NCNS by cameron.leah.milf -- but I went down laughing

21spurs's Avatar
I have had my share of cancelled apooinments with well known providers. Same bullshit excuse. Family or watever. And I have had the blue pill problem. That really sux. Lol. I never post bout it though. It's just the nature of the hobby. The only thing I will post bout are warning for safety or rip offs. Sorry it happened to u. But it will pass.
  • 12-22-2015, 11:05 PM
No hard feelings on my end, though bridge is apparently burned from the other end.

Honestly, my initial inspiration to post was my series of failed texts. Just thought they were funny.

Probably I didn't need to name names -- but I did/do think there's a legit TCB issue there. But, yes, probably has to be expected. Tolerated? Still not so sure.

I've no doubt Cameron provides a quality experience. The reviews are clear enough there. But the great ones stir in consistency, courtesy and professionalism. And they also expect it. As they should.

What was it Hyman Roth says in "The Godfather II"?

"This is the business we've chosen." Ha ha!
4funn's Avatar
  • 4funn
  • 12-22-2015, 11:11 PM
Get over it - the lady apologized. Originally Posted by SARufus
+1 .. and adding that she's worth the wait
Bbbj Receiver's Avatar
moebeedick's Avatar
Originally Posted by Bbbj Receiver
+1 OP did not seem to make a huge ordeal out of it and put others on notice. Its for reasons like that that I know who NOT to alert. I will send out a PM to those who really value these alerts.