corruption of power, rumors and false criminal accusations...perfectly acceptable in our community

why would it take anyone more than 10 to read through a thread that hasn’t even made it to its 2nd page?? maybe had to read twice to achieve full comprehension or does “See Spot Run” your only speed? Originally Posted by HedonisticFool

Start a fight by yourself in an empty bar room....

It's folks like you that have turned a really great review site (ASPD) into the cesspool that is ECCIE.

That's an allegory (look it up, stable genius) for "We have met the enemy and he is us."


HedonisticFool's Avatar
no seas mamon y no mames

a great review site...this said by the one that has no reviews posted. what other great contributions can you bestow upon us? better yet, why don’t you stay on topic with my rant, or are my posts not ALLEGORICAL enough for you?

may i recommend that you read through my last might see an example of the “cesspool that is ECCIE”, as you have eloquently posted.

sweet dreams cupcake,


Start a fight by yourself in an empty bar room....

It's folks like you that have turned a really great review site (ASPD) into the cesspool that is ECCIE.

That's an allegory (look it up, stable genius) for "We have met the enemy and he is us."


Originally Posted by Anonymous01
Ok he has finally answered and has stated what I was waiting for to enable the green light for me.

I have sent him a very long message telling my side. Very detailed. And very honest. I’m hoping it at least clarifies my standpoint and what I genuinely and honestly know.

If he truly is in the dark still about what is going on, then this rant of his is valid. It’s viable. He’s not my favorite person due to the random shit he states regarding EVERY girl on here, but I have to do my best not to take it personally. With these criminal allegations, I too would want the bugs to come out of the wood work. I couldn’t say much more on here publicly as it wasn’t my information to tell and obviously because I have to follow the rules. But I have elaborated an explanation as best I could in the hopes of him understanding my initial questioning.

If he needs more from me on this matter, I will do my best to help, even if I need to add a mod that he trusts to the mix to ensure that I am not breaking any rules and to ensure that those who did break the rules are recognized.
HedonisticFool's Avatar
have you ever noticed when someone claims that they never lie, that it usually means that they’ve lied about what you’re suspicious of or know of what they’ve already done, said or messaged? when a spade is truly in fact, a spade...

people lie...i get it. and many of them, so guilty of lying, just can’t help themselves...but to lie about lying. what i find most ridiculous, is when someone lies about lying, and when confronted, try to prove so desperately otherwise, then at some point, indicate that they’re insulted by the suggestion or accusation.

if you don’t know me by now, i tell it like it is. i might not disclose something that is private, and most definitely when there’s an understanding, i keep my mouth shut...but that’s different, obviously. definitely not lying...

Cumandgitit's Avatar
I've read this exchange of messages from start to finish and I have no idea what is in controversy, except that it involves what some call defamation and criminal investigation.But WTF are the facts in controversy? I only have 4 years of college and 3 years in a post grad program, so maybe i'm not smart enough to catch exactly what !t the big controversy is all about.
Have we come to a situation where we all talk in code?
I just see it as amusement. Having an undergraduate degree and two post-graduate degrees (Dean's List for both) earned from when you didn't get a diploma just for showing up, I realized that I was overthinking it when OP took me to task for reading his posts for 10 minutes.

I realized that I was trying to read logic, reason, and an adult attempt at communication (which implies a willingness to listen and learn from another's perspective) into OP's rant.

Then I realized that OP was just ranting and venting about some purely subjective perceived "wrong" that he suffered, hence, no genuine desire to communicate.

I put him on block, along with the other 10 metric tons of timewasters on ECCIE. He and EZ seemed to have worked out their secret code, so I am happy for everyone. I'm not even going to vent about the 10 minutes of my life I wasted trying to infer intelligence and meaning into a post that contained neither.

May you be equally enlightened on your personal path to the Void.