Issa arrested on weapons charges twice

joe bloe's Avatar
did the cat shit on your keyboard joey?

crickets .............................. .............................. .......... Originally Posted by CJ7
No, I'm just bored. You really don't put up much of a fight. You make a fairly good punching bag, but after a while my arms get tired.

Your low level of intelligence makes you easy to defeat, but it takes away from the satisfaction of the victory, knowing that you don't understand you've lost.

Arguing with you may not even be ethical; it's such a mismatch. It's like killing a squirrel with a machine gun.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-22-2012, 02:53 PM
No, I'm just bored. You really don't put up much of a fight. You make a fairly good punching bag, but after a while my arms get tired.

Your low level of intelligence makes you easy to defeat, but it takes away from the satisfaction of the victory, knowing that you don't understand you've lost.

Arguing with you may not even be ethical; it's such a mismatch. It's like killing a squirrel with a machine gun. Originally Posted by joe bloe

very good ... one of those deflecting answers you were bitching about earlier

dont suppose you intend to answer my question do you?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Let's see. CBJ7, "Has Holder been charged with perjury?" No, but he should be.

SexyEx. The charges were dropped in most all cases. That means he didn't do it. Anyone can be charged, but the prosecutor didn't go through with it, because he couldn't prove it. That's called "innocence." Furthermore, the charges were all OVER 40 YEARS AGO. Sounds like he got his head on straight and decided to make something of himself. Looks like he did. Some would call that an "American Success Story."

And, what do you now think of Obama's lawless past? I mean, he admitted to being guilty of the possession and distribution of controlled substances. Oh, he was never charged, so it didn't happen. I get it. Selective outrage. Ain't it great?

Bullshit hypocrites. You're as bad as Romney at spinning facts.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-22-2012, 03:34 PM
Let's see. CBJ7, "Has Holder been charged with perjury?" No, but he should be.

SexyEx. The charges were dropped in most all cases. That means he didn't do it. Anyone can be charged, but the prosecutor didn't go through with it, because he couldn't prove it. That's called "innocence." Furthermore, the charges were all OVER 40 YEARS AGO. Sounds like he got his head on straight and decided to make something of himself. Looks like he did. Some would call that an "American Success Story."

And, what do you now think of Obama's lawless past? I mean, he admitted to being guilty of the possession and distribution of controlled substances. Oh, he was never charged, so it didn't happen. I get it. Selective outrage. Ain't it great?

Bullshit hypocrites. You're as bad as Romney at spinning facts. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

then its your turn

again I ask you, what happens to Holder ?? (not what you want to happen but the actual penalty for doing the things your opinion said he did) AND exactly how MUCH taxpayer $$ are you willing to spend even though youre at the top of the list bitching about our government spending $$

grow a pair and answer
Even if Issa were found guilty, although, he wasn't. Didn't anybody ever teach you boys that two wrongs don't make a right? Tsk. Tsk.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
then its your turn

again I ask you, what happens to Holder ?? (not what you want to happen but the actual penalty for doing the things your opinion said he did) AND exactly how MUCH taxpayer $$ are you willing to spend even though youre at the top of the list bitching about our government spending $$

grow a pair and answer Originally Posted by CJ7
First, we have to find out what Holder did. That will be in the documents being withheld. Then we can assess what the appropriate penalties are and assess them accordingly.

The penalties range from complete exoneration to multiple prison sentences. It's hard to determine what is appropriate without knowing what's going on. But that doesn't bother you, because you think it is ok to withhold information about what the government is doing from the people's representatives in government. Even though the oversight committee was established for just that - OVERSIGHT! That means they need to know what the Justice Department is doing!

But you don't understand any of that. That's why you need to take a few classes.
No, I'm just bored. You really don't put up much of a fight. You make a fairly good punching bag, but after a while my arms get tired.

Your low level of intelligence makes you easy to defeat, but it takes away from the satisfaction of the victory, knowing that you don't understand you've lost.

Arguing with you may not even be ethical; it's such a mismatch. It's like killing a squirrel with a machine gun. Originally Posted by joe bloe
very good ... one of those deflecting answers you were bitching about earlier

dont suppose you intend to answer my question do you? Originally Posted by CJ7
Yes easier for him to deflect with insults instead of answering your questions.
joe bloe's Avatar
very good ... one of those deflecting answers you were bitching about earlier

dont suppose you intend to answer my question do you? Originally Posted by CJ7
That wasn't deflecting, that was bitch slapping. Once again, it's not as much fun when you're opponent doesn't know he's been made a fool of.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-22-2012, 04:18 PM
I understand it just fine. We just differ on the severity of the scenario and the end result of bringing the scenario to full light. IMO its a dangerous situation to out the agents involved because the Mexican Cartel can issue a green light on anyone of them from a hacienda in Cancun, and 48 hours later an agent in NYC is a dead corpse on a sidewalk .. latin drug gangs make the bloods and crips look like romper room kids, watch Gangland sometime and tell me you'd be ok if you were an agent who fucked them around and felt safe if your name was in the wind.

two guns show up out of how many, thousands and thousands?? and one is used and one agent gets killed ... like I said, Im sorry, and its a bad deal, and my condolences to everyone concerned, but thats the risk that is taken when anyone puts on a badge and both sides play with guns.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-22-2012, 04:18 PM
That wasn't deflecting, that was bitch slapping. Once again, it's not as much fun when you're opponent doesn't know he's been made a fool of. Originally Posted by joe bloe

still no answer eh gutless?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I answered his questions, and he still doesn't get it. It's getting boring. He really needs to take a class, or get some therapy, or something. He keeps bringing up this "outing the agents" crap, which is not the reason given for the EP demand, and which could be handled by the committee in executive session.

Life will be much easier for him if he lets the government make all his decisions for him. It's obvious he has trouble making them himself. But there are homes for that. The rest of us want to be free.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-22-2012, 04:47 PM
I answered his questions, and he still doesn't get it. It's getting boring. He really needs to take a class, or get some therapy, or something. He keeps bringing up this "outing the agents" crap, which is not the reason given for the EP demand, and which could be handled by the committee in executive session.

Life will be much easier for him if he lets the government make all his decisions for him. It's obvious he has trouble making them himself. But there are homes for that. The rest of us want to be free.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

are you Joe Blo, dumbass? or just too senile to fathom who a question is directed to? ..

I directed the same question to you and you answered, now stfu
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
joe bloe's Avatar
I understand it just fine. We just differ on the severity of the scenario and the end result of bringing the scenario to full light. IMO its a dangerous situation to out the agents involved because the Mexican Cartel can issue a green light on anyone of them from a hacienda in Cancun, and 48 hours later an agent in NYC is a dead corpse on a sidewalk .. latin drug gangs make the bloods and crips look like romper room kids, watch Gangland sometime and tell me you'd be ok if you were an agent who fucked them around and felt safe if your name was in the wind.

two guns show up out of how many, thousands and thousands?? and one is used and one agent gets killed ... like I said, Im sorry, and its a bad deal, and my condolences to everyone concerned, but thats the risk that is taken when anyone puts on a badge and both sides play with guns. Originally Posted by CJ7
I don't think the argument of protecting undercover agents is valid. Obviously no one wants to disclose information that will get our agents killed. The Republicans are not trying to out anyone. I think it's a strawman argument. I have no doubt that Holder will be allowed to redact reasonable amounts of material to protect our agents. That's a particularly weak argument, considering the fact that our intelligence source in Pakistan that delivered Bin Laden was outed by White House leaks and has been imprisoned.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're right, Joe. This administration doesn't mind outing people if it makes them look good. I forgot about that.