True Cost of a Date

Oh boy, english women ;-).... there are jokes in portugal about germans and english women having the worst taste when it comes to dress code.

this " stretch skirt" pulling down sh*t is so annoying. If you have to pull it down just buy a longer one, right?

I realized that women who can`t walk in stilettoes are the ones who use "plateau heels" , who are thick and look as if you are a drag queen doing a show..

worst is small women thinking they are tall and dressing in boots and skirts and plateau sandals that go above the ankle (makes the leg even shorter).... yikes... I mean I am tall but I am very careful how I wear such things...

If nothing else .... at least Escorts have taste and the guy knows what he will "see" when he books one ))..

As to the date and expense thing. Maybe if you`re in the "super spoiled brat league" a date costs that much , and maybe the guy wants to not only get laid but married.
I have heard (in europe we have rumors or prejudices as well... ;-)...) that many men in the US complain that the women in general are more financially or let`s say "status" oriented. Job with money or such.

As to the comment that american women give too much to american men. I think that in europe women are generally more "giving", and I find - usually - and from legal status - women in USA are more emanzipated and angry about their rights and status.

I am not talking about the occasional dumb bimbo getting laid and offering herself for nothing - self esteem wise - (which you will find here and there, not only in US territory) , but generally business wise and relationship wise US women are more protected. As to sexual harrassment at work places (I used to get comments from men in regular jobs in europe, that probably will get you fired or sued in US terms...) Also stalking laws, divorce laws, women in USA have more self esteem than in europe where it`s ok when someone gives you "cat calls" on the street, and when you complain they look at you as if you have the problem.

So, all of this gives american women a different sense of entitlement.
Then comes the education aspect. We witness many so called HDHs that brag about being educated as if this is something they should get a noble-price for. In Europe it`s normal. In USA not. You are a completely different league player if you went to some spoiled brat Ivy league university, because it is highly expensive. Also this gives a sense of entitlement, a sense of self esteem, a sense of difference , which may make some people (in this case women) more comfortable with themselves.

The american women I got to know all have a lot of self esteem and know wht they want and how to get it. European women still suffer a lot from male chauvinism. As much as this is not "really" out in the open, european men tend to be more macho than american men, who tend to be more like eternal kids.

(Just my personal experience.... and reflections of other women who dated both and lived both continents. Americans sometimes lack on the reality level and european men lack at the respect level). Of course all generalizations. Not to be taken too serious. Its just a little "direction".

American men also tend to find mediocre women more appealing than european men. I mean this in terms of compliments. AMerican men generally make more compliments, and are - IMHO - easier to impress, or at least they pretend to be like that. I never figured out if they really mean what they say or if its just a general way to make a woman feel good. European men are nasty, hard to give compliments and take you for granted. Its not "stylish" to tell a medicre looking woman with fat legs and short skirts who obviously behaves stupid that she is looking really good and is bright and intelligent. In the USA they do that out of politeness, which explains the inflated sense of self some women seem to have.
In Europe If you behave stupid and look like shit, they tell you in your face. Not directly but at least making some hints. That means european men expect women to be "equal sparring partners" while americans still do the "old style courtesy " thing. In Europe if you make big words you have to deliver, while in the USA there is always some excuse for why some women cannot be held responsible for their actions, as if growing up seems to be a male- only thing to do .

I am for sure generalizing, I know but it`s an interesting observation for sure ;-). Originally Posted by ninasastri
I saw some of that ruddiness to women while I was there. My buddy and I was in Glasco Scotland at this bar. We were talking with a group of girls & 2 Scottish guys join are conversation. We were discussing movies and the industry. They were studying acting at the uni. The guys out of the blue flicks a lit cigarette butt at one of the girls face. She had not provoked him an any way. *She laughs it off. I was utterly disgusted with this act of unkindness to another person. It was out of instinct that me and my buddy jumped to the defense of the young woman. The 2 guys back down quickly. Later we found out that the UK has a zero tolerance for fighting. Both parties will go directly to jail. Me and my friend are not *fighters, but we do not tolerate that kind of behavior. That was the worst case.There're several other incidences on are travels where the man would act out their elementary school yard behavior. They new that we where foreign & felt threatened. I always am encouraged by a little bit of competition. I feel it makes me a better man. But I guess some of these men were not touched enough when they were children. So the lashing out on women was a result of this. I think you and I would enjoy each other's company & I don't mean in just a sexual way either. You sound like a really cool cat. Who knows, maybe we'll bump into each other one day on the street. Or I will approach you at a café. Or you would approach me. Serendipity!*
4karlos's Avatar
I guess if you are 20 and hormones driven, the 2 dates is one too many, but I would think that if you are on your 40's and intelectualy driven but still with plenty of stamina, the amount of dates won't be an issue as long as the tease and the connection is building up. Don't you think?
ForumPoster's Avatar
I guess if you are 20 and hormones driven, the 2 dates is one too many, but I would think that if you are on your 40's and intelectualy driven but still with plenty of stamina, the amount of dates won't be an issue as long as the tease and the connection is building up. Don't you think? Originally Posted by 4karlos
Are there times when chemistry and mutual attraction are so overwhelming that withing mere minutes of meeting someone you just have to have them? On occasion it does happen.

