Computer Work?

Tex9401's Avatar
Geek Squad does not get do any store upgrades. I have installed wireless Cisco cards in registers at three stores in West Texas. When the wall of eye of TVs went from cable to digital signal from server, I was part of that team. I am field services. I get better pay being a independent.

Geek Squad is pretty hit or miss, unless you find a good store to take it to, but they are also very pricey. Originally Posted by hobbygiik
smartguy420's Avatar
I remember going to frys electronics to put my v10 cooler in on my Asus rampage extreme mobo...

Long story short, they were saying it would not fit because of my memory, the thing is a beast and it would fit, they just didnt want to do it..

I was willing to pay for it, because I did not have the time or patients to deal with it.

I ended up getting a different fan...
Jasser's Avatar
Fry's sucks and Geek Squad sucks. I can't tell you how many systems I get from users who just came from Geek Squad.

Smartguy, I have run into that issue before with some Asus fans and Zalman fans, but I've made it work. Those fans are f'n HUGE...They remind me of those machines on War of the Worlds.