When another provider threatens to set you up?

I'm concerned about you wanting or willing to subpoena EECIE. Nobody wants to be dragged into somebody else's legal battle, especially a third-party forum. If this person is threatening or harassing you, then you should consider alternative methods (including changing your contact information or blocking her number/e-mail) that do not necessarily involve courts or lawyers. Originally Posted by confused95
Serving the subpoena on ECCIE should be quite interesting.
That is not going to happen. This girl is all bark and no bite.
DFW Airwold's Avatar
God I think it is so Hilarous on how often people threaten "Im goint to SUE you" or "Im going to call MY Lawyer". As I am sure as many of the Legal Eagles here will confirm. YES you can sue anyone for anything. But you need to remember the bigger question is. Do they have any means of Paying a Judgment or can I collect form them if I win. Lawyers dont work for FREE as many people seem to believe. It seems everyone thinks they will take their case on a Contingency. (Where the Lawyer gets paid 1) When & IF you win. 2) You are able to collect $$$) But most people suing an individual dont realize people dont have the DEEP POCKETS like corporations or Insurance companies do.

Anyway, as I have told people laughing in their faces "Go ahead & SUE me. I am practically judgement proof." So if they did win a judgement against me, good luck collecting anything. Remember, TEXAS does not allow Wage Garnishment except for Child Support, Federal Student Loans and IRS Liens.

Anyway, back to your regular ECCIE rants & raves
Just remember everything here is fantasy and gentlemen are interested in your time and company. The best thing to do is becareful with your screening and have a blast. They will always be people out there who want what you have and know they fall short by comparison and will do anything to shake you. When you let them bother you they win and by living your life and being happy they lose and you win. So to hell with anyone who tries to hurt you in the end.. karma will come back on them. So just don't give anyone that much power in your head and keep doing what you are doing... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Alluring Ava, I completely agree with Irish vixen comment, I couldn't say it any better.
be safe!!
omakase's Avatar
More importantly, Texas has the Homestead Exemption, which prevents a prevailing plaintiff from taking the defendant's house to satisfy a judgment.
omakase's Avatar
If you're ever concerned about law suits or harassment, then you should keep a detailed log of all your communications. This includes print outs of postings/PMs; date/time/duration of telephone calls; and, pictures of text messages). Some may call it paranoia but - if you're this worried about somebody taking legal action - then I call it discovery.
Ava, I would take the advice of Shyster John and lay low...or, go UTR for awhile. I highly doubt the provider will actually sue you. Burden of proof would be on her...and, do you really think she's going to attach her name, to a lawsuit that would associate herself with a hooker board (no disrespect)...or, to her profession as a HD prostitute? If she's that self-destructive...I would definitely not try to stir up any additional shit storms...and, lay low! Just not worth the headache and trouble!

SJ, just FYI: I've been a victim of someone sending a tip to LE...and, they did make a visit. Fortunately, they came the week that my Mother suffered a stroke, so I was taking time off.

Two officers showed up...one plain clothed and one uniformed. The uniformed officer told me the *tip* didn't come from just a call-in...that it had to have been from a higher source...but he couldn't identify that source.

Another time, I had a trip planned to visit Pittsburgh. The night before my trip...I checked my email and received a message from a local PIT news reporter. He asked where the GTG was going to be...and, if I planned to attend. Of all the people, he sent me...an out-of-state provider, the email? Yeah, haters!

I forwarded the email to the Moderator...and, they ended up canceling the party. Someone who really wants to cause trouble...can and will.

When we become complacent that's when it becomes dangerous...imo.
If you're ever concerned about law suits or harassment, then you should keep a detailed log of all your communications. This includes print outs of postings/PMs; date/time/duration of telephone calls; and, pictures of text messages). Some may call it paranoia but - if you're this worried about somebody taking legal action - then I call it discovery. Originally Posted by confused95

Oh trust me, they're in a seperate file labeled " Harassing E mails from ______"
ShysterJon's Avatar
Ava, we may have to create a new forum just for you. We can call it Days of Our Ava or As the Ava Turns.
I would like to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation to the geek who invented the "block" functionality. My kindest regards.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Ava, lets keep this discussion to one thread. I have merged your two.
Marcus78's Avatar
Here's a story from a few weeks back where two ladies were arrested on an anonymous tip, so it CAN happen, but in big cities, it is very unlikely IMHO.


To be fair though, in the aforementioned case, the police were alerted to the possibility that the lady in question was a (presumably trafficked) minor, so there was a much higher sense of urgency than a mere misdemeanor prostitution charge. If you are that worried, lay low, take some time off, and it will pass. Just screen, screen, screen and stay safe. Like Nikki said, when we become complacent, is when trouble rears it's ugly head.
mirandalee's Avatar
I have had a customer who is a cop from dallas but saw him in a diff city.. He even told me cops dont care about escorts as longest they are not minors and have pimps. They have better things things to do besides, dont you think they will ask welll how did u get the info? she would be setting her ass up as well.. Shes gone so you should be ok love...
I have had a customer who is a cop from dallas but saw him in a diff city.. He even told me cops dont care about escorts as longest they are not minors and have pimps. They have better things things to do besides, dont you think they will ask welll how did u get the info? she would be setting her ass up as well.. Shes gone so you should be ok love... Originally Posted by mirandalee

I have always practiced my profession in the safest manner possible and as a provider you can't take any chances...Always use references and do your screening, etc. It seems to me that from my own experience listening to a lot of working ladies, the ones who work 24/7 and take calls at all hours at the last moment are the ones who often get busted or are in potentially dangerous situations, no-shows, etc. Nothing against them but I could never work that way. You need to always be aware and alert, at hotels or at your own apartment, etc. I also have had a few policemen as clients.

Better safe than sorry at all times.

In terms of this certain provider, if she chooses to sue me, technically it's legal to sue anyone for a number of many things. But let her. It clearly shows she has the time to waste...and that means...she isn't working much
chrissy's Avatar
Hey doll...PLEASE DO NOT worry about this silly girl and her issues..This is a MISDEMEANOR and always will be..(3 convictions=felony only in FLA) let her insecurities stay her own...Dallas has their very own tax dollar vice unit, and if they havent contacted you yet and you screen all your appts then there is no need for unneeded worry..Seriously cover your own tracks take your face OFF the net and things will get easier..Girls like that karma loves!