Sleepy Donald Trump fires State Department Inspector General Steve Linick

Chung Tran's Avatar
CT- Thank You - There is a great deal I do not know.

Perhaps - it is said- a Man's greatest strength is to know what He does Not Know! Originally Posted by oeb11
that is similar to something I like to say, that I did not originate. the smartest people are those who know just enough to know how much there is about a subject there is to know that they don't yet know! (and will admit that.. you have to admit your ignorance, or you are NOT smart)
  • oeb11
  • 05-16-2020, 06:55 PM
Presidentially appointed IGs can only be removed, or terminated, from their positions by the President of the United States, whereas designated inspectors general can be terminated by the agency head. However, in both cases Congress must be notified of the termination, removal, or reassignment.

IG'sa serve at the pleasure of the POTUS.

Trump fired an IG - as is his perogative.

So What - So the LSM and dizzy DPST's run around squawking as if Trump fired the entire SC.

Chung Tran's Avatar
Presidentially appointed IGs can only be removed, or terminated, from their positions by the President of the United States, whereas designated inspectors general can be terminated by the agency head. However, in both cases Congress must be notified of the termination, removal, or reassignment.

IG'sa serve at the pleasure of the POTUS.

Trump fired an IG - as is his perogative.

So What - So the LSM and dizzy DPST's run around squawking as if Trump fired the entire SC.

LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
true, but that dodges the point.. nobody has fired career staffers at a rate Trump has, and for the reasons he has.. that people are out to get him.
  • oeb11
  • 05-16-2020, 07:04 PM
My , My - Are U self-identifying Oneself with a post above.?
Care to prove that Trump fires staffers at a rate "nobody fires staffers at a rate Trump has" - which is totally nonsense - since each POTUS fies at different rates.

One is just upset that One does not have power of approval over Trump's firings.

One posts nonsense - just emotional rantings .

"Persons out to get him" - U describe the entire DPST Party - and thyself. I think
lustylad's Avatar
why post a link? the Trump pic is much better. you Guys always change the subject, so you don't have to address the fact that Inspectors General are disappearing faster than Black Boys in Atlanta did, circa 1980-81... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
So trumpy killed all those black boys in Atlanta? Wow, who knew? He sure looked a lot different 40 years ago!

  • oeb11
  • 05-16-2020, 07:17 PM
Democrats Quickly Launch Investigation Into Trump’s Ousting of State Department Inspector General
U.S. State Department Inspector General Steve Linick
Congressional Democrats swiftly launched an investigation into the forthcoming dismissal of U.S. Department of State Inspector General Steve Linick. President Donald Trump controversially announced the career official’s planned departure in a letter sent Friday night.

“President Trump’s unprecedented removal of Inspector General Linick is only his latest sacking of an inspector general, our government’s key independent watchdogs, from a federal agency,” noted a Saturday letter sent by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.). “We unalterably oppose the politically-motivated firing of inspectors general and the President’s gutting of these critical positions.”
While stopping far short of creating a formal select committee to investigate the latest ouster at OIG, the Engel-Menendez letter casts itself as performing “a constitutionally-mandated obligation to conduct oversight” and to “protect the integrity” of national institutions such as the country’s inspectors general system.
The missive also criticizes the timing of Trump’s “late-night firing” and contextualizes the personnel change as “only [Trump’s] latest sacking” in line with a recent firing spree aimed at the largely politically-neutral watchdog and good government framework.
Trump has repeatedly removed inspectors general who have dared to cross–or who have given the appearance of crossing–his path in recent months. Linick’s removal marks the fourth inspector general to be forced into early retirement from public service since April.
Democrats also savaged the 45th president’s motivation behind the Linick firing–echoing and amplifying their party’s immediate criticism of the move as something not entirely unlike pure corruption.
On Friday, Engel himself alleged that Linick had recently begun investigating Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, one of Trump’s most steadfast and trusted supports and a former Republican member of Congress with a conservative voting record.
“I have learned that the Office of the Inspector General had opened an investigation into Secretary Pompeo. Mr. Linick’s firing amid such a probe strongly suggests that this is an unlawful act of retaliation.”
Former White House ethics attorney and evergreen Trump critic Walter Shaub on Twitter wrote that the Linick firing was “part of a purge to remove legitimate watchdogs and replace them with loyalists.”
RELATED: ‘Trump Is Destroying Our Democracy’: Lawyers Outraged After Inspector General Axed Under Dark of Night
“If Inspector General Linick was fired because he was conducting an investigation of conduct by Secretary Pompeo, the Senate cannot let this stand,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said on Twitter late Friday night after the firing was first reported. “The Senate Foreign Relations Committee must get to bottom of what happened here.”
The letter restates and elaborates on that line of critique.
“Reports indicate that Secretary Pompeo personally made the recommendation to fire Mr. Linick, and it is our understanding that he did so because the Inspector General had opened an investigation into wrongdoing by Secretary Pompeo himself,” the Saturday letter accuses. “Such an action, transparently designed to protect Secretary Pompeo from personal accountability, would undermine the foundation of our democratic institutions and may be an illegal act of retaliation.”
Engel and Menendez have requested the retention of any and all records–a term that is broadly defined–related to the Linick firing and have given the administration an initial deadline of May 22 to comply with the document request.
Democrats also say they plan to “request additional documents and interviews of OIG officials” as part of their nascent investigation.

