Providers and Self Defense


I fear your wrath in the Kumite.


For some people it does work that way.


Heh. I never carry a weapon, probably because of two reasons: 1. If I use it in anger or during an escalating fight I might get in some trouble, and 2. I'm not looking to exchange small arms fire with anyone in a situation in which such a thing is appropriate, cause if it's gotten to that point I'm already screwed.

Oh, and as to the nuts... wasn't trained to fight that way. That said, doesn't always win you the fight.


Never practiced either.


Was my first thought too.


Wing Chun is a chinese art that was devised by a woman, hence why it's well suited for women.
I'm a fan of the "you're in a locked room with a trained sadist" technique, myself.

When I first started it surprised me how many of my clients were very conscious of this fact (to the point of genuine concern) until they saw my sweeter side.

Now I've noticed that some gents pick up on the sweeter side and forget about the other aspect, which is interesting. Perhaps Heinlein was one of the few who understood the dichotomy: "Women are amazing creatures; sweet, soft, gentle, and far more savage than we are."
I'm a fan of the "you're in a locked room with a trained sadist" technique, myself.

When I first started it surprised me how many of my clients were very conscious of this fact (to the point of genuine concern) until they saw my sweeter side.

Now I've noticed that some gents pick up on the sweeter side and forget about the other aspect, which is interesting. Perhaps Heinlein was one of the few who understood the dichotomy: "Women are amazing creatures; sweet, soft, gentle, and far more savage than we are." Originally Posted by Sabrina Morgan
I agree women can be quite savage, lol. By the way any women can defend herself against any man. In order for her to do that she must know what to do. In the case of an escort who is confronted with a violent client, embed this idea in your mind, that he is going to kill you. I say that because you will have a better surge of adrenalin to combat him. Secondly, whether you want to accept it or not he probably is trying to kill you. With all that planted in your mind you will react with survival in mind rather than warding him off or trying to calm him down. You should only think about these two options, hurt him or kill him. Your second objective is to get out of your room and run. Even if you do calm him down and he says he'll leave, you can't bank on that. So you must expect the unexpected and expect the worse, and react with that in mind. I know that saying hurt him or kill him sounds drastic. But if you have the training and know how you can slow down an attacker by taking something away from him. Of course kicking him in the groin will afford you a little time to run. If he follows you or grabs you before you can leave your room you are in trouble at this point cause he's very angry and has lost his inhibitions. Hurting you is on his mind assume it anyway, react as if. I might be describing a worse case scenario but they happen. Martial Arts training could be quite valuable for a women who escorts. The art of Aikido would be a very good choice for a women. I would'nt recommend the kicking arts cause of the limited space you might have in a hotel room, besides your attacker may be to close to you to affect a good enough kick to incapacitate him. I've read way to many articles over the years where escorts had been strangled and or beaten by their attacker. Not shot or stabbed, but injured and killed empty handed. It doesn't have to go that route. Some sort of training in the fighting arts is a good idea.
anaximander's Avatar
What ever happened to a swift kick in the nuts? Originally Posted by London Rayne
It doesn't work on genuine aggressors.
It only gets us even more amped; it's a
little sore much later...not much good
for whomever did it.

Plus more often than not we can catch
your foot with our thighs. Maybe not
enough to hold fast, but enough to
pogo you onto your ass.

Anything requiring you to get within arms
reach is a bad bet for women.
The muscle/skeletal advantages are all male.
We can absorb 99.99% of the punishment
that 99.99% of the females can dish out-

Maybe at best you'll have some loose hair
or skin and blood under your fingernails.
At least the coroner could give homocide
something to go on.
Again, not much help for you.

Sig Sauer competition grade out of the box.
Glock light and compact.
Don't get less than a .40.
.45 is hard to control for most feems.

Anything other than a gun will end up
looking mighty odd sticking out of your ass.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Ive never had a problem but.....Since I'm small I have to carry a big stick
The martial arts in general are for self defense. If an aggressive male is out to "get" a female, the lady is in trouble. The video is typical of staged martial arts ballet and not indicative of what will work. Chemicals, teaser and fire arms in that order are the best means in a truly desperate situation. All that said screening carefully still serves as the best first line of defense.
The martial arts in general are for self defense. If an aggressive male is out to "get" a female, the lady is in trouble. The video is typical of staged martial arts ballet and not indicative of what will work. Chemicals, teaser and fire arms in that order are the best means in a truly desperate situation. All that said screening carefully still serves as the best first line of defense. Originally Posted by Bull149
I am all about firearms. But really and truly a girl may not be in close proximity to retrieve a weapon if she's attacked. She's going to have to use some self defense tactics at first in order to ward off her attacker long enough to get her weapon.
anaximander's Avatar
Sweet- very sweet side arm. I figured a compact
would better suit you, but that extra length
will give you tighter groupings. Have the feed
port flared if not already.

