Rudy calls Biden “trailer trash little creep”

txdot-guy's Avatar
Rudy is acting like an A$$hole because he needs the bail out. He’s not making any money from his legal services anymore so all he has left is right wing media money. It’s unfortunate that only the most extreme right wing will employ him any more and that money stream will dry up if he can’t get Trump to endorse him as an advocate or adviser.

I would venture to say that Trump is hoarding all the republican money for himself and his campaign and the jobs and other traditional opportunities have dried up in response. It’s Trump’s party now and that leaves little room for anyone else to get paid in the swamp that is Washington DC.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Rudy is just an old man who has lost his fucking mind due to aging. That radio station should be ashamed of themselves for putting him out there for ratings.

I don't know the man's family situation, but I would hope that my children would give a shit enough about me if my mind has diminished to the point that I am just humiliating myself for all to see. Hopefully they would love me enough to put me down if I became Old Yeller if it came to that.

I sincerely hate seeing that man tarnish his legacy like this. Now he has become an overly loyal Trump buffoon and a joke.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

For the record, she was 23 when this movie was released.

He's still a creep.
... RUDY! ... RUDY! ... RUDY! ... Let soothe-sayer Salty cast
you lads a horoscope! ... Rudy may be --- the next AG!

"Move aside, Merrick - a new sheriff gonna be comin' to towne!"

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ripmany's Avatar
What deal with looking at people, what deal with smelling people when you eye sight goes. I sorry but it every one in trailer park was doing criminal activity there wouldn't cares about the creeps.
Joe Biden = trailer Park neighborhood watch creep.
Donald Trump and Rudy =are trailer park criminals.
... Rue-DEE! ... Rue-DEE! ... Rue-DEE!

... Rudy - the Next Attorney General! ... ...

And come next year - will no doubt be Prosecuting the trailer-trash
little creep...
See? ... We Australians call that - the "Boomerang Effect!" ...

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Rudy can't escape the law.

“If Arizona authorities can’t find me by tomorrow morning: 1. They must dismiss the indictment; 2. They must concede they can’t count votes,” Giuliani wrote on X at 7:06 p.m. on Friday. The post included a picture of Giuliani surrounded by six other people, all smiling.

About four hours later, Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes (D) reposted Giuliani’s message, and replied: “The final defendant was served moments ago. @RudyGiuliani nobody is above the law.”
A trailer will be all he can afford to live in.
... Nope - Rudy is soon to be the country's next AG - or another
such position... Prosecuting Biden and a number of others.

... "Tit for tat"...

... Won't THAT be Grand... ...

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar

rutabaga - a rutabaga looks like a giant, ugly turnip
txdot-guy's Avatar
Let’s see, Rudy is 5’9” and Joe Biden is 6’0”. Who exactly is the little creep talking about here?
VitaMan's Avatar
Rudy Trump

rutabaga turnip

Perfect names for Mr. Trump to add to his list of name calling.
Nothing else needs to be said.