bad hygiene

playingnthedark's Avatar
I make it a point to never shower at lease 3 days before an appt. I was told there is nothing more refreshing then the musk of a man and the stench of sweaty ball.
If you stink I’m definitely not going down on you. I shouldn’t have to help wipe you down or tell you to take a shower. You know what is about to go down. If you have been in the heat all day as soon as you get to your appointment ask to shower. Plain and simple. And to the ladies. It’s such a shame. Also guys that decide to take a shit before seeing someone need to make sure you wipe your ass right. Had a client that had dry shit on their ass. It was freaking disgusting!!!
Bob are you really surprised a whore's pussy stinks?
Here's a tip... so does an open sewer pipe.
This has been posted before, but it bears repeating: guys, don't use powder on your privates. I used to do this using that lavender-scented after-shower powder with the very best intentions before I learned better, right here on these pages, that it's just like licking powdered balls for the woman. That can't be good. Just some soap and water, thoroughly, and I use a drop of after shave. (Just a drop - Licking after shave lotion, which I've done by accident, tastes acid-y.)

There are a few providers insist on no perfumes/scents/deodorants. The one like that who I visited -- just once -- was overly picky and demanding in other ways, too.
Britttany_love's Avatar
I agree hygiene is imperative to having a good session. To the ladies who arent showering or cleaning up that's just nasty. I always make sure I'm fresh and clean for all dates. That's a reason that I dont like last minute requests. I take pride in my appearance and dont like being rushed to do so. It's hot as hell in Texas so yes even if you just showered and you've been out running around you are sweaty. I always have a shower available with clean towels that you are welcome to use upon arrival quickly.
Clorox wipe and a little Vicks on your upper lip and you're prepared for anything.
  • nvmzz
  • 07-20-2018, 10:33 PM
Yeah, this is actually so true, you said what I wanna say.
LaniiStarrGaze's Avatar
So gross to think not showering is acceptable by some. Eww
monica austin1's Avatar
And Vodka with Ax ... lol

Showering is not an option !
I've been fortunate I guess in that I can't recall this issue with a provider. It's happened once or twice with younger girls I've dated outside the hobby. Tibet being 20-22ish.

I shower and shave before I head out the door and depending on heat and time between then and the appointment I'll shower again when I get there. A mutual shower is especially nice.