How do I hire a lawyer after I've asked to have a lawyer present?

You can call me a busy lying mofo. I'll try to get the thread written by the end of the week. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Looking forward to it! Originally Posted by skydiver
Looking forward to his post, or looking forward to calling him a lying MOFO?

We really need some language training in this country, no one communicates clearly anymore.
You can call me a busy lying mofo. I'll try to get the thread written by the end of the week. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Looking forward to it! Originally Posted by skydiver
Looking forward to his post, or looking forward to calling him a lying MOFO?

We really need some language training in this country, no one communicates clearly anymore. Originally Posted by tigercat
I'm just gonna hijack this thread for one post. I just have to share your wit with others.

I just copied the quote below from another thread. I've seen better examples but it was all I could find on short notice.

In honor of Tigercat's brilliant observation:

"Tulsa Police say Officer Joshua Goldstein, 30, shot a 35-year-old man who had exited a car firing a handgun at the officer."

I'm sure Tigercat joins me in wondering whether they've been successful in arresting that gun-wielding car yet.

Let's get back to legal matters now that we've had our poetic license revoked.

Thanks for the laughs, TC!

SJ, please entitle your thread "The Lyin' Mofo Code Thread" when you get around to writing it. No complaints here! Re-reading your pearls of wisdom are just as good as reading them the first time and re-reading them serves to stimulate that "rote" portion of my insufficient cranial jelly.
Me thinks it is lying Mofo time. No, I am sure of it. Shyster you a lying... ah heck I just can't do it.
Shysterjon, I'm scratching my head right about now trying to figure out where you are coming from in saying the prostitution is legal in Oklahoma. I can show you the docket sheets for many providers that evidentially thought the same thing. Can you qualify your statement about it being legal in ok ?

Got to note that I enjoy reading your posts greatly and Im not out for a fight or to discredit you in any way. I think you provide some awesome advice and you should be commended for doing so. Just seeking clarification on this one issue.

Also, just a bit of knowledge I have garnered from my research, one of the OK prosecutors favorite tricks lately is to not only charge for solicitation, but to also file felony charges of using a personal computer to aid/help/assist in the commission of a crime (solictation). The solicitation charge is a misdemeanor, the computer charge however is a felony. They are targeting girls that use in the internet to advertise and email.

I am curious though, if that computer crime charge would also apply to the use of cell phones if texting was the only thing that was used besides the actual phone calls. Any insight would be most appreciated.

I believe SJ was simply poking fun at our friends across the Red River.

Your description of using the internet ploy to upgrade a charge to a felony is quite interesting. I would not be surprised if other jurisdictions tried to bootstrap a more serious charge in many cases. At least when you watch the cops & lawyers shows, that is often something they try to pull.