DOJ/Jack Smith just admitted to Evidence tampering

txdot-guy's Avatar
I will write slowly so maybe you can understand.

One of the defendents' lawyers was trying to determine the source of a document. During that research he uncovered the fact that it didn't originate from the storage box or box(s) as asserted by the DOJ. The prosecution had to ADMIT that they lied to the court about the contents of the boxes being EXACTLY as found. The DOJ characterizes this as an oversight... whoops we fcuked up but it wasn't on purpose. Guess what happens when you make an oversight in a statement to the FBI?

But there is a STRAIGHT UP ADMISSION that the prosecution lied by claiming that the contents were not re-arranged, altered or changed in any way other than the coversheet substitutions for the classified documents.

So in summary, there is NO SPECULATION. The government ADMITS that the evidence has been altered.

How was it altered? We will NEVER know the truth... thats why chain of custody issues destroys court cases.

The admission means documents COULD have been altered, added, or removed after the FBI seized them during their little Raid on Mar-a-lago. I'm not saying that happened, but the FBI can't prove that it didn't.

Considering that the FBI lied about Hunters Laptop, lied to a FISA court judge to obtain warrantless wiretapping of Trump, and then 50 intel agents lied about the veracity of the Hunter laptop, and the FBI violated FISA search laws 278,0000 times, I'm not going to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Thats the problem with lying... nobody believes ANYTHING you say. Originally Posted by texassapper
Just like the fact that you are misrepresenting the facts here. The report doesn’t indicate that anything is missing just that the order in each box may not be correct.

It says: That said, there are some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans

.3 There are several possible explanations, including the above-described instances in which the boxes were accessed, as well as the size and shape of certain items in the boxes possibly leading to movement of items. For example, the boxes contain items smaller than standard paper such as index cards, books, and stationary, which shift easily when the boxes are carried, especially because many of the boxes are not full. Regardless of the explanation, as discussed below, where precisely within a box a classified document was stored at Mar-a-Lago does not bear in any way on Nauta’s ability to file a CIPA Section 5 notice.

Nothing is missing or moved from one place to another but rather the contents of a box might have been jostled during transport.

Way to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
texassapper's Avatar
Just like the fact that you are misrepresenting the facts here. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
No I am not. The Special Prosecutor claimed to the court that other than the classified coversheet replacement, the contents are exactly as found.

The Special Prosecutor has admitted that is not true.

The report doesn’t indicate that anything is missing just that the order in each box may not be correct. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I never claimed that it did.

It says: That said, there are some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Is that what the Special Prosecutor told the Court?

.3 There are several possible explanations, including the above-described instances in which the boxes were accessed, as well as the size and shape of certain items in the boxes possibly leading to movement of items. For example, the boxes contain items smaller than standard paper such as index cards, books, and stationary, which shift easily when the boxes are carried, especially because many of the boxes are not full. Regardless of the explanation, as discussed below, where precisely within a box a classified document was stored at Mar-a-Lago does not bear in any way on Nauta’s ability to file a CIPA Section 5 notice. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I never claimed that it did. It simply shoes that the Special Prosecutor has made claims to the Court that are untrue.

What do we call it when a Prosecutor misrepresents evidence to the Court?

Nothing is missing or moved from one place to another but rather the contents of a box might have been jostled during transport. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
uh huh... Sure the magic moving van gremlins made it happen.

Way to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
It is the court that took notice of the misrepresentation, perhaps you should bring it up with them?
txdot-guy's Avatar
Way to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
It is the court that took notice of the misrepresentation, perhaps you should bring it up with them? Originally Posted by texassapper
I think it’s obvious you have a bias here that I’m not going to be able to overcome. You’re taking an obscure fact and taking it way out of context to justify your position. Until the courts rule against the DOJ for evidence tampering (which is as likely as Trump conceding the 2020 election was fair) then I am going to stop arguing with you on this issue. Good luck with your crusade.
texassapper's Avatar
I think it’s obvious you have a bias here that I’m not going to be able to overcome. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Yes I don't believe in Soviet style show trials.

