Thank You

I have been reading your blog for the past 2 days and it's so addictive! Your writing is exquisite and your honesty is quite endearing. It takes guts to be in this business (I couldn't do it.) but to write and expound upon those experiences is like baring your soul for the world to see. Best wishes and congrats to you and your future endeavors! You are a riot.
I have been reading your blog for the past 2 days and it's so addictive! Your writing is exquisite and your honesty is quite endearing. It takes guts to be in this business (I couldn't do it.) but to write and expound upon those experiences is like baring your soul for the world to see. Best wishes and congrats to you and your future endeavors! You are a riot. Originally Posted by Can I Play Too???
Thank you so much for that incredible compliment. You are great for my ego!!!!! I'm so happy you are enjoying the blog...spread the word.
