Use of The New Thread Button in Encounters

So, legit NCNS should be buried in Coed so future mongers can't find it? Originally Posted by utrlbk1976
Only users that can't manage to use the search function, which is always a wise thing to do when doing your homework. There's lots of good info outside of the encounters.
OMG. This isn't some big conspiracy. The thread should never have been written in a review style, but because it was, it really doesn't matter where the hell it is. It's sort of a moot point now. Originally Posted by B Three
I don't recall anyone claiming that it was a conspiracy. Rather, the argument being made is that it was a bad decision. The moderation of the post was inconsistent with what's been stated in the past, and unfair to the provider. It was bad, inconsistent moderation being called out by the users, not crazy unfounded claims of conspiracy.

As far as it not mattering where it is, I disagree, as it was being linked to the provider. That is the chief argument being made.
Where it is located on the board has ZERO to do with whether it is linked to anyone's profile. So, if that is the misconception and reason that y'all want to belabor the point, okay.

But as you can now clearly see, it's in the ER section and does NOT appear as an ER, because they did not meet.
Where it is located on the board has ZERO to do with whether it is linked to anyone's profile. So, if that is the misconception and reason that y'all want to belabor the point, okay.

But as you can now clearly see, it's in the ER section and does NOT appear as an ER, because they did not meet. Originally Posted by B Three
That wasn't the case until recently, though. Mods indicated a complete departure from previous norms as well, via their comments. Hence, the concern.
john_deere's Avatar
this whole thing is stupid.

it was stupid to write it as a review or wtf ever you want to call it.

it was stupid to blame the hooker for another hooker not providing a ref.

it was stupid to leave it as a review.

and it was especially stupid that the reviewer didn't use any punctuation.

That wasn't the case until recently, though. Mods indicated a complete departure from previous norms as well, via their comments. Hence, the concern. Originally Posted by ElBandido
It’s always been that way with Encounter Reports.

There was no precedent that I could find about this, so not sure how you conclude a complete departure from any norm.

I’m just confused as to why anyone who likes Emily would want that other thread constantly bumped in coed. It seems odd that people were asking for that.
this whole thing is stupid.

it was stupid to write it as a review or wtf ever you want to call it.

it was stupid to blame the hooker for another hooker not providing a ref.

it was stupid to leave it as a review.

and it was especially stupid that the reviewer didn't use any punctuation.

lulz Originally Posted by john_deere


and it was especially stupid that the reviewer didn't use any punctuation.

lulz Originally Posted by john_deere
busternutzs's Avatar

You have a way of putting things and making it so simple.

It’s always been that way with Encounter Reports. Originally Posted by B Three
I've never seen a non-encounter pass moderation to remain as a valid encounter, left in the Encounters forum and linked to a provider's profile. That was new, and a terrible decision.

As you can see in the comments here and in the post in question, I am not the only one that was surprised by the way it was handled.

The mods then rebuffed folks calling it out, as if it was completely normal and acceptable. Absolutely bizarre.
Next time, simply RTM it instead of all of this hoopla. Shockingly, as a female, I don’t troll the West Texas ER forums, so if nobody lets me know something is amiss, I can’t do much.
utrlbk1976's Avatar
I get it. I think everyone gets it. I just couldn't figure out why it was such a big deal. I am also impressed at the amount of time some of you spend on here.
Next time, simply RTM it instead of all of this hoopla. Shockingly, as a female, I don’t troll the West Texas ER forums, so if nobody lets me know something is amiss, I can’t do much. Originally Posted by B Three
The issue wasn't as much about letting mods know about, as it was about HOW it was handled by the mods.
busternutzs's Avatar
Next time, simply RTM it instead of all of this hoopla. Shockingly, as a female, I don’t troll the West Texas ER forums, so if nobody lets me know something is amiss, I can’t do much. Originally Posted by B Three
I mentioned using the RTM on the ER and the Mod CryptKicker replied
"It wasn't a NCNS so it stays here sir. We saw it and moderated it on 6-24."
sailorman1980's Avatar
I also hit the RTM on that one. And like you said, CK said it stays and it had been moderated.

UTR: it's a big deal because lets face it, traveling providers in West Texas aren't exactly a dime a dozen. And one of her quality is even more rare. We would, I think, kind of like to have her continuing to come out here. If that kind of BS passes muster as a review then it's going to make it more difficult for us.