It's Not YOU, It's ME...

Still Looking's Avatar
I don't think my last boyfriend ever once saw/heard me burp, fart, or poop. Those don't happen until after maybe 18 moths of marriage, right? ^_^

Originally Posted by lilred_robin
Must be a dry one if moths come out! LOL
Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm shocked. A 20 year old who listens to Brittney Spears and Rhianna. Sheesh, I thought those "artists" would be a little too old for you. I thought you would prefer Justin Beiber or Selena Gomez. BTW, I dig you 20 year olds. Just lose the attitude. We all know this fun and games. Nobody is looking for a relationship. Just an hour or two of hot sex.
burkalini's Avatar
I completely agree with the OP. We do purchase illusion for whatever time period we pay for. As many of men have said we pay them not to stay but to leave. Does a 50 year old man really think there is much in common with a 20 yeard old girl. What she has is a nice body usually. A tight pussy usually. If I want to have some OTC activities I will ask a girl(civie) out on a date. Someone that has some things in common with me and I would expect the provider to be the same way. Just have fun. look at her nice body while your fucking her. Hey we had our time with that when we were younger. Now I just want a smile and a nice ass. I don't even want a hug.
ChampagneSuperNova's Avatar
A provider wishing that her customer can leave so that she can let loose a fart she is holding back is not really something that we need to hear.

. . . There are some things in life that a wise man does not wish to know or even need to know.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

And that's the point Fast Gunn... the proper provider is the ideal female protoype: HOT, SEXY and WILLING. However, very few women are truly that way... and this is where providers come in. We exploit men for their perpetual and ubiquitous sexual yearning.

In a simpler time, men only sought out sex workers for sex. But now with globalization and the simultaneous industrialization of coutries we'd never thought would see a free election...the dynamic has changed. Men want more from their sex workers. Men want the paradigm of feminity to collide into a beautiful sexual product that they can buy....on the terms they want....

They are no longer content with a hot CBJ...they want to escape the harsh realities of a cold, unforgiving world with GFE+BBBj. PLUS they want the "peronality + chemistry" to go along with it.

Sometimes a gal is so good with the personality, chemistry and BBBJ that men lose all rationality.
Still Looking's Avatar
And that's the point Fast Gunn... the proper provider is the ideal female protoype: HOT, SEXY and WILLING. However, very few women are truly that way... and this is where providers come in. We exploit men for their perpetual and ubiquitous sexual yearning.


In a simpler time, men only sought out sex workers for sex. But now with globalization and the simultaneous industrialization of coutries we'd never thought would see a free election...the dynamic has changed. Men want more from their sex workers. Men want the paradigm of feminity to collide into a beautiful sexual product that they can buy....on the terms they want....

They are no longer content with a hot CBJ...they want to escape the harsh realities of a cold, unforgiving world with GFE+BBBj. PLUS they want the "peronality + chemistry" to go along with it.

Sometimes a gal is so good with the personality, chemistry and BBBJ that men lose all rationality. Originally Posted by ChampagneSuperNova
All the blood goes to our dicks and our brains start stuttering because of this! Lady GAGA said it best... "Baby We Were Born This Way!"

John Denver

Stevie Nicks


Neil Diamond

American Idol
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Isis, I fail to see that globalization or anything else has anything to do with a man wanting anymore now than 100 years ago, they are as individual now as they were then. That is just ridiculous.
Your problem you keep having s really simple to solve, If your not interested in OTC simply decline, if they cant accept that then I suggest replacing them with someone who can. Its not Rocket Science, (or industrialization of countries lol). If your having too many issues with it perhaps this isn't for you.

PS..its kind of ironic a 20 year old only likes Brittany Spears,Lil Wayne etc chooses a handle of a song from a band that was popular in the mid 90s.

Good Luck to you
Still Looking's Avatar
Isis, I fail to see that globalization or anything else has anything to do with a man wanting anymore now than 100 years ago, they are as individual now as they were then. That is just ridiculous.
Your problem you keep having s really simple to solve, If your not interested in OTC simply decline, if they cant accept that then I suggest replacing them with someone who can. Its not Rocket Science, (or industrialization of countries lol). If your having too many issues with it perhaps this isn't for you.

