Corps! End result taking the US economy again like his daddy, into the shitter and on the verge of US Bankruptcy! USD LOST 50% of it's value under Dubya's 8 yrs! MOST folks LOST half or MORE of their 401s and IRAs....FFS!!! Whew! What a cycle dummy Dubya had!!!

Obama comes along to save the day, Rescued the US economy from Default! And at this point in time most folks recovered what investments they lost during the Dubya Debacle!!! Plus the USD gained 30% in value!!! TY Obama.

All Repukes got is more lame endless style Kenny Starr witchhunts like what was depicted in the Bridge of Spies movie. Funny how Repuke history repeats, eh....LOL.
Something even you might see, if yer heads weren't all firmly planted up the fat arse of demagogue hate/fear mongers like Rush Limpbaugh, as he daily feeds you and his 20 million mind-numbed dildoeheads.

Race relations are being made worse by Repukes trying to valiantly champion and bring back their cherished Jim Crow days of yore.
If ya don't see this, yer NOT paying attention!

You repukes are really a trip....a bad one!!!.....
Proof positive of what a famous Repuke once uttered.... "How a mind is a terrible thing to lose."

Sounds like you got fooled again, wm1111....

Plastic Man's Avatar
oh mary must be ...hard ...ta be so full of ...hate

...we all know yer ...flop life has made ya angry an ...intolerant ...but try ta ...remember that at least here ya be ...loved
I'd be hard pressed to recall a movie that sucked with Tom Hanks starring in it. It's definitely on my ,"gotta see" list. Originally Posted by buffalomw10
You will enjoy it.....
John Boneher's Avatar
Celso, all that stock market data are great. Tell me, to what degree that market appreciation has to do with the QE1, QE2,etc.,the free money that was printed throughout his term. The answer will appear when it rolls back.

The market growth is (partly) a sham,and an inadequate metric as it can be manipulated, as we've seen.

when Obama took office labor participation rate was about 2/3. Now, it is 86000 LOWER than when Obama took office. Admittedly part of that can be ascribed to enhanced manufacturer productivity (helps the stock market), but that doesn't help those without jobs.

Food stamp participation rate has increased steadily in concert with this growth in long-term unemployment. Something to be proud of. It's 33% higher now than when he took office.

Home ownership has also slid to its lowest rate in 20 years, DESPITE LOWEST INTEREST RATES IN DECADES!

These are the metrics that will be used to evaluate Obama in the cumming years. Not the labile, fluid stock market. It's numbers like job, food and house that keep this country humming along, and describe the pain our citizens are really feeling.

Use your brain dude.... See ya spouting shit a lot lately. Check ya self.

Plastic Man's Avatar
oh boney

...ya know ol mary be ...speakin truth ...cause he postin it in tired ol ...memes ...his marxist handlers approved fact ol mary will probably answer ya with a ...that done have nothin ta do with what ya said
...when Obama took office labor participation rate was about 2/3. Now, it is 86000 LOWER than when Obama took office. Admittedly part of that can be ascribed to enhanced manufacturer productivity (helps the stock market), but that doesn't help those without jobs.

Food stamp participation rate has increased steadily in concert with this growth in long-term unemployment. Something to be proud of. It's 33% higher now than when he took office.

Home ownership has also slid to its lowest rate in 20 years, DESPITE LOWEST INTEREST RATES IN DECADES!

These are the metrics that will be used to evaluate Obama in the cumming years. Not the labile, fluid stock market. It's numbers like job, food and house that keep this country humming along, and describe the pain our citizens are really feeling. Originally Posted by John Boneher
All true JB and what is the cause of all this? It's Republican Corporate Globalism that started with brainless Reagan as he whored for Big Business and Corporations! Globalism gained ground over the years as US Corps throughly bought off BOTH parties, hell they always owed the Reps. Globalism allowed sending millions of good paying US jobs to any slave labor county that would take them. Globalism is the reason for all the above and why the US is going Bankrupt. Before Globalism several millions of Americans were gainfully employed living the American Dream and paying their taxes! Tens of Thousands of US Companies and Corps did the same employing millions of workers and paying their fair share of taxes! Now those jobs were offshored and companies/corps moved out and no longer contribute to the US and what were once their workers now collect IE and Food stamps.

