Renowned epidemiologist Jesse Jackson arrives in Dallas to deal with Ebola threat

Thomas Eric Duncan has died, so maybe Jackson does have an issue to push
...racism by the hospital

John Wiley Price has made a comment, about if people that look like me show up at the hospital, they don't get treated the same

the "other americans" part of this gets me:

“The family has reached out for support,” stated Jackson after his arrival in Dallas. “Thomas deserves the love and best medical treatment America can afford, as has happened for the other Americans who have contracted this terrible disease.”
John Wiley Price has made a comment, about if people that look like me show up at the hospital, they don't get treated the same Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
A typical John Wiley Price statement. All race-hustling, all the time.

He and Al Sharpton are cut from the same cloth. Were racism and racial discrimination to abate or disappear, those two clowns would react with dread, wondering how they'd be able to make a living. And Jesse Jackson joined their ilk some time ago.
A typical John Wiley Price statement. All race-hustling, all the time.

. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
did he, or was it someone else, take umbrage at the term "black hole"?

seems that was around the time someone else was upset about the word "niggardly"
RedLeg505's Avatar
I can just see it now, if Duncan dies Jackson will say a white doctor didn't give him proper care because he was black. Oh well, I guess that's the world we live in.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Wow, how in the world did you guess Jim? The guy died, and his family is claiming "bias" in his treatment. Who da thunk it??
Before Duncan died Jessie Jackson publically stated that he was turned away from the hospital because he was poor and didn't have health insurance. Think through this preposterous assertion, putting yourself in the position of the licensed health professionals who gave him drugs and treatments, free of charge. If you were the most blatant, white-supremacist, KKK, Neo-Nazi, Aryan Nations skinhead, would you push this guy out the door to die and spread Ebola in the greater population, endangering millions? This is the kind of bald faced lying that JJ and his ilk foist on the population. Many of our sadly un-educated and ill informed populace buy this nonsense, especially the minority population, looking for any excuse to amplify their grievance agenda. Why does the media cover this loon? TV and newspaper organizations are a shadow of their former selves, but surely some shred of journalistic professionalism remains. Some TV news editor made a conscious decision to put JJ on the air and give credence to this viscous lie. Methinks it is akin to yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater.

Follow the money. Watch for JJ and other community organizers to shake down Texas Presbyterian for money for "community outreach" conveniently funneled through the Rainbow Coalition.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Farrakahn suggests Ebola is a ‘race-targeting bioweapon’

By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - Thursday, October 2, 2014

Rev. Louis Farrakhan argued in a blog post Tuesday that the deadly Ebola virus is a race-targeting bioweapon created by white people.

“Methods of Depopulation: Disease infection through bio-weapons such as Ebola & AIDS, which are race targeting weapons,” the Nation of Islam leader tweeted to his 308,000 followers.

“There is a weapon that can be put in a room where there are Black and White people, and it will kill only the Black and spare the White, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind,” he writes.

“This means that these wise scientists of death are making pathogens, which is something that can cause a disease. They are creating this as a means of depopulating our planet of undesirables, a process called culling the population. … So, if you are poor and ignorant; if you are Black or Brown, you are being selected for destruction.” - Rev. Louis Farrakhan

Read more: on Twitter
boardman's Avatar
Sickle Cell Anemia was invented by the Nazis
Before Duncan died Jessie Jackson publically stated that he was turned away from the hospital because he was poor and didn't have health insurance. Originally Posted by trident60
Blasphemous, not with Obamacare now available.
boardman's Avatar
Blasphemous, not with Obamacare now available. Originally Posted by camouflage
He had not been processed through the department of illegal immigration yet. Therefor his status as an illegal immigrant entitled to Obama Care had not been established. The 9th circuit court of appeals has extended an invitation to let them rule on it as of 1:00pm, 11:00am PT.
did he, or was it someone else, take umbrage at the term "black hole"?

seems that was around the time someone else was upset about the word "niggardly" Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

From the Dallas Sandbox this past summer:

And check out this Dallas City Hall blog post:

Fuckin' hilarious!

And to your other point, there's this:

And it's not the only instance of political correctness run amok as a consequence of someone using the word niggardly:
Will they have to train funeral directors on handling the dead? They are still contagious.
LexusLover's Avatar
Thomas Eric Duncan has died, ..... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
.... is Jackson the new infected person (with Ebola that is)?
Will they have to train funeral directors on handling the dead? They are still contagious. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Lets see if Duncan's body is cremated. If not, there's something really wrong going on around here.

JJ is a buffoon and a caricature of what he was at one time. Originally Posted by Old-T

I only wish James Earl Ray would have missed slightly to the left instead...
I can just see it now, if Duncan dies Jackson will say a white doctor didn't give him proper care because he was black. Oh well, I guess that's the world we live in.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

and you called it.