Is Social Security Constitutional?

We still have all except slavery.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If the SCOTUS is always right, then you must support Citizen's United and Kelo. Or does the SCOTUS sometimes get it wrong, such as Dred Scott?

Fact is, the SCOTUS does not always decide cases on what the Constitution says. They will frequently twist and turn what it says in order to affect a politically expedient result. We've heard the old saw that "The Constitution means whatever the SCOTUS says it means." I think that's bullshit. The SCOTUS can, does and will get it wrong. Especially now. They adhere to an ideology much more than the Constitution. That's why the Constitution is essentially meaningless anymore.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've never really thought about if Social Security was unconstitutional or not. I do realize that I'll probably never draw anything from it.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I've never really thought about if Social Security was unconstitutional or not. I do realize that I'll probably never draw anything from it. Originally Posted by acp5762
Yeah, for me regardless of its constitutionality, it's not going anywhere and there's a good chance I won't be able benefit from it if it doesn't change, so the best we can do is just plan as if we won't be getting anything from it. If we do somehow end up getting something out of it, that's just gravy.
Yeah, for me regardless of its constitutionality, it's not going anywhere and there's a good chance I won't be able benefit from it if it doesn't change, so the best we can do is just plan as if we won't be getting anything from it. If we do somehow end up getting something out of it, that's just gravy. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
Well in my case I already retired with a State Ret. in Louisiana. The years I worked under Social Security only equal 34 points I think you have to have at least 40 in order to draw. I've worked here and there since retirement. I agree with you if it ends up I do draw on it would be gravy . Iam fortunate I don't have to depend on it.
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