You’re taking an obscure fact and taking it way out of context to justify your position. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
LOL... yeah here's another obscure fact..

Last month, Judge Cannon unsealed a trove of new documents in the case that also revealed that an FBI agent had testified that the General Services Administration (GSA) was in possession of Trump's boxes in Virginia before ordering Trump's team to come get them. The same boxes that the GSA had been holding and ordered Trump’s team to retrieve ended up being the boxes that contained classified markings, raising questions about whether the Biden administration had set up Trump.
I don't know... would that be considered CONVENIENT?

Until the courts rule against the DOJ for evidence tampering (which is as likely as Trump conceding the 2020 election was fair) then I am going to stop arguing with you on this issue. Good luck with your crusade. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
So you're asking me to believe that the GSA boxes that the FBI had access to were sent to Mar-a-lago, and then an FBI search warrant was executed and low and behold, they found the classified docs in THOSE SAME FCUKING BOXES?????

At least that's how the FBI knew that a search there would result in something being found... they ordered the GSA to make Trump pick it up and take it there!!!

Speaking of bias' that cannot be overcome? LOL. that is RICH AS FUCK!!!!
txdot-guy's Avatar
Yes I don't believe in Soviet style show trials.

LOL... yeah here's another obscure fact..

I don't know... would that be considered CONVENIENT?

So you're asking me to believe that the GSA boxes that the FBI had access to were sent to Mar-a-lago, and then an FBI search warrant was executed and low and behold, they found the classified docs in THOSE SAME FCUKING BOXES?????

At least that's how the FBI knew that a search there would result in something being found... they ordered the GSA to make Trump pick it up and take it there!!!

Speaking of bias' that cannot be overcome? LOL. that is RICH AS FUCK!!!! Originally Posted by texassapper
So you are claiming that the FBI supposedly manipulated the boxes or they planted the boxes or what exactly? You are taking a statement that cover sheets are not in the exact order as listed, not that they are in the wrong box. You are then assuming some kind of cover up or conspiracy is in place to frame Trump. All without any kind of evidence to support your claim. That’s proof of your bias not proof of anything else.
They paid to manufacture evidence in the Russia fiasco, is it really such a stretch to think it’d happen again?
txdot-guy's Avatar
They paid to manufacture evidence in the Russia fiasco, is it really such a stretch to think it’d happen again? Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace
Who paid, the DOJ? What evidence? If you are going to make a claim like this please provide details.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Who paid, the DOJ? What evidence? If you are going to make a claim like this please provide details. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Clinton paid. her campaign funneled money to Perkins Coie who bought a fiction by a foreign national Chris Steele a former MI6 head of "Russia Desk" who also happened to despise Trump and the dossier was illegally used by the FBI to spy on Trump in 2016.

you didn't know this?


Two of 4 warrants letting FBI spy on ex-Trump aide Carter Page were not valid, says DOJ

you are fully capable of researching this issue

Jack Smith is only the latest in the "Get Trump" DOJ and their political prosecution of Trump
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh jeez…

They got him.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Oh jeez…

They got him. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

if you say so
texassapper's Avatar
So you are claiming that the FBI supposedly manipulated the boxes or they planted the boxes or what exactly? You are taking a statement that cover sheets are not in the exact order as listed, not that they are in the wrong box. You are then assuming some kind of cover up or conspiracy is in place to frame Trump. All without any kind of evidence to support your claim. That’s proof of your bias not proof of anything else. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Read... and try to keep up...

Judge Cannon unsealed a trove of new documents in the case that also revealed that an FBI agent had testified that the General Services Administration (GSA) was in possession of Trump's boxes in Virginia before ordering Trump's team to come get them. The same boxes that... ended up being the boxes that contained classified markings,
How gullible do you have to be to believe that the FBI wasn't behind sending the documents to Trump in order for them to raid his house? LOL...

