Rant: When are we going to call Bull Shit; Bull Shit? Regarding the Garners

I B Hankering's Avatar
Only permissible if said child is armed with an airsoft weapon.
Originally Posted by riday
The cops didn't handle that one correctly either, but here's the "Airsoft" pistol in question:

You'd prefer they shoot the kid? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 12-09-2014, 12:49 PM
Welcome to our new "Summer of the Shark".
Wonder what the next big thing will be that gets cop killings out of the news?
boardman's Avatar

Answer me this? Why can his wife wield a $75M lawsuit against NYC when he and she has been committing fraud, benefiting from stealing from the tax payers, from the city and states coffers, including the shop owners he stole business from. Originally Posted by RandB fan
I guess $75M was what the family determined his future income would have been had he not died...
Or perhaps the Garner's attorney and the city's attorney decided that $37.5M was the amount that they would agree on to keep it out of court. Of course the city attorney would get his cut out of the Garner's portion of the settlement not their attorney's
boardman's Avatar
He was a what? Who was Garner? I mean it, quit sugar coating it.
He was selling contraband for a hefty profit, tax free,with no overhead, and possibly committing welfare fraud or worse. His wife admits to knowing that he was selling illegal cigarettes for substantial monetary gain so she has benefited from it so that makes her an accomplice. She stated that he gave her $400 in cash the morning he died, she knew it was dirty money but took it and tried to spin it in his favor. The Garner took their entitlements, free rent, cash, food stamps, medical care and whatever they could get. Even after some have estimated that he could have profited over $100K a year selling loosies.

Esaw Garner said police in Staten Island knew her husband sold individual cigarettes and would harass him, calling him “cigarette man” and her “cigarette man wife". I feel like it’s just something that he continued to do. And the police knew.”

Sunday, On National TV, his widow said that he was targeted not because of his race, but because he continued to defy local ordinances by selling loose cigarettes. Except they were state statutes and due to the number of charges brought against him made him a habitual violator and judges could justify consecutive sentences equaling real jail time.

She has defended him saying he was a good man, a family man, always putting family first, never missing a childs birthday but upon his death a far from known bastard child appeared, she is only a few months old, the mother is Jewel Miller and her picture is below.

Is this child #6 or 7? I has been said that Garner had 6 children but I think it is time for some accounting. When he met his wife, it had been reported and she verified, she was pregnant so there is one child thats not his. There are supposedly 2 grandchildren but they are absent from any pictures. I would have thought if you were trying to gain support for your loss you would be showing at least a few glimpses of them having to grow up without ". But no. No comments from anyone but Eric JR (18) who she told the press was a student at Essex College on a basketball scholarship but his name does not appear on the community college basketball roster. (Google it).

Can this person who is habitually unemployed, yet has a Lincoln Navigator, a suspended license, can give his wife several hundred dollars in cash, (She said he did the day he died) all the while double dipping the welfare system for rent, utilities, cash, and food entitlements, really be the man they want us to believe he is?

They, the shop owners, called the police and complained before and he was arrested, he came back, they called he was getting arrested again. He has 6 somewhat serious misdemeanor cases that were pending in state court against him yet he broke the rules of his bond release by committing the same crime again; Selling loosies in front of a business that pays taxes, rent, and license fees to sell cigarettes.They also are required not to sell to minors but rumor had it he did a brisk business with young teens.

This Garner guy was walking a slippery slope as within a year he had not only been charged with 6 crimes but had come up with $5k in bond money. You think the welfare people knew that? He got his mistress pregnant (See below) and had a daughter. Y,es he was a good man but to who?
Someone take off the white gloves and look at who this man really was, who his family (Wife) is. His wife admitted to knowing he was getting tax free money from selling loosies which she knew were illegal ON NATIONAL TV I am sure she knew he had been arrested for loosies as she has never said otherwise.

Answer me this? Why can his wife wield a $75M lawsuit against NYC when he and she has been committing fraud, benefiting from stealing from the tax payers, from the city and states coffers, including the shop owners he stole business from. Originally Posted by RandB fan
At least she isn't criticizing the flaws in the welfare system while taking that welfare. Cuz that'd be hypocritical, Right?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Welcome to our new "Summer of the Shark".
Wonder what the next big thing will be that gets cop killings out of the news? Originally Posted by riday
CIA torture sessions reviewed and approved by a Senator who was briefed on what was happening at the time, but who now considers such behavior outrageous.
So when was misdemeanoring made punishable by death? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
When "God" says it's time, and that's exactly what happened. Nobody had a clue that he decided on that day to take that fat fuck. So get over it.

LexusLover's Avatar
CIA torture sessions reviewed and approved by a Senator who was briefed on what was happening at the time, but who now considers such behavior outrageous. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Who happens to have won her first term as mayor of San Francisco by promising before the run-off that she would not order the torture chambers in San Francisco closed if she got into office, so she could get the gay vote, which put her over the top.

But in "fairness" to her, I suppose we can all have a "change of heart"!