Glenn Beck's New Gig?

NPR Admits It's Packed With Liberals

Published on March 16, 2011 by Mike Gonzalez
Times have been tough for NPR in the last six months. Just last week, NPR CEO Vivian Schiller spoke at the National Press Club in Washington. Among other things, she discussed the firing of NPR Senior Correspondent Juan Williams in October. By the end of the week, Schiller herself was out of a job, after a video caught her chief fundraiser making disparaging remarks about Tea Party activists and Jews.
In her speech at the National Press Club, Schiller made sure to emphasize that NPR maintains its commitment to diversity. She meant, of course, racial diversity.
Even casual observers know that the network’s devotion to this cause appears to apply only to the staff’s skin pigmentation not to their political orientation. Something that strikes me as more than passing strange for an organization that inherently deals with politics.
But it’s not just me saying that NPR lacks political diversity—it’s now coming from NPR itself! And this time it wasn’t the result of a sting video, either. The admission came on NPR’s air this past Sunday.
Just look at this the exchange last Sunday between Bob Garfield, host of the NPR show “On the Media,” and Ira Glass, host of “This American Life.” Mr. Glass had challenged Mr. Garfield to conduct an internal audit of liberal bias at NPR and report on it in a week. Mr. Glass added he was sure none would be found (that makes two of us, but I digress). Then the conversation turned to what metrics would be used. Could the absence of conservatives at NPR be a metric?
Bob Garfield: … you and I both know that if you were to somehow poll the political orientation of everybody in the NPR news organization and at all of the member stations, you would find an overwhelmingly progressive, liberal crowd, not uniformly, but overwhelmingly.
Ira Glass: Journalism, in general, reporters tend to be Democrats and tend to be more liberal than the public as a whole, sure. But that doesn't change what is going out over the air. And I feel like, well, let's measure the product.
Sorry, Ira, but you’re wrong. It does change what’s going out over the air. You stuff a newsroom with a bunch of progressives and nary a conservative and you will definitely get a product that at least tilts left. Liberals will not understand, they just won’t “get” at a gut level, what offends conservatives, not just in news selection and reporting but even in cultural programming.
That is why NPR constantly offends conservatives, which is why they don’t want their tax dollars going to it. Anyone at NPR who can’t understand this may not be as intellectual he or she thinks (unless one uses Bertrand Russell’s definition of an intellectual as “a person who pretends to have more intellect than he has”) they are.
And, no, I don’t have to wait a week to prove this point. The examples are seemingly endless.
Monday, on “All Things Considered,” NPR aired a paean to ’60s radical musician Barbara Dane, whom it called “a versatile voice with a political purpose.” The spot included such hagiographic lines as: “Dane has remained a symbol of resistance, someone who isn't afraid to break the rules.”
Barbara may not be afraid, but she certainly did support a regime that terrorizes its own people—Fidel Castro’s in Cuba.
Dane started traveling there when Fidel’s and Che’s firing squads were working overtime. NPR’s “versatile voice” was unstinting in her embrace of the even the most indecent of Castro’s terrorizing techniques.
Let me give you an inside view. I was a child in Cuba then, and the slogan I found most terrifying was “to the paredon,” which I heard communists cry on the airwaves or the street I lived on. Paredon, you see, is Spanish for the walls used by firing squads.
And just what name do you think Dane gave to her product line? Well, Paredon records.
You don’t have to be a Cuban-American to have this sensitivity. Other conservatives have also pointed out today the inappropriateness of the piece on Dane.
Now I ask you, really, NPR? I, and others, found the piece offensive, and typical. Why should conservatives’ taxes pay for this?

I'm surprised at you...trying to support which newscast is best by the ratings. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
WTF are you talking about. The point Doove made (see below) was relative to ratings -- thats what I responded to. In TV, ratings is the only "quality" measure they care about.

Interesting.....ABC, CBS, NBC, NY Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, etc etc etc, all part of the liberal media.

But when it comes time for conservatives to compare ratings in an attempt to prove their viewpoint is more popular, then suddenly, the only liberal station is MSNBC. Funny how that works. Originally Posted by Doove
Iaintliein's Avatar
I used to listen to him on the radio on rare occasions. Only saw the TV show maybe three times. He's gone waaaay to religious for me to take him seriously despite making good points.
Someone's a hater!!! Originally Posted by Marshall
That's vile Bill O'Reilly. Lol
They are talking about the guy who looks like Glick. He's like Alex Jones' brother from a different mother. In all media there is a little bit of truth mixed with a whole lot of agenda lies and bs. There's the "spin" factor and a lot of reading between the lines. Qui bono?
I B Hankering's Avatar
ACORN Pleads Guilty to Voter Registration Fraud in Nevada

The defunct political advocacy group ACORN has pleaded guilty to one count of an election law violation in Las Vegas, Nevada.

ACORN attorney Lisa Rasmussen told Fox News that a plea agreement was worked out with the state attorney general. The violation was for unlawfully providing compensation for registering voters based on the total number of people registered. Sentencing for the organization is set for Aug. 10, and the potential fine is a maximum of $5,000.

ACORN itself was named as a criminal defendant in the case for allegedly running an illegal voter registration scheme called "21," or "Blackjack," which paid ACORN workers earned bonuses based on the number of voters they registered in Nevada during the 2008 election.

