What does your signature line signify?

LuvThatKitty's Avatar
My signature line tells you everything about me you need to know. Originally Posted by Vyt
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
austinkboy, there's nothing wrong w/ being a strong, sensitive man. I find that a very admirable & intriguing quality in this day & age. Of course, keeping it private makes you a very discreet fella as well.

Stay solid.
rCoder's Avatar
Mine is pretty straight forward. It says I listened to my dad when I was growing up and have watched too much Maverick.
1kewlkat's Avatar
rCoder, A quote from Groucho Marx, as I was growing up, I got to watch many of their movies. I still enjoy the classic movies.
Rand Al'Thor, Nietzsche is one of my favorites, and many other German philosophers. Yes, I believe most of us are pretentious but it's all just fantasy here right, so that makes it okay?

As I've read through the signature lines I am often curious as to what they may signify or allude to, just a byproduct of previous studies, humanities, while I'm still going to school the amount of reading kicks my freak'n ass.
harkontume's Avatar
I would have to read mine to comment on it. And that would be cheating.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

1. Copy down my sig onto something where you may read it discreetly

2. Carry it into the next meeting you have to attend

3. Read it while listening to the other members of the meeting

4. Reflect on the situation
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Well, on a more serious note, my signature may be misleading in some respects. I am fundamentally opposed to Nietzsche's ideas. I find some quotes to be apt, especially when taken out of context, so use them on occasion.

The quote I'm using at the moment illustrates the power of perspective. There was an experiment a while back with certain aged kids - 6 and 7, I think. It's commonly believed that ones perspective on time develops right at that age. These kids were presented with piece of candy in front of them. They were told that they could have the candy right now or wait 5 minutes and get two pieces of candy. There was a clear division between the age groups, great majority of 6 years olds took the candy up front, while great majority of 7 year olds waited for two pieces. As adults with a bigger perspective on time, we can clearly see the benefit of waiting 5 minutes for double the rewards. This applies to many things. I've worked hard to be able to see different perspectives from differing cultural, ethical, moral, religious, political and philosophical camps. Understanding others' perspective gives you better ways to communicate, leverage and persuade. It's an invaluable tool to understanding people, situations, and problems.
Grecco's Avatar
Mine says ______________ , but I wouldn't read too much into it. Originally Posted by Ben There
Very existentialist of you... LOL
flyboy23's Avatar
I've found it to be profoundly true