Connecticut's very own, Oklahoma Coffee Shop

Are my okies gone forever? Originally Posted by GypsyHeart
Gypsy darling, good to see you in the Oklahoma northeastern territory - there are quite a few Oklahoma all-stars who have yet to embrace the Connecticut Forum as their own.

Good to see The Brain chime in. Spread the word and let's see if we can revive this thing with some old time participation!
Suzanna Turner's Avatar

Yo! It's spring break week for me! House has had it's deep cleaning, my flower beds are in order, and now I am looking for some fun.
If you have been waiting for me to have a break from school to hook up with me, now is the time!

Hey Gyps!
You know me, I'll never be gone. Sometimes I'm in the background, but I'm always here. Miss you girly! Let me know when you are in OKC again.
so this is where the cool kids of OKC hangout
so this is where the cool kids of OKC hangout Originally Posted by bingoringo25
Glad to have you join us...anyway...
LeilaBanks's Avatar
Well if it isn't the good ol' Okie Coffee Shop way up here in CT! Hey Y'all! XOXO
I’m located in okc
CantBuyMeLove's Avatar
Hey LM, what's your coffee preference? This thread is just for being social and such.

Hope everybody got through the hail storm yesterday unscathed. 2 of my neighbors lost windshields last night.
Naked Stranger's Avatar
So happy to be reconnected with my fellow heathens

Ed brilliant idea, you rock!
Suzanna Turner's Avatar

I finally made it to summer break! Forget the coffee, I need a martini, extra dry!

How the hell are you? I miss everyone...someone tell me how you are and what you have been up to!
CantBuyMeLove's Avatar
During the past month, I've been traveling almost every week. Not a lot of long trips, just short ones (1 day, 2 at most). Kansas City, Bentonville, Dallas, Miami, OKC, Ft. Smith, and Dutch Caribbean (that was a week long, tech free, vacation). Got all tired out and finally had the 3 Day weekend just to dislocate my hip and shoulder working on tornado cleanup in the area.
Suzanna Turner's Avatar
Oh no. I have done tornado clean up before, I worked with one of the beautiful Tulsa ladies and we spent time cleaning up Norman. I know what an awefule mess that can be! I hate that you got hurt, hopefully you are healed soon and raising hell.
Nice travels. I'm jealous, I've been stuck in one spot!
CantBuyMeLove's Avatar
My chiro already popped everything back into their proper location, so I'm good to go. My travels would have been more fun if I could have stayed long enough to have fun. Most of them were drive there that morning, consult for 1-2 hours and come back. I understand the school issues as I'm trying to advance my degree and seems like I don't have any self time.
So here is where all my fellow Okies have been hanging out. Good to see some old familiar names again. Okc seems to have hit a dead zone lately. Not a whole lot going on, well unless you count the storms.
I hate that the OKC sub is gone. Don't even know where to go the last year or so.
This place is getting more active. Glad you found us.