Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-08-2013, 05:08 PM

We're living in a fantasy world?

Dude, you are living in a world of denial!

Newsflash: The election is over!

. . . President Obama won the election fair and square and the world is better off for it, but dummies like you just can't see the truth even when it's as plain as the nose on your face!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Who is living in fantasy land? You are you cretan fuck, go back and suck sarungas dick some more. Post some more on your monumentous thread in the national ml. Fucking cocksucker. Lmfao
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Not a "fair" election if the media is biased, and they were.

It is clear that Obama would not have won had the media covered all his lies, mis=steps with the economy, Benghazi fiasco, debt acceleration, Obamacare scam, etc....

Obama was propped up by a corrupt media. Obama is the legal President, but he is an illegitimate President. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Things are any way you want them in whirlyworld.

A place where your opinions are fact and you are somebody who isn't ridiculed.

You know, Fantasy Island.
joe bloe's Avatar
Not a "fair" election if the media is biased, and they were.

It is clear that Obama would not have won had the media covered all his lies, mis=steps with the economy, Benghazi fiasco, debt acceleration, Obamacare scam, etc....

Obama was propped up by a corrupt media. Obama is the legal President, but he is an illegitimate President.

And yeah, if you voted for #1 above and you think the election margin would have been the same (or larger) with an honest unbiased media, then you are living in fantasy world. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Obama is not the legal president if he's not a natural born citizen.

We'll probably never know the truth about the circumstances of Obama's birth, or why he's using a social security number issued in Connecticut, or what his legal name is, or whether he's still a citizen of Indonesia and Kenya, or what's on his college transcripts, or why he wears a ring with an Arabic inscription saying there is no God but Allah.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
AAhhhhh! There is the problem "Obama won the election fair and square." How can you say that with a straight face when precincts reported over 100% voter turnout? That in itself would have had the media and democratic party howling if a republican had won with over 100% turnout.
Got that right JB..................but rather than fight that issue, it is time Americans call out the corrupt media.......
They are destroying our country more than Obama.....


We'll probably never know the truth about the circumstances of Obama's birth, or why he's using a social security number issued in Connecticut, or what his legal name is, or whether he's still a citizen of Indonesia and Kenya, or what's on his college transcripts, or why he wears a ring with an Arabic inscription saying there is no God but Allah. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Interesting...No one thinks the election would have been close had the media been honest......And the Obamazombies think the margin of victory would have been the same (or higher) had the media not been in the bag for Obama....amazing the fantasy world they live in.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think the word you're looking for is "delusional".
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-08-2013, 06:11 PM
Things are any way you want them in whirlyworld.

A place where your opinions are fact and you are somebody who isn't ridiculed.

You know, Fantasy Island. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
JD and Whirly!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You fuckers still whining about the election?

You fuckers still blaming everything on the media?

You still trying to gauge honesty by your personal belief (Kool aid) structure?

You fuckers oughtta just shut the fuck up and stop her incessant bellyaching!

What if God had rested on the third day and not the seventh?

It gets stupider and stupider every day.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-08-2013, 06:20 PM
First they said the election was rigged

then they had a flawed candidate

now it is the media's fault

Why don't you silly fuckers just pretend Mitt won!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-08-2013, 07:14 PM
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OH, and great questionnaire instrument Trendy. no wonder you won the dipshit of the year poll.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nope, got it wrong again, Assup. You were clearly the winner of . . .



Scoreboard. Originally Posted by Doove
Is that what your trampstamp says?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Tell me that you heard about the cases of voter fraud coming out of Ohio? That's right! You listen to MSNBC, ABC, and NBC so you don't know shit about what is going on the world. You can chew on this; Obama won reelection with 4 million less votes than he got in 2008. This is the only time this has happened in this century.

Also in Ohio Obama won by less than 104,000 votes out of 5.6 million cast or 1.9% of the vote. Which means that if .95% of the vote had changed then... So voter fraud in Ohio is significant. They have one woman who cast five votes; one absentee, one in person, one on behalf of her daughter (who voted in person), one for her brother who sometimes lives with her, and a friend who lives with her. One person=five votes and she admits to everything. Tell me another bedtime story...the one where Obama won fair and square.