More often than not women are attracted to personality and actions of a man vs his physical appearance. It takes less than a minute to decide "fuckable" or "hell, there is not enough booze in the world", but it takes TIME to learn about another person's character, integrity and values.

When you are 20, dating is all about getting laid as often as possible and as soon as possible. When you mature, dating is about "is this the person I want to spend the rest of my life with?".

Sex, and I admit I speak from point of view of somewhat attractive female, is incredibly easy to get. All I need to do is go to a bar, swing club, put up ad on personal encounters, possibilities are endless. For a guy it takes a bit more work or a bit more cash

Years ago I heard a wonderful expression - "we sleep with people we will never marry so we can take it slow with those we do".

hah! Geez! Not any girl I'd want to be with. No class with some I guess. I always strive to impress on first dates with top class girls.

Olive Garden always gets me in them panties. Unlimited soup, salad, n' breadsticks at lunch time. Bitches love it.

s'ow I roll, son! Originally Posted by Rezo

He he. And I guess you still get some.
Why do the ladies with the fattest legs or not really nice shaped legs always wear the shortest skirts ??

That is something I witnessed internationally. Short skirts = almost always strange legs or fat legs ;-) Originally Posted by ninasastri

Yes, I was looking at some photos of Christine Aguilera today and her legs appear to be disgustingly fat right now. Quite incredible when you think she's in entertainment. I would starve myself before I ever looked like that.

I have to admit that on one social occasion where I knew a woman who wasn't exactly my friend would be attending, I wore a short skirt just to emphasize what she could never buy - good legs.

Bitchy but fun!
I absoutely agree. Marriage is a financial contract. Put love aside and that is what you get.

Which brings me to the next level: Also women pay for sex or relationships. It seems that relationships also "level" out the inequalities between people. And I see that happening not only on a male versus woman level. Which is also interestng in the discussion (for me) why escorts charge. One charges for secrecy and one charges to support a financial contract between others (and for that support you are entitled to get paid , too). And I see unpaid secret lovers of married guys as the poorest and most to be pitied fellows on the planet ;-). Because they have nothing, while others have it all . Originally Posted by ninasastri

Nina you should (or maybe you are?) write books, you encapsulate things so well.
Oh boy, english women ;-).... there are jokes in portugal about germans and english women having the worst taste when it comes to dress code.

this " stretch skirt" pulling down sh*t is so annoying. If you have to pull it down just buy a longer one, right?

I realized that women who can`t walk in stilettoes are the ones who use "plateau heels" , who are thick and look as if you are a drag queen doing a show..

worst is small women thinking they are tall and dressing in boots and skirts and plateau sandals that go above the ankle (makes the leg even shorter).... yikes... I mean I am tall but I am very careful how I wear such things...

If nothing else .... at least Escorts have taste and the guy knows what he will "see" when he books one ))..

As to the date and expense thing. Maybe if you`re in the "super spoiled brat league" a date costs that much , and maybe the guy wants to not only get laid but married.
I have heard (in europe we have rumors or prejudices as well... ;-)...) that many men in the US complain that the women in general are more financially or let`s say "status" oriented. Job with money or such.

As to the comment that american women give too much to american men. I think that in europe women are generally more "giving", and I find - usually - and from legal status - women in USA are more emanzipated and angry about their rights and status.

I am not talking about the occasional dumb bimbo getting laid and offering herself for nothing - self esteem wise - (which you will find here and there, not only in US territory) , but generally business wise and relationship wise US women are more protected. As to sexual harrassment at work places (I used to get comments from men in regular jobs in europe, that probably will get you fired or sued in US terms...) Also stalking laws, divorce laws, women in USA have more self esteem than in europe where it`s ok when someone gives you "cat calls" on the street, and when you complain they look at you as if you have the problem.

