Womans Intuition

I am single now. But was married for 17 years. I didn't "Hobby" then didn't even know what is was about, lol. But since I've been single again, I notice how women are quite perceptive, and here I only thought it was my wife who was, lol. Women can read body language better than men. Your friend is displaying something he has not displayed in the past, and his wife is picking up on it. Even though she may not suspect he has seen other women as of yet, he could be emitting a degree of confidence that she simply likes. Maybe he should play up on the attention she's giving him. Their marriage could take a turn for the better, he could dump his hobby phone and enjoy his marriage again. Ya never know.
London Rayne's Avatar
It's not that she knows he is cheating per se, but most women can tell when a man is getting some. Certain chemicals and hormones are present that we smell like bulldogs for some reason. Blame it on science, but there is documented proof of it. It is sort of like the same "glowing" effect women get when they are pregnant.
Still Looking's Avatar
burkalini's Avatar
I'm a shitty liar. If I had cheated you probably could write it on my fucking forehead
Still Looking's Avatar
It's not that she knows he is cheating per se, but most women can tell when a man is getting some. Certain chemicals and hormones are present that we smell like bulldogs for some reason. Blame it on science, but there is documented proof of it. It is sort of like the same "glowing" effect women get when they are pregnant. Originally Posted by London Rayne

Let me get this straight... if a guy is married and does the horizontal mambo with you he goes home smelling like a bull dog?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I think when a man isn't being sexually fulfilled at home and is frustrated then she knows why. Once he becomes content with not being sexually fulfilled at home then the wife will normally sense he is getting it elsewhere.

9 times out of 10 she will be right. Not always the case but it usually is.
Still Looking's Avatar
Of coarse taking a shower before going home and removing the red panties from your review mirror is helpful also.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Just think about your mood when you know your about to get some-happy, excited etc and your mood afterwards-relaxed, feeling good etc.

@ London...I didn't know about the bulldog smell , hmm.. must buy industrial strength soap
London Rayne's Avatar
You guys are freaking crazy! It has to do with Pheromones, and you can't wash it off lol.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
You guys are freaking crazy! It has to do with Pheromones, and you can't wash it off lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I know...I used to work at a place that sold high end perfumes and one of the biggest sellers was Pheromone, it was funny, more men bought it than women.

They claimed it mimicked our "scent"
  • Sami
  • 08-19-2011, 07:55 AM
Yes women do pick up on change of actions, if you are disgruntled due to not getting lovin from her. Then you all of a sudden stop trying, or being late, and woman have a very strong sense of smell. Even though you are hobbying you better still try with her, to me that would be the #1 clue.

Yes always take a shower before you go home to her and mouthwash, you wouldn't want her to bring home the scent or taste of another man if she is getting it elsewhere!

And Casanova I have to disagree with you. I have several guys who refer there friends to me. That is looking out for them in my opinion, guiding them to hobby safely. Look at the guys who don't get the guidance into this world, alot of them get caught or go find a affair. Which is more dangerous to him,then a woman gets attached bad news. It doesn't matter that you introduced them to the world because they are probably going to do it whether you helped him or not.
Still Looking's Avatar
Tried it! Nothing with the chicks but the dogs loved it way to much!
Angel Knight's Avatar
to the intial question: yes a woman knows if a man is getting it elsewhere, that is if hes not being responsible about what and who hes doing. you can hobby and b married and not get caught! you find a provider who does not wear perfume, makeup, and who is in a very discrete location that isnt so close to your backyard. i personally have more friends that are married than single by far, but my theory is, "Its cheaper to hobby than divorce!" i always offer a shower or a warm towel to clean off with to keep my friends away from the drama at home, thats just being considerate.
That was my 2 cents!!!
Pink Floyd's Avatar
You guys are freaking crazy! It has to do with Pheromones, and you can't wash it off lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne

To play off the movie "The Scent of a Woman" drives me nuts.
Still Looking's Avatar
To play off the movie "The Scent of a Woman" drives me nuts.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-6xoT5Z2nA Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
Picino was bad ass in that one! Howa!