
Russ38's Avatar
Hey shine....how’s mom doing? Asking for a friend.....heh....

VitaMan's Avatar
He is high profile, likely he thought no one would recognize him at places like this. Anyone brought to his room can always be found out, and likely he would certainly be recognized. Money is not the issue.

An above post sounds like Democrats don't have sex. Or maybe they don't enjoy it. Certainly you have to wonder about Hillary and AOC. Imagine a 3some....no, better off not to.
Don't have to wonder about Bill......he didn't even get out of the office.
Isn't he.......a Democrat ? Dupe and dope.

Sex always wins.....it is undefeated.
bigwill832's Avatar
We live in Houston. AMP's getting busted is far from being new or surprising. It's more of an expectation. Especially approaching election years/
Hey shine....how’s mom doing? Asking for a friend.....heh....

Originally Posted by Russ38
Hey Russ if you feel good about doing shit like this well hey, we all have free will. I work in a hospital and the worst part is having patients die. It tears my soul, but I also understand me and you are two different people and I respect you to be you. They replaced her hip and found cancer. She has cancer on her adrenal gland so I'm waiting to the end of the month to hear the course of action from the doctors, so I don't know. You have a great night sir. Tooodlez.

Here is the news article link.

Mabey I'm just nervous, but the cameras installed on utility poles freek me out. I went one particular message parlor for a long while and then the city installed a police camera on a utility pole and before long the place was busted.

Today with chipped license plates someone is recording your plate number as your driving by. Might be those utility pole camras.
Slitlikr's Avatar
Hey Russ if you feel good about doing shit like this well hey, we all have free will. I work in a hospital and the worst part is having patients die. It tears my soul, but I also understand me and you are two different people and I respect you to be you. They replaced her hip and found cancer. She has cancer on her adrenal gland so I'm waiting to the end of the month to hear the course of action from the doctors, so I don't know. You have a great night sir. Tooodlez. Originally Posted by shinepro

He was asking for a friend.
Stay on topic plz.
69UILTAZ's Avatar
Guess didn't use Eccie!
It does give me some concern when the ladies are sleeping in the establishment on massage tables and mattresses with no transportation, etc. THAT does not look good.

I'm impressed that they were able to install their cameras in rooms so quickly. I'm also a little shocked that they got the approval to do that since, ostensibly, some guys DON'T get happy endings for whatever reason and that would seem to be a huge invasion of privacy to those guys. Originally Posted by B Three
Have you ever worked in a SPA? I'M thinking you've never this is the norm even when you're the one making the decision! It's just like a PRO she sleeps on a mattress until that call comes in right in a hotel ? They use the TERM SEX TRAFFICKING to get the support of clueless TAX PAYERS!

They're going to get off on these charges WATCH!

I'm not going to elaborate but any lawyer with brains understands what I'm thinking about!

You Don't Think They Pay Off People To Cause Controversy Watch " Devil We Know " On Netflix! That Plant Paid The FDA to Lie & Say There Products Were Safe! Some Of Yall Are In Serious Denial & It's Sad!
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Have you ever worked in a SPA? I'M thinking you've never this is the norm even when you're the one making the decision! It's just like a PRO she sleeps on a mattress until that call comes in right in a hotel ? They use the TERM SEX TRAFFICKING to get the support of clueless TAX PAYERS! Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
boardman's Avatar
Have you ever worked in a SPA? I'M thinking you've never this is the norm even when you're the one making the decision! It's just like a PRO she sleeps on a mattress until that call comes in right in a hotel ? They use the TERM SEX TRAFFICKING to get the support of clueless TAX PAYERS!

They're going to get off on these charges WATCH!

I'm not going to elaborate but any lawyer with brains understands what I'm thinking about!

You Don't Think They Pay Off People To Cause Controversy Watch " Devil We Know " On Netflix! That Plant Paid The FDA to Lie & Say There Products Were Safe! Some Of Yall Are In Serious Denial & It's Sad! Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne

I'd be inclined to cut B3 a little slack. She claims to go on the street to offer help and I believe her heart is in the right place.

Now, with that said I'm with you 100% on the exploitation of trafficking for gain is as bad or worse than trafficking itself.

I'll just just drop this here.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-23-2019, 07:57 PM
Have you ever worked in a SPA? I'M thinking you've never this is the norm even when you're the one making the decision! It's just like a PRO she sleeps on a mattress until that call comes in right in a hotel ? They use the TERM SEX TRAFFICKING to get the support of clueless TAX PAYERS!
They're going to get off on these charges WATCH!

I'm not going to elaborate but any lawyer with brains understands what I'm thinking about!

no, please elaborate. if i had to defend this guy, best chance-well really the only chance-is to get the video evidence thrown out as being illegally collected. that's not an impossible climb, but it's not an easy climb either. if the video is admitted into evidence, the case is a slam dunk for the da, and Kraft cops a plea, end of story.
Slitlikr's Avatar
Um, Amiliah just said you have to be a lawyer and have brains...ijs ^^^^
  • pxmcc
  • 02-23-2019, 08:40 PM
^^nice troll move Slit. i dont practice and i have brains. i legitimately want to know her theory of how these blokes will get off.
All that money and he couldnt hire one to come to him at a private hotel.............

......smdh....... Originally Posted by The1Slayer
Maybe he couldn't pass screening.....y'know, 5 references, real ID, etc...
Have you ever worked in a SPA? I'M thinking you've never this is the norm even when you're the one making the decision! It's just like a PRO she sleeps on a mattress until that call comes in right in a hotel ? They use the TERM SEX TRAFFICKING to get the support of clueless TAX PAYERS!

They're going to get off on these charges WATCH!

I'm not going to elaborate but any lawyer with brains understands what I'm thinking about!

You Don't Think They Pay Off People To Cause Controversy Watch " Devil We Know " On Netflix! That Plant Paid The FDA to Lie & Say There Products Were Safe! Some Of Yall Are In Serious Denial & It's Sad! Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
I said it doesn’t look good. I make that statement because That was some of the most damning evidence when they had the cantina raids and shutdowns here.

I didn’t make an opinion or statement of whether I thought that was indicative of trafficking. But it was enough to shut the place down on health code violations most likely. So, why go to the extreme of invading people’s privacy by recording them nude without their knowledge? They overreached with this warrant when there were far less intrusive ways to do this. Instead, they KNEW they had some big name johns and wanted to make a big splash. Which is fucked up.

Also, if the women are trafficking victims, then it’s shitty to record them being “forced” to commit sex acts over a period of time instead of rescuing them then and there. Instead of essentially, by continuing their investigation for so long, perpetuating the situation, if there is one.