It was September, 2009, and I was flying to Nevada. I noticed a newspaper article addressing ACORN’s involvement in some nefarious affair involving a pimp and a prostitute. The story piqued my curiosity.

I was aware of ACORN from it’s involvement in voter registration drives. I also knew that ACORN received federal tax money to subsidize part of its operation, and that irked me. I believe voting is a personal, civic responsibility. I further believe that it is inherently corrupt to use
taxpayer dollars to scrounge for voters among the politically lazy and disinterested. It affords too much opportunity for corruption and fraud.

When I reached my room at my destination that night in September, I scanned the news stations. I found only one network was covering the story, and that was FOX: Glenn Beck in particular. Before that night, I had never really watched FOX, because I always found FOX anchors too
obnoxiously loud. I had always preferred CNN or HLN. But in this instance, none - let me repeat that, none - of the other networks were even mentioning the story. For example, Don Wade, of WLS AM Chicago, asked Charlie Gibson, an ABC anchor, why, after the Senate voted to halt funding to ACORN and after three video tapes of ACORN employees helping a pimp and prostitute set up shop, was there no mention of the story anywhere on the major network news. Remember Gibson’s response? He laughed uncomfortably and admitted that he had never heard about the story. That’s when I became more interested in FOX programming.

I'd long since quit watching CBS when Rather took over as anchor (Couric didn't change my opinion), but now it was obvious that the other networks (including CNN - which I always thought was moderate) were also biased in what stories they chose to air. As a result, I watched Beck until the ACORN story became a veritable nonissue.

I still watch CNN (Cooper) and HLN (Meade), but now I intersperse my viewing with a liberal dose of FOX (Smith). BTW, in all fairness, as I watched FOX this morning, I didn’t hear them mention the Beck story once. Yet, I noticed—before Randy’s post—that ABC jumped on the story in last night’s broadcast.

MORAL: If you watch just one network, you will not get the whole story, and this incident only further underscores why newspapers and magazines are still very important.

Personally, I’d like to see Beck paired up with Rachel Maddow and see which one first succumbs to a brain aneurysm. My bet is that Beck could provoke Maddow into an apoplectic melt-down in less than two minutes.

MORAL: If you watch just one network, you will not get the whole story, and this incident only further underscores why newspapers and magazines are still very important. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Agreed. It is extremely important to listen to all sides of an argument, and from their pov. It's the only way you know the weaknesses of your own position.

Personally, I’d like to see Beck paired up with Rachel Maddow and see which one first succumbs to a brain aneurysm. My bet is that Beck could provoke Maddow into an apoplectic melt-down in less than two minutes. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

A replay of Point-Counterpoint? I've been waiting years for something as entertaining. Well, I think Rachel is pretty tough. I'd put my money on her outlast Beck.

I don't get to watch MSNBC at home, but I get to see it when on the road. Like you, at home I watch HLN/CNN. But on the road I watch MSNBC. IMHO, the "Morning Joe" show is conservative enough to run on Fox. But you're right about Maddow: she's a liberal Sean Hannity.
skudd's Avatar
  • skudd
  • 04-07-2011, 12:05 PM
I cant believe i am commenting about this moron. Ok actually i wont.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Which Fox nut is this? Is this the felafel/loofah guy or another asshole? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
This would be the one.....

Hobbyfun's Avatar
It seems a lot of people have there head in the sand here. Fox is the only news that reports ALL the news the rest of them it seems to Censors the news.

Glenn Beck is not for everybody I will agree, but if you open your Ears and listen you will find a lot of what he says is true and he is just giving information to every body, the other news people only report what the politicians want the people to hear.

You don't have to like him but if you listen to him you will find out a lot of what he reports is true and the rest of the news reports are just Not telling the WHOLE story.

Case in point all the other news stations say the county is coming back BULLSHIT it is still in the dumps.
Beck's new gig will be like fallen, former somebody's who now perform in Dinner Theatres around the country.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
It seems a lot of people have there head in the sand here. Fox is the only news that reports ALL the news the rest of them it seems to Censors the news.

Glenn Beck is not for everybody I will agree, but if you open your Ears and listen you will find a lot of what he says is true and he is just giving information to every body, the other news people only report what the politicians want the people to hear.

You don't have to like him but if you listen to him you will find out a lot of what he reports is true and the rest of the news reports are just Not telling the WHOLE story.

Case in point all the other news stations say the county is coming back BULLSHIT it is still in the dumps. Originally Posted by Hobbyfun

Except for the last sentence, surely you jest.
Hobbyfun's Avatar
No I don't Jest

This is were the people have they head in the sand and thinks everybody is reporting the whole news and I call bullshit.

If you want to know more turn to FOX news the only one reporting ALL the news.

All the other news channel reports about events around the world and does a good job but, American Politics they leave a lot of stuff out.
No I don't Jest

This is were the people have they head in the sand and thinks everybody is reporting the whole news and I call bullshit.

If you want to know more turn to FOX news the only one reporting ALL the news.

All the other news channel reports about events around the world and does a good job but, American Politics they leave a lot of stuff out. Originally Posted by Hobbyfun
You have selective hearing.