They're already on record LYING to FISA courts to wiretap Trump. They LIED about Russian collusion, they LIED about Trump being a Russian agent, they LIED about pee-gate, tehy LIED about the existence of Hunters laptop, they LIED about the laptop being Russian disinformation...

At what point are you going to realize they are LYING about this too?

Is you hatred for your political opposition that great that you don't care that it's destroying the institutions of the US government?

At what point is your political affiliation MORE important to you than your Nation?
txdot-guy's Avatar
Read... and try to keep up...

How gullible do you have to be to believe that the FBI wasn't behind sending the documents to Trump in order for them to raid his house? LOL...

They're already on record LYING to FISA courts to wiretap Trump. They LIED about Russian collusion, they LIED about Trump being a Russian agent, they LIED about pee-gate, tehy LIED about the existence of Hunters laptop, they LIED about the laptop being Russian disinformation...

At what point are you going to realize they are LYING about this too?

Is you hatred for your political opposition that great that you don't care that it's destroying the institutions of the US government?

At what point is your political affiliation MORE important to you than your Nation? Originally Posted by texassapper
I would have to be quite gullible to believe anything you post without some kind of evidence to back up your claims.

You appear to be conflating one set of facts with another set of biased conjecture and frankly I’m tired of hearing about it. Let me know if you you come up with some evidence that the DOJ is actually guilty of the claims you’ve made.
texassapper's Avatar
I'm not conflating anything. There are two basic points the FBI had access to the boxes BEFORE they went to Mar-a-Lago in the GSA storage. They lied to the court about what was done to the boxes post raid... ie, just the cover sheet replacement.

Between the Two the case is so horribly corrupt that the Judge postponed the whole thing indefinitely.

As for the evidence of those statements above.... the evidence is in the COURT DOCUMENTS FILED BY THE FBI.

You can't figure it out, don't blame me... lol. You believe anything the government tells you.
Ripmany's Avatar
Pigs all cops pigs
txdot-guy's Avatar
I'm not conflating anything. There are two basic points the FBI had access to the boxes BEFORE they went to Mar-a-Lago in the GSA storage. They lied to the court about what was done to the boxes post raid... ie, just the cover sheet replacement.

Between the Two the case is so horribly corrupt that the Judge postponed the whole thing indefinitely.

As for the evidence of those statements above.... the evidence is in the COURT DOCUMENTS FILED BY THE FBI.

You can't figure it out, don't blame me... lol. You believe anything the government tells you. Originally Posted by texassapper
I read through the pdf at the link you provided in the first post. In the provided document I found no evidence or statements indicating that the DOJ or any of its agents or contractors added or manipulated the documents in each box except to determine if a document was classified and then removed and replaced with a properly indexed cover sheet.

In fact they described a process of extreme oversight that was used presumably because of the classified nature of the documents.

In fact a different set of workers was used for each box in a separate location to make certain that classified documents were not moved from one box to another.
They state: When the FBI created the inventories, each inventory team worked on a single box at a time, separated from other teams. And during defense counsel’s review, any boxes open at the same time (and any personnel reviewing those boxes) were kept separate from one another. In other words, there is a clear record of which boxes contained classified documents when seized, and this information has long been in the defense’s possession, as discussed.

The report also states, the index did not purport to identify the location of documents within boxes. Rather, it indicated as noted above, the room in which the document was found, including box number, if applicable. That information is entirely accurate.

So to summarize, Except for the fact that document order in each box may not be fully complete the process of indexing and processing of the evidence seems to be professional and exacting.

Only in your fevered imagination is there any actual evidence of wrongdoing that would be necessary to scuttle the case.

The judge is postponing the case until she rules on all the pending motions before the court. Not because the case is corrupt. In my opinion I think she is going through the motions to stall the trial until after the election. In other words she is the corruption you are looking for.