5 Republican facts that every American should be pissed about!

BigLouie's Avatar
Garbage. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
That's it? I knew that sitting around the penthouse over at the Palace Inn was not good.
blue3122's Avatar
Than give an example of those countries who don't want it- I recall during the Obamacare debates many people from overseas were saying how they couldn't understand why Americans had issues with universal healthcare. Also, if it's unpopular show me references or videos where Canadian politicians and/or European citizens have protested healthcare or have tried to repeal it. Fact is they like it they want it and it works!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
My experience was and is exactly like gnadly pointed out. In England (UK), Ireland, and most countries around the world, anyone who can afford private (non governmental) healthcare gets it. I know Canadians (personally) who have come to the US for cancer treatments and heart surgeries because the wait for specialists in Canada is usually longer than the life expectancy without treatment. A friend's dad needed open heart surgery. Was put on a waiting list and told "10 months". His life expectancy without the surgery was about 4-6 months. Fortunately, my friend and his brothers could afford to fly him to Houston and he had the surgery in about 3 weeks and is still alive. Another friend had a tumor in his shoulder. In Canada, he only had an X-Ray, no MRI because it was too expensive. They did biopsy and said, yes, its a cancerous tumor.. But the lab did not do cancer specific tests to determine any characteristics of the tumor. They did not know if it was malignant, or how fast. Six months wait for surgery. He got on a plane and came from Toronto to Dallas and had an MRI, surgery, and radiation. 8 years later. still good.
These are only my personal anecdotes but if you travel in Canada or England(UK) or Ireland, ask some people what would they do if they had something major.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Say, can anyone address the financial stability of, say, the UKs National Health Service? How about the rest of Europe, are they stable? Funded? Efficient?
anaximander's Avatar
Say, can anyone address the financial stability of, say, the UKs National Health Service? How about the rest of Europe, are they stable? Funded? Efficient? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They can't afford it period.
The UK is gutting it's military to pay it's medical.
China dropped its univ health care because of $$$.
Govt is not the healthcare provider you want.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Probably the only true thing George Bush I said was "Government health care would combine the efficiency of the Postal Service with the compassion of the IRS."
If you can't keep up or contribute you go out in the prairie and die alone.

COG I will give you a blanket and a bottle of water and a ride to the Flint Hills when you are ready......................... ..................or perhaps when I decide you are ready.

Jesus Christ was a community organizer

Pontius Pilate was a governor
anaximander's Avatar
Jesus wasn't a community organizer.
He is King- Governor of governors
He organized nothing save the bread and fish miracle.
He, like all good leaders, told us what was right to do,
and He led from the front by example.
He is the shepherd who sacificed himself
for his flock.

Pilate was assigned by Rome to organize the
Judaen community into something more to
Rome's liking. Pilated led no one, the mob led
him into freeing a murderer and killing
an innocent man.

Blow your sick obamaisms out your ass.
Ok.............sure thing..................well now................time for our Med and then to Bed.

I am pretty certain you won't get to go in the rapture. LOL
anaximander's Avatar
I don't believe in Rapture.
Wishful thinking by misguided evangelicals.
If I die anytime soon, outlook not good.
Whoremongers shall not inherit
the Kingdom of Heaven.

Fair enough, I've been warned.

As to Judgement, I won't even pretend
how He will go regarding me.
I sin much.
He forgives whom He will.

Enjoy your meds, that explains some
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jesus was not about social reformation, He was about personal transformation. There is no record of Him ever calling on government to start or stop doing anything.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
catnipdipper, your ignorance is showing.

Jesus Christ was never a community organizer. he was a prophet preaching the message of God, and the founder of the Christian faith.

If he were a community organizer, he would've been cruicified quicker than anyone can sneeze. It would have been very dangerous to be one under Roman rule.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
No your mind is full of garbage.

The dems may have lost the civil war,
but they never gave up the fight.
They will be our master and caretaker
even if it kill us.
Democrats never had loyalty or fidelity
to the Constitution or the Republic for
which it stands. Democrats should be
as villified as the proConfederacy.
Jim Crow laws weren't enacted to prevent
blacks from voting for democrats.
They were created by dems to curtail
black GOP support. They would be proud
of their great-great-grandchildren.
The nigrahs that Lincoln forced them to release;
their progeny have rounded them back up.
Voluntarily no less- the sweet irony. Originally Posted by anaximander
Typical of the uneducated and those who can’t be educated about the Civil War. Southern democrats were hardcore rightwing conservatives then. If you didn't know that, learn it. If you knew and ignored it, which is probably the case, continue to wear your ignorance and hatred like the badge of honor you think it is.

Funny how the party names are always used and the political philosophy ignored when the Civil War is brought up.
Liberalism is a mental disorder with no know cure. The modern dumbocratic party will be the death of a once great nation.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Liberalism is a mental disorder with no know cure. The modern dumbocratic party will be the death of a once great nation. Originally Posted by MUSHROOM MAN
I see you spelled "democratic" incorrectly. I can tell you did it by mistake since you also misspelled "known". A spelling challenged person who thinks our nation is no longer great. Like we would believe anything you say after that.

What a douche bag.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Typical of the uneducated and those who can’t be educated about the Civil War. Southern democrats were hardcore rightwing conservatives then. If you didn't know that, learn it. If you knew and ignored it, which is probably the case, continue to wear your ignorance and hatred like the badge of honor you think it is.

Funny how the party names are always used and the political philosophy ignored when the Civil War is brought up. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Hmm. I don't about the Southern Dems being hardcore and rightwing, but I knew they were very conservative and racist.