Congrat Austin, you are almost San Fran now

Precious_b's Avatar
I know the source, but hey, Pete Wilson did get elected

"Almost." In that case, George Carlin would beg to differ LOL! There is no "almost" from one group of individuals doing a robbery to full blown flash mob smash-n-dash.

Precious_b's Avatar
Seems like an interesting place to check stats.

Boy. Should check out Miami. Thought a place that got so bad that they let all citizens carry guns in the past would be peaceful now.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Which shows that murders are up all over the US. Does not prove any point you are trying to make
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Those two links supplied ain't anything like the what was happening in SF. Just a regular robbery. I thought it was going to be like a big melee with a bunch of looting and such... Originally Posted by Precious_b

Dunno. But I expect if you were shopping there when 3 or 4 angry dudes ran in there with hammers and guns to rob the joint, your first thought would NOT be - glad we defunded the Police.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Those robberies occur in all of the cities of Texas. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Did not use your search link. But would you say those cities you refer to are Demonicrat run or GOP run?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Seems like an interesting place to check stats.

Boy. Should check out Miami. Thought a place that got so bad that they let all citizens carry guns in the past would be peaceful now. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Uhhm not sure if you are aware that several of the larger real estate websites have quit including crime data on their websites. Something to do with scaring the chill'ns, not to mention bad for business.
Precious_b's Avatar
Which shows that murders are up all over the US. Does not prove any point you are trying to make Originally Posted by CryptKicker
YES it does prove my point with your statement.
All started with OP saying SF stuff happening in Austin.
Links supplied show it was a regular robbery *UNLESS* it can be proved that each individual did not know the others and came to the same place, time, and same intent. If so, they were mighty sharing mood...for liberals. Poster said such incidents don't occur in TX to which link showing robberies all over TX. Homicides in Austin on rise brought up and chart showing. Than you agree violent (which homicide is) on rise in TX and you attribute liberals for information (I guess.) To which I show conservative places have increase also. Produce map showing conservative concentrations so that people can check out.

And you agree, with me, that murders are up everywhere in USA. Regardless of left or right wing place.

Did not use your search link. But would you say those cities you refer to are Demonicrat run or GOP run? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Tell the truth, i did not vet *IF* it pulls its numbers from national data base, I have no problems with the numbers.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dunno. But I expect if you were shopping there when 3 or 4 angry dudes ran in there with hammers and guns to rob the joint, your first thought would NOT be - glad we defunded the Police. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You ARE aware that Texas cities are not allowed by law to defund the police, right?

Lot of whining and complaining about something that isn't happening, wouldn't you say?
CryptKicker's Avatar
And the OP did say "almost". More liberal BS from many of the posters above. The point that was being made is that these trends, including the violent crime increase, are not normal for Texas and is making us look more and more like places similar to San Francisco. The way some of you spin this stuff you should be on Biden's staff.
Precious_b's Avatar
"Almost." Nowhere was it brought up that "these trends" are normal for Texas. Only that in liberal/Biden/left/whatever places they are up. I guess when you use a loose adverb, the responses of same will follow.

Seeing that you are more comfortable with loose/confused results, we'll let a site more to your liking show you it ain't much changed.

*BUT* we are in the top 15 according to the FBI.

Hopefully another thread in this vein won't be considered so obtuse that people who've post will stop acting abstruse.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Nice spin-- chart does not cover the last two years which is when the increase has taken place. The FBI link is more than a year old. It's gotten worse since then.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Here you go guys.
Have fun.
Almost every major city has something similar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Quick safety PSA:

For the love of all things holy, do NOT, under any circumstance, type in the following string into your search engine of choice: Austin Defund Police . Just don't do it. It is not safe.
Remember, the narrative you save might be your own.
.............................. .............................. obably not Greta ------>
Thank you

You ARE aware that Texas cities are not allowed by law to defund the police, right?

Lot of whining and complaining about something that isn't happening, wouldn't you say? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Precious_b's Avatar
Nice spin-- chart does not cover the last two years which is when the increase has taken place. The FBI link is more than a year old. It's gotten worse since then. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Hope y'all had a merry one the other day.

But what spin do you talk about???

You are correct. The chart doesn't cover last two years. But if you read the article where the chart is at, it gives states in the subheading of the article what you say. No spin there. And I plainly posted that the FBI states we are in the top 15. Wait till next year so they can give numbers for 2021.

It even gives hard facts of the increase in the number of homicides from year prior when the article was published (8/7/20). That ain't a spin.

So, that means only "1" year is missing. That would be for 2021. And if you wait a couple of days, that number will be available since they talley by the year. Not partial or "almost" year.

So, I "almost" gave complete stats. Seeing that it goes back to 1960, that is only 1.6% of the data missing. Way less than 3 standard deviations. For the people that don't do stats, it's another way of saying it is statistically insignificant.

Crypt, you sure do let your political leanings get in the way peoples' postings. I am in agreement with you but for some reason you like to make an arguement of the fact that violent crime is on the increase of late. Idk.

I hope the rest of your holidays go well.
Passion2015's Avatar
There was a day when your business, house, car etc was broken into and you could call the police and they would show up and investigate. When it happens now they won’t even respond.

The police tell you to do your own investigation and turn it in. Hell, I know businesses that have been broken into multiple times and still no response from the police and people know it.

The bottom line is crime is up and there is crime that isn’t even reported.