DPST's care not for anything other than against and get Trump.

IG's serve at the pleasure of the POTUS
hee come more nadler and Wchiff Lies - and another nazi Pelosi impeachment attempt.

These DPST idiots just have no clue what idiots they are making of themselves - very much like Pelosi's "Little March" to sign the Impeachment articles with her engraved pens - followed by Schiff and nadler, hirono, and the rest of her flock of sheep/lemmings/rats following the Piper. .
Chung Tran's Avatar
So trumpy killed all those black boys in Atlanta? Wow, who knew? He sure looked a lot different 40 years ago!

] Originally Posted by lustylad
your deliberate stupidity is not entertaining
matchingmole's Avatar
mustyhole is to stupid to know how to post a link Originally Posted by Hotrod511
true, but that dodges the point.. nobody has fired career staffers at a rate Trump has, and for the reasons he has.. that people are out to get him. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
And no one promised to drain the "swamp" like Trump did.

That's the correlation you seem to be missing in trying to say Trump is doing something at a different rate.

You've yet to show why Trump doing it is bad other that trying to allude to vendetta's.
lustylad's Avatar
your deliberate stupidity is not entertaining Originally Posted by Chung Tran
More entertaining than your deliberate stupidity in injecting race and mass killing into a thread about neither.
Chung Tran's Avatar
mustyhole is to stupid to know how to post a link Originally Posted by Hotrod511 Originally Posted by matchingmole

And no one promised to drain the "swamp" like Trump did.

That's the correlation you seem to be missing in trying to say Trump is doing something at a different rate.

You've yet to show why Trump doing it is bad other that trying to allude to vendetta's. Originally Posted by eccielover
I can't show you anything, die-hard Trump supporter. not even going to try, you and Trump himself believe he could, and should be legally allowed to shoot people on 5th avenue, and skate.

I don't think Trump is draining any swamp. I think he has a new and different swamp filled with Alligators of his choosing.
Chung Tran's Avatar
More entertaining than your deliberate stupidity in injecting race and mass killing into a thread about neither. Originally Posted by lustylad
cut out the bullshit.. my violin is playing. you were caught off guard by the odd analogy, and tried to steer the thread towards race.. you failed.
lustylad's Avatar
cut out the bullshit.. my violin is playing. you were caught off guard by the odd analogy, and tried to steer the thread towards race.. you failed. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Caught off guard? Get real, lame analogies are what I EXPECT from you. And speaking of FAILED, you obviously can't offer any substantive comments about the context or details of this firing, i.e. the thread topic. That's why you default to lame analogies.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Caught off guard? Get real, lame analogies are what I EXPECT from you. And speaking of FAILED, you obviously can't offer any substantive comments about the context or details of this firing, i.e. the thread topic. That's why you default to lame analogies. Originally Posted by lustylad
if you expect it, why did you act high and mighty, pretending like I thought Trump was Wayne Williams? you just wanted to poke and attack.. you looked stupid. and I did offer details, I linked the news article that said Trump fired this IG.. you keep failing, Guy, you won't own up to it, you won't stop posting, LOL
pleasurem's Avatar
Wow, Dems thinking what... well, we know Sleepy Joe isn’t thinking much. Get over it, Trump is changing the whole thing. If you think the government is doing anything for you or any group, you are wrong, don’t count on any real help. Get up, go to work!!!