Falling for your provider

Still Looking's Avatar
Very bad idea, seldom works but for those it does...congratulations for pulling off what 99% can't. Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Wisdom beyond her years!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ahhh I learned my lesson with this one just recently. It's best to date a civie. This business and real emotions should never meet when it comes to relationships. It's best to keep things as it should be - a business transaction. I've also learned not to get too close to people. Some guys become VERY creepy after they've seen you more than dozen times.
Ahhh I learned my lesson with this one just recently. It's best to date a civie. This business and real emotions should never meet when it comes to relationships. It's best to keep things as it should be - a business transaction. I've also learned not to get too close to people. Some guys become VERY creepy after they've seen you more than dozen times. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
So that's it - Just business - Got it!! So you're sayin' I still have a couple more visits before it gets creepy.....Right?!?
Naomi4u's Avatar
So that's it - Just business - Got it!! So you're sayin' I still have a couple more visits before it get's creepy.....Right?!? Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Shutup. You are an exception.
Shutup. You are an exception. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I just wanted to see it in writing!!
There can be only one ultimate conclusion to the premise..............heartbrea k, for one or the other.................or both.
There can be only one ultimate conclusion to the premise..............heartbreak, for one or the other.................or both. Originally Posted by tennisbum
Isn't that always the way!!
Love is a myth of marketing!

In this business you are like the song; "Looking for love in all the wrong places."

It only hurts for a little while

The romantic side of my says yes I would. However, I haven't had much like with this.
Good one's Avatar
The only thing I love more than hooker's are whore's at least they don't cost as much.
It's possible, but winning the lottery is also possible.

This topic is beginning to feel super thready to me...
If a provider actually cared enough for me i would,especally if she quit charging me..LOl
No! I really questions some guys intentions when they go to meet providers. I can understand a few compliments here and there but some of the flattery is just beyond more than what I can handle. I'm not being selfish or anything but it's taken to the extreme a lot. And like Naomi said, yes some can be creepy.
Doc Holliday's Avatar
Words. I don't like the term 'hobbyist' sounds like we're model train collectors. I don't like 'extras' in the other 'hobby' too. What, is that stripper going to put more toppings on your pizza?

'Provider' is nice. Sounds both professional and to the point. I prefer to be called a 'customer' or 'client.' If that's too sterile, you can just call me Daddy Warbucks.
Doc Holliday's Avatar
Oh, and on topic, in theory isn't the point of this to avoid love or feelings?