Any book recommendations from readers?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
With your tastes in literature, I would try a book by Nicholson Baker. "The Fermata" is an interesting book but I have to admit, it's odd to say the least.

I also have his "Book of Holes" and it's also off beat but honestly, I have a very difficult time getting through his books because they're SO different and science fictiony, if that's even a word.

The latest book that I've read that I bet you would like, and I loved it, was "Hyperbole and a Half" by Allie Brosh.

It's very different but the stories, and it's an illustrated book, is just very funny but also, moving in parts.

Finally, if you like comics and those graphic type of novels, I'll suggest a book that I think perhaps you might like, but few others would and I certainly wouldn't recommend it to the general populace. It's a VERY different type of book and might be something you're interested in.

I've never seen another book like it:

Warning, it's VERY smutty. Not for the faint of heart and in parts, just wrong. I collect literary porn and so I got it for my collection. If you read the reviews, there are plenty of bad ones there. But for something so unique, well ... you can be the judge.

For me, I just really enjoy the essays of David Sedaris. His latest book, "Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls" gets back to the fun of his earlier books, like "Naked". He has a few books that just aren't that great, so read the reviews.

I tend to like books with short stories, and essays, because often that's what type of time that I have to read. So another choice would be by one of the most recent Nobel Peace prize winners, any short story by Alice Munro. Or even something like "Welcome to the Monkey House" by Kurt Vonnegut.

Finally, anything by Terry Pratchett would be up your alley, I bet.

He has a new book that was released in September. I have a difficult time reading his stuff because I'm not into satire and science fiction, etc. I find it grueling to read. However, a lot of people just adore his books. He's an incredible author and having one of his books read and under your belt would be a good choice.

Right now, I'm plodding through "Another Sort of Learning" by James Schall. Might not be your cup of tea but if you wish to think, and don't mind that there is a little religion thrown in the mix in this one, then it's very interesting. And makes other book suggestions!

LOVE reading. It's such a huge part of my life. And this was a great topic!

guy fawkes's Avatar
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar Originally Posted by guy fawkes
Such an interesting list.

I'd like to add a bit of something. If you're interested in reading Christopher Hitchens, there is this huge yellow book out there (and it's on my shelf) called, "Arguably Christopher Hitchens" or something like that.

His collection of essays covers a wide berth of topics, popular and philosophical. Interesting, if you can stand reading his stuff. A lot of people don't care for him.