PS..its kind of ironic a 20 year old only likes Brittany Spears,Lil Wayne etc chooses a handle of a song from a band that was popular in the mid 90s.

Good Luck to you Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Can't be ISIS, she would have a lot more post by now!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
1) let loose the fart I've been holding between my buttcheeks for the past ninety minutes
2) crank up my stereo with Britney Spears or Rihanna. Are you shocked? You probably are. I pretend to like the bland, boring adult contemporary hits you do and I have a playlist specifically for you. You, the John Denver, Stevie Nicks guy, or YOU: the Waylon Tisdale/Norman Brown guy, etc. I pretend to disdain pop and rap music, but honey, that's a damn lie. The lil raisin-looking dude who's got tattoes all over his face and body...his name is Lil Wayne and I LOVE his music. I act like I don't know who or what is popular right now, but I do. I sooo do.
3) Hop on Facebook while simultaneoulsy watching reality TV and talking on the phone to my best friend about where we're going clubbing and what we plan on wearing that night. Originally Posted by ChampagneSuperNova
1) 90 min's of DATY. go ahead crank the stereo. Fart then. Facebook is a waste of time, and there is nothing on TV for years now. So get back here on my face !!!!!!!!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
oh forgot: how does one hold a fart for 90 min's anyway Ae
Still Looking's Avatar
She thinks she held it... we need to get her hearing checked! LOL
Men want the paradigm of feminity to collide into a beautiful sexual product that they can buy....on the terms they want.... Originally Posted by ChampagneSuperNova
That line probably summarizes us hobbyists better than anything else I've read. Is there anything wrong with that?
Everyone has had things happen but I can truthfully say I am 64 and my ATF I have seen for almost a year now weekly or everyother week when she can get here is 25 and she does fart, belch, and is down right for real and I love it. She makes me feel like our time together is natural and private. I know she only sees me for the money but she trust me enough to be honest, truthful, and herself. What more can a client ask for at my age but a young hottie, great body, always herself when we are together like we belong, it just dont get any better.
I know she makes money being herself and one over the top with sex but if we are going to pay for it why not have the illusions that it is real only for a few stolen hours?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by ChampagneSuperNova
Men want the paradigm of feminity to collide into a beautiful sexual product that they can buy....on the terms they want....
=mwebber;1545134]That line probably summarizes us hobbyists better than anything else I've read. Is there anything wrong with that?
Let her be human. If she got to fart, then fart, and get is over with. Why wait 90 min.
mmm bubbles in the bath
Still Looking's Avatar
Everyone has had things happen but I can truthfully say I am 64 and my ATF I have seen for almost a year now weekly or everyother week when she can get here is 25 and she does fart, belch, and is down right for real and I love it. She makes me feel like our time together is natural and private. I know she only sees me for the money but she trust me enough to be honest, truthful, and herself. What more can a client ask for at my age but a young hottie, great body, always herself when we are together like we belong, it just dont get any better.
I know she makes money being herself and one over the top with sex but if we are going to pay for it why not have the illusions that it is real only for a few stolen hours? Originally Posted by hjones
ChampagneSuperNova's Avatar
Everyone has had things happen but I can truthfully say I am 64 and my ATF I have seen for almost a year now weekly or everyother week when she can get here is 25 and she does fart, belch, and is down right for real and I love it. She makes me feel like our time together is natural and private. I know she only sees me for the money but she trust me enough to be honest, truthful, and herself. What more can a client ask for at my age but a young hottie, great body, always herself when we are together like we belong, it just dont get any better.
I know she makes money being herself and one over the top with sex but if we are going to pay for it why not have the illusions that it is real only for a few stolen hours? Originally Posted by hjones
Very well said.

Sweet N Little, I may have been born in the late 1980's, but that doesn't mean I don't like Oasis. I'm sure you enjoy bands that were in their heyday before you were in yours! Also, I'm not quite sure why you feel my post is an attack on anyone. Your posts are laced with vitriol towards me and I don't understand why? Your advice to me is empty: Of course, I know I should decline off-the-clock time if I'm uninterested! My point was to say, with a great dose of self-deprecating humor, WHY I'm declining that off the clock time.

Sorry you don't find this thread amusing or thought-provoking. Maybe you should get over yourself, and stop interjecting hollowing cliches disguised as advice in threads you have no interest in.