So, all of this gives american women a different sense of entitlement.
Then comes the education aspect. We witness many so called HDHs that brag about being educated as if this is something they should get a noble-price for. In Europe it`s normal. In USA not. You are a completely different league player if you went to some spoiled brat Ivy league university, because it is highly expensive. Also this gives a sense of entitlement, a sense of self esteem, a sense of difference , which may make some people (in this case women) more comfortable with themselves.

The american women I got to know all have a lot of self esteem and know wht they want and how to get it. European women still suffer a lot from male chauvinism. As much as this is not "really" out in the open, european men tend to be more macho than american men, who tend to be more like eternal kids.

(Just my personal experience.... and reflections of other women who dated both and lived both continents. Americans sometimes lack on the reality level and european men lack at the respect level). Of course all generalizations. Not to be taken too serious. Its just a little "direction".

American men also tend to find mediocre women more appealing than european men. I mean this in terms of compliments. AMerican men generally make more compliments, and are - IMHO - easier to impress, or at least they pretend to be like that. I never figured out if they really mean what they say or if its just a general way to make a woman feel good. European men are nasty, hard to give compliments and take you for granted. Its not "stylish" to tell a medicre looking woman with fat legs and short skirts who obviously behaves stupid that she is looking really good and is bright and intelligent. In the USA they do that out of politeness, which explains the inflated sense of self some women seem to have.
In Europe If you behave stupid and look like shit, they tell you in your face. Not directly but at least making some hints. That means european men expect women to be "equal sparring partners" while americans still do the "old style courtesy " thing. In Europe if you make big words you have to deliver, while in the USA there is always some excuse for why some women cannot be held responsible for their actions, as if growing up seems to be a male- only thing to do .

I am for sure generalizing, I know but it`s an interesting observation for sure ;-). Originally Posted by ninasastri

I disagree with you on so many points here Nina and I am European too, I guess we all live in different worlds.

Still I respect your opinion largely because you are so articulate and passionate and those are unusual qualities right there - at least in this escorting world right now.

There's only one point in particlar I'd like to disagree with right now in your post - " As to the comment that american women give too much to american men. I think that in europe women are generally more "giving", and I find - usually - and from legal status - women in USA are more emanzipated and angry about their rights and status."

On the contrary I find a lot of American women suffer from a gross misunderstanding about 'emancipation'. Women did not suffer to get the vote and so-called equality so that other women could work even harder than before and in addition take on financial responsibilites and other behaviours that are rightly a man's.
Then guess that 3 date thing is shot now isn't it? Originally Posted by bladtinzu

Hardly. As I said to someone very recently about their court case - It's a dance.

You have to do it. (To win.)
I saw some of that ruddiness to women while I was there. My buddy and I was in Glasco Scotland at this bar. We were talking with a group of girls & 2 Scottish guys join are conversation. We were discussing movies and the industry. They were studying acting at the uni. The guys out of the blue flicks a lit cigarette butt at one of the girls face. She had not provoked him an any way. *She laughs it off. I was utterly disgusted with this act of unkindness to another person. It was out of instinct that me and my buddy jumped to the defense of the young woman. The 2 guys back down quickly. Later we found out that the UK has a zero tolerance for fighting. Both parties will go directly to jail. Me and my friend are not *fighters, but we do not tolerate that kind of behavior. That was the worst case.There're several other incidences on are travels where the man would act out their elementary school yard behavior. They new that we where foreign & felt threatened. I always am encouraged by a little bit of competition. I feel it makes me a better man. But I guess some of these men were not touched enough when they were children. So the lashing out on women was a result of this. I think you and I would enjoy each other's company & I don't mean in just a sexual way either. You sound like a really cool cat. Who knows, maybe we'll bump into each other one day on the street. Or I will approach you at a café. Or you would approach me. Serendipity!* Originally Posted by Salsa man

You were in f---ing Glasgow.

Not known for high levels of civilisation (probably a few good restaurants - can't remember).

There is a LOT of fighting in England, regardless of police policy. The fact that you were in a place where a man acted so repulsively to a woman and she submitted to it just says that you were in a very low level place.

