Hey yall

Thanks for that last pic BC. I'm trying to recover now hoping to salvage my Thanksgiving.
RL what it gods name are you doing to that turkey?
Originally Posted by BassCat

Hey it's warm and moist, don't judge me!
Basscat, you never cease to amaze me, lol, well done and hilarious, my dear sir!

Road Lizard, wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving. To all of my Eccie friends, wishing you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
Hey it's warm and moist, don't judge me! Originally Posted by Road Lizard
Hey you kid but I happen to know that in federal prison the inmates have been known to barter with the guys working in the food service warehouse for cornish game hens. Why do they have cornish game hens in federal prison and why are they sought after? Well they have them for the kosher meals for the jewish inmates. They are valuable because some guys make what are called Fee Fee's out of them. Whats a Fee Fee you ask? Well its when you debone a cornish game hen heat it up and the fuck it like a sex toy. Yes this actually happens. I dont judge a man for doing what he has to do when he has been locked away for 20 years. So if you ever end up doing fed time pass on the cornish game hen if offered.
Dammit...I don't even want to tell you what I was going to eat tomorrow...

Cravinhead69's Avatar
Hey it's warm and moist, don't judge me! Originally Posted by Road Lizard
It needed basting anyway. He's just giving it an injection.
Please remove penis before placing turkey in oven.
Cravinhead69's Avatar
Happy Thanksgiving to my new friends and Providers on ECCIE. May your meats be moist, your travels be safe, and your wallets fat.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Basscat - too funny 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Almost forgot...

https://youtu.be/p00nBSNIPwg"> https://youtu.be/p00nBSNIPwg" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">

Link: https://youtu.be/p00nBSNIPwg
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. May your day be blessed and your tummies full
JavaFiend's Avatar
Happy thanksgiving everyone. I’m wishing you all safe and happy travels.
biomed1's Avatar
Almost forgot...

https://youtu.be/p00nBSNIPwg"> https://youtu.be/p00nBSNIPwg" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">

Link: https://youtu.be/p00nBSNIPwg Originally Posted by Road Lizard
In the Holiday Spirit (trying to help out a fellow Mod)