Isn't Republican Corporate Globalism great???
We are now reaping the bitter harvest of Republican Corporate Globalism, where the Rich get it all and the crumbs that were supposed to Trickle Down to the peasants, never did!......

Plastic Man's Avatar
see boney didnt take long fer ol mary ta answer ya with a lets all get ...ready fer hillary ...cause she gonna be ...honest fightin fer all the little ol ...fizzle flops
cowboy8055's Avatar
Globalism allowed sending millions of good paying US jobs to any slave labor county that would take them. Globalism is the reason for all the above and why the US is going Bankrupt. Originally Posted by Celso
And Obama continued this trend with passage of the TPP. It will likely be as destructive to the American worker as NAFTA was. The divide between rich and poor seems to have gotten worse in the past 6 years. It's by design. Big money runs this country. Has for a long time. You're right, both parties are bought off. The reps and dems are little more than useful idiots in the big scheme of things.
wantmore1111's Avatar
Yup! Them dam cycles.
Funny how when a Repuke is pres how funny things always seem to cycle into the shitter!

Brainless Reagan took the USA from being a Creditor nation to being a Debtor nation with all his massive spending, lying and saying we would 'grow out of his Debt'.....never happened.

Then dad of Dubya lost to Clinton due to him farking up the economy again.
However to his credit dad of Dubya admitted the biggest problem of the GOP is, they have NO vison!....

Bubba knew how to tweak the US economy and got it rip-roaring for 8 yrs, (Great Times) which PO'ed Repukes soooo much they went on a witchhunt trying to impeach Bubba cause he got a hummer in the Oral Office!

Then dimwitted Dubya came along, started 2 BS Wars, under orders from his uncle and brain Dick Cheney! Then proceeded to blow the Clinton Surplus handed him, by giving unneeded Tax Breaks to the Rich & Corporate Welfare to the Corps! End result taking the US economy again like his daddy, into the shitter and on the verge of US Bankruptcy! USD LOST 50% of it's value under Dubya's 8 yrs! MOST folks LOST half or MORE of their 401s and IRAs....FFS!!! Whew! What a cycle dummy Dubya had!!!

Obama comes along to save the day, Rescued the US economy from Default! And at this point in time most folks recovered what investments they lost during the Dubya Debacle!!! Plus the USD gained 30% in value!!! TY Obama.

All Repukes got is more lame endless style Kenny Starr witchhunts like what was depicted in the Bridge of Spies movie. Funny how Repuke history repeats, eh....LOL.
Something even you might see, if yer heads weren't all firmly planted up the fat arse of demagogue hate/fear mongers like Rush Limpbaugh, as he daily feeds you and his 20 million mind-numbed dildoeheads.

Race relations are being made worse by Repukes trying to valiantly champion and bring back their cherished Jim Crow days of yore.
If ya don't see this, yer NOT paying attention!

You repukes are really a trip....a bad one!!!.....
Proof positive of what a famous Repuke once uttered.... "How a mind is a terrible thing to lose."

Sounds like you got fooled again, wm1111....

Originally Posted by Celso
No sir.. Not fooled at all. I have done better every year no matter who been in office. But I have a real problem giving to the ones who do nothing but stand with thier hand out. And that is where you are fooled cause that is what demo libs do. Take from us to give to others.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
No sir.. Not fooled at all. I have done better every year no matter who been in office. But I have a real problem giving to the ones who do nothing but stand with thier hand out. And that is where you are fooled cause that is what demo libs do. Take from us to give to others. Originally Posted by wantmore1111
they see it as, giving is best when its on another person's dime
Plastic Man's Avatar
yep ...ya can always pay ...more ...income tax if ya wants ta ...but all them ...compassionate libs love them ...sweeeeeeeeeeeeet deductions