Review credit.. suggestion

Chica Chaser's Avatar
EA is on the right track.

CG, the two links listed above are the guidelines we mods are supposed to follow in approving/rejecting reviews.
Just a small correction.

The links that were provided earlier in this thread were never intended to be established guidelines on ECCIE. They are simply some review writing tutorials written by some very established review-writers back in the days of ASPD. The intention of posting them here was simply to save them in our ASPD tribute time capsule before that site went belly up. They both include good content and it's great material for folks new to writing reviews.

The following link explains what constitutes rejection for premium access:

Obviously being a national board with 50+ mods approving and rejecting reviews there can be slight variations in the interpretation of what's acceptable for PA and what's not....but we're always discussing it and there's always an effort by staff to stay on the same page.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Great point St Chris, and we ARE always discussing these! LOL!

Here they are, and basically all of the above points are addressed. Virtually every review I have ever rejected was for one of these.
1) Duplicate, Misfire, or Incomplete
2) Missing Contact Info
3) Inadequate Physical Description
4) Insufficient details in The Rest of the Story portion of the review
5) Strip Club review with no mention of extras
6) Review posted in "Other Reviews" forum
7) Repeat review of the Same Provider *
8) NCNS review (we appreciate the intel, but since no activities took place, no credit can be issued)
9) Review is based on an experience that took place over 30 days ago

*Repetitive reviews of the same provider by the same author are discouraged and may be subject to rejection unless there are new significant details to add (new menu items, major improvement or decline in service level from last visit, etc)

Reviews which do not meet the criteria for PA credit will not be removed or labeled by staff in any way, however we do ask that you take note of the criteria so that you may begin to earn credit with future reviews.
One thing I've seen that is helpful is that oftentimes a mod will post a reply to a review and say something like "sounds like you had fun" thus you know it was accepted. Other times I see a reply that says "if you would like PA credit click here" - pretty obvious it didn't receive credit.

I think it's a waste to write a review that has zero contact info - even if the girl was good, how you going to locate her (unless she's well known - but most cases they're no). I almost wish there was a junk review thread that those time wasters could be moved to.