The Entire Fiat Money System is Bankrupt: Demise of the Global US Fiat Dollar Reserve Currency

Kind of illuminates the whole trick, doesn't it?

Why raise taxes to pay for all the stupid bullshit our government does when we just create and print money, and other countries are stupid enough to accept it?

As long as inflation doesn't spin out of control, which would make my property go up anyway, we can keep on doing this shit beyond our own deaths. As for paying it back, fuck that, just keep on printing larger denominations. Originally Posted by DSK
Something else people don't realize. Anything that you buy with this debt based currency really isn't yours. Because your possessions are the product of debt, lol.

  • DSK
  • 07-01-2016, 01:31 PM
Something else people don't realize. Anything that you buy with this debt based currency really isn't yours. Because your possessions are the product of debt, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
If you have title, it is yours. The debt is the US government's problem.

We are all just dust in the wind , anyway.
If you have title, it is yours. The debt is the US government's problem.

We are all just dust in the wind , anyway. Originally Posted by DSK
Titles are only Curatorship for a debt based economy, lol. Of course we probably won't have to ever worry about losing property, at least I hope not. But if you buy a car for example that was designed, manufactured and marketed. That car has an intrinsic value because of the materials used and the labor that went into it produce it for it to become useful transportation. Then the consumer comes along and purchase it with money that has no intrinsic value, lol. If our money represented something of true value such as Gold or Silver then the paper money we use would have equal value to the car or other goods we buy. The cost of goods would also be regulated by the intrinsic value our money represents. Instead money represents debt and debt is what wheels inflation. Isn't that a bitch, lol. Don't buy nothing take care of what you have.

  • DSK
  • 07-01-2016, 08:23 PM
Titles are only Curatorship for a debt based economy, lol. Of course we probably won't have to ever worry about losing property, at least I hope not. But if you buy a car for example that was designed, manufactured and marketed. That car has an intrinsic value because of the materials used and the labor that went into it produce it for it to become useful transportation. Then the consumer comes along and purchase it with money that has no intrinsic value, lol. If our money represented something of true value such as Gold or Silver then the paper money we use would have equal value to the car or other goods we buy. The cost of goods would also be regulated by the intrinsic value our money represents. Instead money represents debt and debt is what wheels inflation. Isn't that a bitch, lol. Don't buy nothing take care of what you have.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
The clever part is that the items of intrinsic value that worthless money purchases impute value to the "worthless" money. So does the fact that everyone wants dollars. Hell, girls fuck for that "worthless" fiat money!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The problem, DSK, is that it is inevitable that inflation will spin out of control. That is a fact. Your property may increase in value, but you may need to trade it for a loaf of bread.
The problem, DSK, is that it is inevitable that inflation will spin out of control. That is a fact. Your property may increase in value, but you may need to trade it for a loaf of bread. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yep, it's a house of cards and will eventually fall. The average life expectancy of a fiat currency is 27 years. See:

  • DSK
  • 07-02-2016, 09:04 AM
The problem, DSK, is that it is inevitable that inflation will spin out of control. That is a fact. Your property may increase in value, but you may need to trade it for a loaf of bread. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I agree with you insofar as that is what should happen in a rational world. I think the mitigating factor is every other government is running the same little trick, and everyone is watering down their currency (except for the Swiss, of course) to the point that the US currency is the good ole lesser of the evils.

So, I hedge in different ways, including some small amount of gold, real estate, backup generators and a gas tank to run it for two weeks. Plus, I have land in the that stores for months, etc.

However, if the system doesn't collapse like it should, my real estate goes up, and I pay less in taxes. Plus, I raise my prices every year to compensate. This is the fucked up situation in this fucked up country that we have to deal with.