Tucker: why can't we have this in America?

Then you better tell it to the people at CNN and MSNBC because Tucker Carlson is ALL they can talk about after that interview, wall to wall coverage!

Bil Maher practically dedicated his entire show to discussing Tucker.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Read the whole sentence and I think you’ll have a better understanding. You should stopping letting him tell you what to think.
winn dixie's Avatar
Read the whole sentence and I think you’ll have a better understanding. You should stopping letting him tell you what to think. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I wish folks would open their minds and stop being mislead by the dim controlled media. You dont understand cause you dont want to!
  • oeb11
  • 08-08-2021, 11:12 AM
1b1 - You criticize with name-calling - that which you know nothing of - You made it clear you only watch Xinn and radical Communist channels - never Fox News .
it is Hypocritical to spew hatred and venom on that and those of which You are ignorant ( lacking in knowledge).

Please give up the hatred and name-calling.

Thank you.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Read the whole sentence and I think you’ll have a better understanding. You should stopping letting him tell you what to think. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

You are such a condescending shit. He doesn't tell me what to think. I enjoy listening to him because he confirms what I already think, the very reason you listen to the people you listen to. If you didn't believe what they are telling you, you wouldn't be listening to their woke bullshit.

On the other hand, I can give you chapter and verse what the left believes as if I believed it myself because I do listen to both sides of every argument. As anybody can see who reads what I write, I do my research, I quote the NYT's and WAPO often as well as Politico and many other left leaning media WHEN, they make sense and once in a great while, the NYT's does like when they gave Biden 4 Pinocchio's for lying about the Georgia voting laws and exaggerating his ridiculous Jim Crow remarks.

The very notion that you as a Black man can't come to terms and admit that it is young Black males destroying your culture not White Supremacists, that defines you. If meritocracy was a wholly White Supremacists construct, how did you succeed as you tell us you have. Meritocracy benefit the meritorious no matter the color. You are supposedly living proof of this, are you not? If you can't admit that to yourself, you aren't as smart as you think you are.

I have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about. My view that Tucker is garbage is because I have listened to the bullshit he spews and it’s garbage. And yes you listen to him to further your confirmation bias, which tells me all I need to know about your thinking. Unlike you, I don’t spend hours each day listening to opinion talk shows to know what to think. And the fact that you think Tucker is a journalist tells us all we need to know about how you get a fact or two on which to form your opinion.

Once again, I’ve no clue what the rest of the shit you exploded about on my being black or my opinions on culture or anything else for that matter has to do with either shit or shinola which I fear you’re losing your ability to discern between.

You should stop allowing opinion tv talking head to tell you how to think.
winn dixie's Avatar
Tucker is the only one asking the right questions and demanding answers! Tucker is the only one talking about the tough issues without giving his guests a tee to hit off of.
Clear and simple the left and deep state dont like him because he exposes them. Night after night!
Tucker Carlson is garbage. No one with sense gives a shit what he says. Those without a kick of sense hang on his every word to know how to think. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
No counter evidence, just name calling.

If This is your attempt at Senseless babble you succeeded. Still doesn’t mean Tucker is less garbage than I originally stated. But clearly you listen to him. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
More name calling. No counter evidence.

I have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about. My view that Tucker is garbage is because I have listened to the bullshit he spews and it’s garbage. And yes you listen to him to further your confirmation bias, which tells me all I need to know about your thinking. Unlike you, I don’t spend hours each day listening to opinion talk shows to know what to think. And the fact that you think Tucker is a journalist tells us all we need to know about how you get a fact or two on which to form your opinion.

Once again, I’ve no clue what the rest of the shit you exploded about on my being black or my opinions on culture or anything else for that matter has to do with either shit or shinola which I fear you’re losing your ability to discern between.

You should stop allowing opinion tv talking head to tell you how to think. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Purposeful misrepresentation and .... you guessed it.
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2021, 07:14 AM
I have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about. My view that Tucker is garbage is because I have listened to the bullshit he spews and it’s garbage. And yes you listen to him to further your confirmation bias, which tells me all I need to know about your thinking. Unlike you, I don’t spend hours each day listening to opinion talk shows to know what to think. And the fact that you think Tucker is a journalist tells us all we need to know about how you get a fact or two on which to form your opinion.

Once again, I’ve no clue what the rest of the shit you exploded about on my being black or my opinions on culture or anything else for that matter has to do with either shit or shinola which I fear you’re losing your ability to discern between.

You should stop allowing opinion tv talking head to tell you how to think. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Try reading HF's post #`19 above this post again -1b1.

Try giving up the patronizing , supercilious, insulting. name-calling and scatology.

you denigrate your own self with your 2nd grade responses.

Remember - Tucker and conservatives criticize the ideas of your marxist narrative - We do NOT call for cancel culture, concentration/re-education camps for 75 million people (AOC), or seek to shut down in Censorship all conservative media - leaving only the shrieking , howling DPST liars of teh LSM to indoctrinate America. That is your DPST party - because you know your marxist folly does not stand up to the Light of open, transparent debate on FACTS and Truth.

So sad to be bound to the lies and indoctrination of eh Marxist DPST party and its' LSM.
Not to mention teachers Unions educations and racist CRT - is that Why You 'don't have a clue WTF' One is talking about?

1b1- 'You should stop allowing opinion tv talking head to tell you how to think.'[/QUOTE]
Response - Chris Cuomo and Xinn - I agree - for your own sake -1b1.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Asking close to correct questions to Puddens & chief is Peter Docey
Puddens cant answer