Bumped my head, out of commission for a few days. lets make fun of my forehead!

Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 10-19-2013, 07:00 PM
Look on the bright side.... no ++++++ stitches. Hope you get better quickly.
oh, that looks like it hurt. Take care and I hope you get to feeling better.
Dang..hate it when that happens. Put some ice on it.
manuatu's Avatar
I did something like that the other night and busted the back of my head. Big ole knot. Take care and a speedy recovery.
ouch girlie hope you feel better.
Thanks for the laughs and kind words , its looking much better lol.
fun2come's Avatar
You mean you now are back to symmetric bumps?
Hurts just to look! Hope you heal quickly!
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e_l traveler's Avatar
Learn to duck.
So, this girl walks into a bar...
WaterHawk4's Avatar
that's why I always have the girl face the foot board not the head board!!!

Hope you feel better...
Fletchlives's Avatar
that's why I always have the girl face the foot board not the head board!!!

Hope you feel better... Originally Posted by coolhappyd