Anyone run into Jarod?

woomby is real good about deflecting any suggestions as to his gayness and professional life at the 'holes.
woomby is real good about deflecting any suggestions as to his gayness and professional life at the 'holes. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Rey Tard is real good at making up shit.
Rey Tard is real good at making up shit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Ain't no "making up " to it woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot / wanna-be jalapeno sucker !! It's evident for all to see in your posts ! Especially when you start trying to discuss economics !!! How many other posters have handed you your ass on EVERY thread where you've tried to use that haughty liberal attitude to demonstrate just what a poseur you are ?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 08-20-2015, 12:29 PM
How about you seed sucker? Want to fess up? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Go back to getting butt fucked by your libtard buddies.
southtown4488's Avatar
Rey Lengua is a sad uncle tom, he only wished he was black so he could say 'yessa masta sir, I will sell all my people out if u will justa let me live in da house"
Go back to getting butt fucked by your libtard buddies. Originally Posted by Seedy
You go back to sucking seed from your libatard buddies.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He is seriously mentally ill. Pedophiles don't recover. He should have sought help before he acted on his illness. It's too late now. He's like a bear that's had a taste of human flesh. He should be put down before he harms anyone else.
Go back to getting butt fucked by your libtard buddies. Originally Posted by Seedy
I would have to bump you out of line first
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe this thread ought to be moved to the appropriate forum?

Or is JDrunk confused again?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
how many guys on this board have a worth of $15 million and had million dollar paying job that mostly required him to showcase a pair of pants?
yeah, you can't compare him to anyone here. He risked more than many will ever accumulate in a few lifetimes. Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
several. and none are pedophiles who will be taking it up his ass in prison. and he won't have 1 penny left after his wife cleans him out in divorce court. moron.

It's a gay dig. He's saying 12 inches of man meat is what I crave, when really it's what JDjigglytits craves, but whatever. Originally Posted by WombRaider
you should know, you are after all an expert on all things gay.

Rey Lengua is a sad uncle tom, he only wished he was black so he could say 'yessa masta sir, I will sell all my people out if u will justa let me live in da house" Originally Posted by southtown4488
So you bees WKing for your liberal "brotha" too southy ? !! Maybe he be given you a free blow job if'n you AXE him for one !
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
several. and none are pedophiles who will be taking it up his ass in prison. and he won't have 1 penny left after his wife cleans him out in divorce court. moron. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
dont get married and/or prenup
and I bet some are!