ACP- to that end an ex had a pillow with
a .357 derringer and a teddy bear with
a cs sprayer tucked in them.

And yes screening of some sort is desirable.
Yeah my ATF didn't screen me- I am a schmoozer
I called/call her a lot, borderline stalker I'm told.
She requested screening initially too- she forgot.
I always weasel through. But make no mistake,
as soon as I realized how vulnerable some of
these girls are---- I worry about the girls
I've known. I'm sure it drives Him nuts,
but I pray for the safety of all these working
girls--esp my ATF.

God preserve you all.
simpleton's Avatar
If the dude is naked just grab his balls and crush them. He not going to do anything but cry like a little bitch
@ Sweet

Very Nice!

@ Sabrina

Makes sense to me. Then again turning violent against a provider makes no sense to me in the first place, but it happens.


You know, there are ways to teach and condense defense against grappling and chokes if that's usually the biggest threat to providers. Hrrm.


A woman or smaller man can take a larger opponent given the right training, motivation, and circumstances, but it is an uphill battle and not a given.


Currently I have a face healing from a nasty street brawl. I'm aware that tightly regulated tourney rules have little to do with self defense, which is why you need to practice in an effective and realistic manner.
anaximander's Avatar
The only creeps sick enough to attack
women usually outsize their prey.
Uphill battle? More like a last stand.
The guys that a light woman can bruise
aren't likely to get out of line in the first place.

Nut shots are of limited tactical value.
It works on novices, any scrapper worth
a damn is basically immune.
You better have real quick plan b
that includes getting your foot or arm back.
Plus any guy that grew up with sisters
got immune to nut shots by 13.

The eighth day creations do not belong
in the jungle of the sixth day.

At my sons kenpo classes they are required to
spar females but I forbid them from hitting
the girls. They are 2nd & 3rd degree black.
The women throw everything they got.
Only the instructors wife has enough skill
to beat through their counter-counter defense.
And these are mere teen boys.
It is fun to watch.
But nobody misses the unstated point.
pepper spray is good but if it gets on you in the process it will burn like hell.
Love spicy Joking around.
There was only one time when I got scared because the guy pinched and nibbled something tooo hard on my chest. Without thnking I popped him a good one on his cheek and he smiled, thought ran through my head that he was going to rough house the situation and told the guy to go into the bathroom and get some lotion or baby oil, then I ran out the door butt naked and left. Don't show fear and think fast on your feet. Get him out of the room some way and RUN.
pepper spray is good but if it gets on you in the process it will burn like hell.
Love spicy Joking around.
There was only one time when I got scared because the guy pinched and nibbled something tooo hard on my chest. Without thnking I popped him a good one on his cheek and he smiled, thought ran through my head that he was going to rough house the situation and told the guy to go into the bathroom and get some lotion or baby oil, then I ran out the door butt naked and left. Don't show fear and think fast on your feet. Get him out of the room some way and RUN. Originally Posted by Anita Lay
Yep, remember that fear. It's called fight or flight. You decided to run. Theres nothing wrong with that, believe me. The sense of survival is something we all have. How we act on it is very important though. You were actually naked, but it didn't really matter to you at the time. Now in the case of an escort the chances of you being naked and encountering a violent encounter is quite good. You don't have immediate access to a gun or pepper spray, you have nothing but yourself. Thats why self defense is something a provider should think about. Now what type of Martial Art is the best for a women. lets see, Tai-Kwon-Do thats a kicking art takes to much room, Judo, hard to learn and actually takes strengeth which most women don't have enough of, Jujitsu, not a bad choice, Aikido, ideal for women. Aikido involves no kicks, or body throws, minimal strength requirements. Aikido is based on Circular motion and energy transfer, as well as pain compliance. I've said this before a few techniques is all you need to get yourself out of a jam and run to saftey. Most clients who become violent will strangle you. If you know what to do you can avoid serious injury or even death. So find someone who teaches Aikido ask him or her to teach you a few good techiques against a choke hold from front and back. Also learn wrist locks, elbow locks and shoulder locks. If you can successfully implement these joint locks, it will take minimal effort to break your attacker's joint. Once you are in that mode you will be able to stomach the idea of severley injuring someone. After all you did run out of the room naked, thats not something you would normally do. That right there tells me you know how to survive, and I commend you for that.
punisher's Avatar
What ever happened to a swift kick in the nuts? Originally Posted by London Rayne
you can't do that anymore. remember everything nowadays is politically correct. you are not supposed to hurt anybody's feelings anymore, let alone their nuts.. . remember, there are no more losers, every body is a winner. just sayin'.
They say the best fight is never having to lift a finger and using your brain...