Why do providers use false ages?

illusion....i can be a teen are i can be in my 20s if you want i will be in 30s just pretend i have great skin for being in 30 what ever you want

Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-18-2010, 10:22 AM
Well, the thread starter got a lot of response as to how proud people are of their ages. But why would a provider post a false age, even a REALLY out of the realm of possibility one. There are several:

1. Misrepresentation. Some guys have a cut off age in their heads for providers they're willing to see. Yeah, there are markets for older girls/women but those are more "niche" markets and they're smaller and sometimes less lucrative. It won't fool the savvy hobbyist who does a little research or has been around a while. But it'll catch enough newbies and guys in a hurry to make the effort worth her while.

2. Vanity. Have you seen the way some 30-something gals and older light up when the door man at a club asks them for their ID? Yeah, it's kind of like trying to fool yourself, but some folks who sincerely feel like that they can get away with it, rightly or mistakenly, may do so as a little ego boost. Like they got away with "passing" for someone 10 years or more younger.

3. Disinformation campaign. The name your provider is using may not be the first provider name she's ever used. Sometimes inaccurate descriptive information (age, height, weight, hair color) is an attempt to distance themselves from a former provider identity. Some gals develop a practical need to "reinvent" themselves from time to time. It could be that business tailed off under a previous persona because she was no longer "fresh meat." There's a lot of guys that are only interested in the flavor-o-the-month, regardless of her age. Or it could be that she was/is a scammer. Or it could be that she had a stalker, either a civilian acquaintance who found out about her hobby life or former hobby world associate (client, pimp, lover, provider partner's SO). Or she could have a vindictive ex that's trying to get her child custody taken away or willing to out her to her family and/or neighbors. If she's desperate enough she won't care that she disappoints a hobbyist (or two or three or four) as long as she avoids the person(s) she's trying to avoid.
WiLsOn's Avatar
I have noticed some ladies state different ages on different sites. For example, 29 on their web site and 34 on P411. Since I don't see ladies that are younger than my age divided by 2, a few years fudge factor does not make much if any difference.

I don't have a problem with a lady stating an age younger than she really is if she can pass for the stated age. If she can pull off the fantasy of a younger age it's OK with me. After all, the hobby is a fantasy experience, right?

Wilson Wilson
Everyone has different hang ups. In my case, if a lady fudges her age on the younger side, and it falls substantially under 30, I'm more likely not to see her. Beyond that, I really believe age is a poor overall qualifier once your over 30.

Conversely, the old, outdated, photo shopped, inaccurate pictures are what push me over the top. If you're not a lithe hardbody, or trim and tones then don't represent yourself that way. There's no bigger fire extinguisher than opening the door to a lady who is nowhere near what her photo's depict. I've seen ads/websites that have used the same pictures for years now. (Or, is it possible some of us have found the fountain of youth?

I am honest about my age but I don't see a problem with taking a year or two off if you can actually pass for the stated age. The thing I have a problem with is going overboard with it and fooling your client until they actually meet you and in the end you just end up disappointing them, wasting their hard earned money, and setting yourself up for a bad review. This policy goes for weight as well. There is a market for all shapes and sizes so I think honesty is the best policy.

I know of one lady in particular that has subtracted ten to eleven years off of her actual age and subtracted at least fifty pounds from her actual weight yet not one gentleman that has seen her has commented on it in a review. WHY???? Hobbyists need to know these things. Isn't that the point of reviews? They do bring it up with me quite often though when they come see me after they have been fooled by said lady. They usually say something along the lines of "Damn, you actually look like your pics. Thank god. I saw so and so last month and it was a nightmare when she opened the door". I just tell them that perhaps they should let their fellow hobbyists know so that her future clients know what they are getting themselves in to. She has charming personality to most so she wouldn't be doing herself any harm by being a little more honest about her stats.

Just my .02

34 here! I'm told I look younger...and better then my pics...
But my weight on the other hand....I wouldn't mind shaveing some pounds off...but would hate to disappoint a gentleman....
So I am 160...with a momma's belly...I'm working on weighing less, but that momma's belly will have to stay for now...just can't convince myself to get that surgically fixed! But...when I have the money and the nerve....
But my weight on the other hand....I wouldn't mind shaveing some pounds off...but would hate to disappoint a gentleman.... Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
But when we're lying in bed together, you won't notice my belly and I won't notice yours. And if I an "dining" my eyes are focused elsewhere.
I would rather they err on the older side than to find out you were out with a 23 yr old that turned into an 17 or 18 yr old.
But basically a beautiful woman such as all of the providers ...age doesnt matter as much as personality, attitude and the ability to make a man feel comfortable and wanted.
Mara_Amor's Avatar
I do it for security reasons. I tend to go older or whatever age I'm feeling that day. I like older gentlemen anyway. I don't think I've ever disclosed my real age. I'm hoping that I can look like J-Lo and or Demi Moore at their age maybe Madonna without so much muscle.
On my p411 I don't have my age. When I advertise I let my pics do the job. Whatever age I look to you is what matters, right?

I only put an age when it's mandatory. Like on my showcase.
johnnybax's Avatar
Im 26 and dont feel the need to hind that !!! Hell Im Hot for some 26 years old. Originally Posted by Kaci Snow
yes you are easy on the eyes!
i've been saying i'm 23 since i was 18 hahaha

i appreciate that most guys don't care & might prefer to know my age though. xoxo

on the real i am 28! i feel sensitive about that third decade catching up. that is when all the body parts show the wear of aging. not to say it isn't sexy! hot mami's are every age!
on the real i am 28! i feel sensitive about that third decade catching up. that is when all the body parts show the wear of aging. not to say it isn't sexy! hot mami's are every age! Originally Posted by bluejewel
Technically, you are already in your third decade. Once you hit the big 3-0 in a couple years, you'll be in your fourth decade. Bet you feel really sensitive now!

Actually, women in their 30s and 40s are absolutely fabulous and the parts are often in plenty good shape so don't let it worry you!

on the real i am 28! i feel sensitive about that third decade catching up. that is when all the body parts show the wear of aging. not to say it isn't sexy! hot mami's are every age! Originally Posted by bluejewel
Technically, you are already in your third decade. Once you hit the big 3-0 in a couple years, you'll be in your fourth decade. Bet you feel really sensitive now!

Actually, women in their 30s and 40s are absolutely fabulous and the parts are often in plenty good shape so don't let it worry you!

.. Originally Posted by Cossetan
Cossetan, you just lost any discount you might have had with Bluejewel, and the price probably went up, just for you. LOL
Cossetan, you just lost any discount you might have had with Bluejewel, and the price probably went up, just for you. LOL Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
We'll see, Charlie...Since I'm well into my sixth decade already, I may still pull out my AARP card at the door and see if helps.

By the way, did you see that her Web site says she's 25?


If I tell people i'm in my early 50's they never believe me so i've grown accustomed to saying i'm in my early 40's.....then I get compliments saying "you don't look a day over 30".