Also - by ruddiness it appears you meant 'rudeness' and by Glasco you meant 'Glasgow'.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Hardly. As I said to someone very recently about their court case - It's a dance.

You have to do it. (To win.) Originally Posted by Leah Ireland

For me it is and will always be two "dances" and I'm out. Unless that last dance equates to doing the "shuffle between the sheets".. Which it usually does.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 04-22-2012, 01:58 PM
Yes, I was looking at some photos of Christine Aguilera today and her legs appear to be disgustingly fat right now. Quite incredible when you think she's in entertainment. I would starve myself before I ever looked like that. Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
Leah, that is a bit saddening. We see too many instances in society where looks are viewed as a replacement for knowledge, ability, character, and manners.

Just because some lady carries a bit of body fat in her thighs, does not make me think less of her. Honestly I think plastic surgery and peoples search for perfection is a bit "over the top".

Are you honestly trying to say we should look at someone like Christina Aguilera who grew up in an environment of domestic violence, and yet found a way to make something of herself, as negative. Yet view Kim Kardashian as the golden standard? She is certainly physically beautiful, but that beauty truly is skin deep.

From your other postings this doesn't sound like you. Are you just being a bit too catty , and lost sight of your own values?
Leah, that is a bit saddening. We see too many instances in society where looks are viewed as a replacement for knowledge, ability, character, and manners.

Just because some lady carries a bit of body fat in her thighs, does not make me think less of her. Honestly I think plastic surgery and peoples search for perfection is a bit "over the top".

Are you honestly trying to say we should look at someone like Christina Aguilera who grew up in an environment of domestic violence, and yet found a way to make something of herself, as negative. Yet view Kim Kardashian as the golden standard? She is certainly physically beautiful, but that beauty truly is skin deep.

From your other postings this doesn't sound like you. Are you just being a bit too catty , and lost sight of your own values? Originally Posted by 69er
Thank you 69er, I think you're suggesting that I'm sweeter than I am! Sometimes I'm nice, sometimes I'm not, and on issues of fat and other unnecessary ugliness I truly think - hide it, get rid of it.

I love being fit and healthy, and despite an acknowledged penchant for fine food and wine (OK, champagne and beer too) I am really not into obesity. I enjoy my life and don't go there. I really don't understand people who go way beyond the simple pleasures of eating and drinking and into obesity.

Yes, Christing Aguilera is starting to be obese. It's aesthetically unattractive whatever the emotional cause may be.

I do think it's emotional, precipitated/happening about the time of her divorce.

I wish her the best, I really admired her before and I really don't think obesity could be anywhere near her best. For me to feel even a little bit overweight is disgusting and it rarely happens.

Despite I'm a big-boned Irish woman!
You were in f---ing Glasgow.

Not known for high levels of civilisation (probably a few good restaurants - can't remember).

There is a LOT of fighting in England, regardless of police policy. The fact that you were in a place where a man acted so repulsively to a woman and she submitted to it just says that you were in a very low level place.... Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
Like Miami?
Yes, I was looking at some photos of Christine Aguilera today and her legs appear to be disgustingly fat right now. Quite incredible when you think she's in entertainment. I would starve myself before I ever looked like that.

I have to admit that on one social occasion where I knew a woman who wasn't exactly my friend would be attending, I wore a short skirt just to emphasize what she could never buy - good legs.

Bitchy but fun! Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
She used to be so hot! I saw she REALLY does not look the same at all which is sad.Hopefully her and a few other celebs will lose and get back the shape and tone that they once had.She can sing her ass off though.Burlesque movie was a good look for her
Are there times when chemistry and mutual attraction are so overwhelming that withing mere minutes of meeting someone you just have to have them? On occasion it does happen.

More often than not women are attracted to personality and actions of a man vs his physical appearance. It takes less than a minute to decide "fuckable" or "hell, there is not enough booze in the world", but it takes TIME to learn about another person's character, integrity and values.

When you are 20, dating is all about getting laid as often as possible and as soon as possible. When you mature, dating is about "is this the person I want to spend the rest of my life with?".

Sex, and I admit I speak from point of view of somewhat attractive female, is incredibly easy to get. All I need to do is go to a bar, swing club, put up ad on personal encounters, possibilities are endless. For a guy it takes a bit more work or a bit more cash

Years ago I heard a wonderful expression - "we sleep with people we will never marry so we can take it slow with those we do".

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Very well said! Your words and the statement at the end "We sleep with people we will never marry so we can take it slow with tose we do"