Since it looks like Indy’s is permanently gone, where did those people go? Yeah, I know there’s a “new” Indy’s site. But it’s not a true discussion board. There’s another local app too. But not like ECCIE which was similar to Indy’s. I’m suprised that some of those people, hobbyists and hookers haven’t joined here. I guess they took their ball and went home.
Your thoughts if any?
Originally Posted by bambino
It was about four years ago (general estimate) that SA started getting a lot of press/intel/analysis on both Indys and Eccie.....
Right then many long-time, regular-poster hobbyists started getting most (if not all) their PFP action from SA. Some of them would even occasionally post on Indys and say to the effect "Just checking in here. I have been busy with SA. Hope everyone is well. Later." I can think of at least a dozen regular-posters/Indys hobbyists who used to see Indys providers and post about them consistently and then- POOF- they seemed to disappear from Indys right after SA started getting a lot of press.....
Also there were many (Many) consistent PGH hobbyists and Indys-guys who had Nothing to do with Eccie Ever. So when they disappeared from Indys their presence was not missed on Eccie, because they were never on Eccie to begin with....
It was not just SA which effected the posting and "chatter" on Indys. People just "come and go" from the hobby, regardless of what old and new hobby-boards and hobby-scenes exist online. I can name another dozen or so guys who were active-posters in spring of 2005 right when Indys started their forums. And many of those guys were on ASPD all during 2004 before that. Many of them had Not posted on Indys for years before SA. So people "come and go" from the online posting hobby-world regardless of what is happening hobby-world online.....
This factor applies to hobbyists who like to see a certain "rotation" of ATF's and to UTR providers who see Only regular clients. If a hobbyist and a provider have a Certain number of people they hobby-with then why even deal with the boards? This applies to ATF "rotation" hobbyists and also UTR "regular clients only" providers. And this factor too existed long before SA hit the scene.....
Expect that factor to Hit-Full-Effect now that FOSTA is in effect.
If a provider can maintain All Regular Clients then it is in her interest to not deal with the boards, and do business with only-trusted-guys. Hobbyists have always had the option of seeing a handful of providers only, and Not seeing any new girls for a first time. Also I think it is rare (Rare) for a provider to be fully UTR and not post ads. A certain percentage of them could do that in the years of ASPD and Indys. Probably the same percentage can achieve "regular clients only" status in the age of SA and Eccie and whatever remains of Indys.....
This is another factor: when Indys started many hobbyists and providers liked the "vouched only" forums, and would post Only in those forums, and not the totally public PGH Discussions forum for instance. Those of you who mock Aussie-Guy (or whatever his name was) on Indys- he only posted in the totally public PGH Discussions forum. So you all could have Avoided reading that guy by reading only "vouched" forums on Indys. I bet a lot of hobbyists and providers don't want to post on Eccie if they perceive it is a totally "public" board where Anyone can read and post, and even if the person does Not have to prove through a "vouch" that they have seen BCD a provider or hobbyist.....
Eccie may or may not attract some of the Indys active-posters, hobbyists and providers. Many of them disappeared long before SA came on to the scene, many hobbyists disappeared because of SA, many Indys people just won't be interested in Eccie for whatever reason. The non-vouch-system, "public" vibe of Eccie many Indys people will consider before they join here. And a whole hell of a lot of people are now "doing their own thing" in relation to the online hobby world, especially now in a FOSTA world.....