Looking to shoot porn

Getting a film quality camera and shooting some of your own stuff might be a good start. And either go the route where you sell content directly or through a site like ManyVids.
Greetings I am interested in shooting porn....
I am exactly sure where to find dependable studios that work with ebony ladies.
any suggestions or recommendations would be great Originally Posted by vidagalore
Be very careful, there are lots of "guys with camera" out there paying 500 or less to shoot with weak STD/AIDS testing and all kinds of federal and state legal risks. Don't get mixed up with these losers, their not safe and there is no future or money with them. If you're serious and still interested, contact me and I'll give you some contact info.

Don't take porn advice from any one who hasn't been successful in the industry.

Greetings I am interested in shooting porn....
I am exactly sure where to find dependable studios that work with ebony ladies.
any suggestions or recommendations would be great Originally Posted by vidagalore
Tons listing for porn worker..Getting tons of advice on board.Two job good thing escort and porn worker.Best wishes