The House Loonies want to shut down the gov over Obamacare

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually that is EXACTLY what the framers wanted. They wanted a system that prevented radical movements. It is called checks and balances. If something is so bad that the majority of another body feels a need to stop and can muster the votes then maybe it wasn't such a good idea. The act of delaying the implementation of portions demonstrates that it is not a good law. The act of allowing people to beg out also shows it is not a good law. The fact that every time Obamacare comes up for a vote more democrats are voting against it also shows that it is a bad law.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Do you enjoy that Tea Bagging you do all the time? Does it work out for you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
And it pays really well too.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I'm already planning my stint in jail when I refuse obitchcare. It's going to be EPIC!!!
It would very smart politics for the GOP to send Obama legislation that would defund Obamacare; put Obama on the hot seat forcing him to veto the bill.

Americans despise Obamacare; it is urban myth that the GOP would suffer voter backlash from sending Obama defunding legislation !!!!!!!!!!!!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-26-2013, 12:18 PM
It would very smart politics for the GOP to send Obama legislation that would defund Obamacare; put Obama on the hot seat forcing him to veto the bill.

Americans despise Obamacare; it is urban myth that the GOP would suffer voter backlash from sending Obama defunding legislation !!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Republicans despise Obamacare
Americans of all stripes despise Obamacare............and the polls show it !
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The majority of the American people dispise Obamacare and the rest don't understand it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-26-2013, 12:30 PM
Americans of all stripes despise Obamacare............and the polls show it ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

The poll asks people to take an up-or-down vote on ObamaCare: 40 percent say they would vote to keep the law in place, while just over half -- 53 percent -- would repeal it.

Read more:
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-26-2013, 01:04 PM
I'm already planning my stint in jail when I refuse obitchcare. It's going to be EPIC!!! Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Lookin' forward to it!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-26-2013, 01:10 PM
Americans of all stripes despise Obamacare............and the polls show it ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So every law should be based on what the polls suggest a majority wants?

Heck, if you wanna play by those rules, i just might be willing to give you your Obamacare repeal.
chefnerd's Avatar
Depends on the way the question is asked. In the following link from a poll

"Given the choice to either repeal the law, wait and see how it takes effect, or add money to aid its implementation, only 36 percent of adults picked outright repeal. More than half chose to either wait and see (30 percent) or provide more money (27 percent)."
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-26-2013, 01:47 PM
Depends on the way the question is asked. In the following link from a poll

"Given the choice to either repeal the law, wait and see how it takes effect, or add money to aid its implementation, only 36 percent of adults picked outright repeal. More than half chose to either wait and see (30 percent) or provide more money (27 percent)." Originally Posted by chefnerd

devils in the details, and details don't bode well with whirlie et al
Isn't it odd that the Tea Party and conservatives are smeared as radicals and extremists when they hold fast to their beliefs? It is a difficult thing to do. Winston Churchill was voted out of office for doing this. Has anyone noticed that there is a constituency in Congress, larger than the Tea Party/Conservative block that will vote with the Democratic/Obama/Labor Union/Progressive coalition no matter what the issue? Can you guess who this illustrious group is? The Congressional Black Caucus, that famously liberal and fair minded group that has refused to admit black Republicans and a few whites that wanted to join. This group is the perverse, unintended consequence of the provisions of the Voting Rights Act that engraved safe minority districts upon the land and gave us such statesmen as Alcee Hastings, Hank Johnson, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jessie Jackson Jr. and Charles Rangel. The white Republicans and Democrats of the 1960's like Everitt Dirksen who passed the Voting Rights Act are turning over in their graves. The CBC would vote for Beelzebub if Barry Obama, Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder wanted them to. Why is it radical and extremist to hold for conservative principles of productivity and wealth creation (not redistribution) and compassionate and right thinking to blindly vote for "black" or "minority" interests if somebody tells you? Could media propaganda and the victimization industry have something to do with this?
I'm already planning my stint in jail when I refuse obitchcare. It's going to be EPIC!!! Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I suspect your new incall will have some "EPIC" privacy issues!
I'm already planning my stint in jail when I refuse obitchcare. It's going to be EPIC!!! Originally Posted by LovingKayla
You know what you are going to get in jail, don't you? Free medical care.

This is all Obama's and Pelosi's fault. When the Dims had the House and Senate and backdoor passed Obamacare, they front loaded the bill with the goodies and the "pain" of the bill happened after the 2012/2014 elections. Now that its starting to look like a train wreck and the problems that Obama said "wouldn't happen" are happening, they are looking for a scape goat. The media just won't point it out.

Its President "Phony Drama" Obama.