User uparoundnoon plagiarized my review

Still Looking's Avatar
This is hilarious.

What is it that you are trying to achieve? What is the value of your discussion? Funny shit. Get a life.

OK. It was late at night 3 am. The girl has over 100 reviews in 6 months. Perhaps some are similar. LOL. I'm feeling lazy and tired. So i cut and paste over half this dude's review which was about the same as mine. NEVER DID IT B4. Just xchange about a third of it to be specific to my show. Slow typist. But the girl only had 1 more day and she doesn't have any SA reviews. I didn't want to b like a lot of guys and put up a review of her 4 days after she's gone. WHAT GOOD does that do? But the session did happen like I said. She is shy etc....etc...

I dare anyone to find any extensive copying in ANY of my 125 previous reviews. So does this undermine my credibility? I could care less. I could give 2 shits if you think everything I say is bogus or copied. Silly ho board and you are going to bring up plagerism? Maybe we have a little too much time on our hands?

Here's the best part. I don't mind the dumb comments like Milo saying if a certain review was a "uparoundnoon review". Like I said I am deeply wounded. BUT one mod gave me credit for the review. Then today another mod TOOK IT AWAY! Ha! F'n hilarious. LIke I really need my 126th review. I felt like Milli and Vanilli when they took away their Grammy!

Mea Culpa Mea F'n Culpa. I have been contacted by the committee and apologized and agreed to send back the Pulitzer Prize. I know some of you have known me on the IN for 14 years and the shame and public disgrace this has brought me is unbearable. I have to go hang myself. Originally Posted by uparoundnoon
You can use mine I just keep copying & pasting the same review!

I went, I came, I left.