Woke moderators

winn dixie's Avatar
Make it retroactive. YR would be banned for 10 lifetimes. Originally Posted by bambino
Wasnt specting that one. lolling
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Lighten up Francis
winn dixie's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
nice to see you back barley!!!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It's not that big of a deal. I'll probably be pointed out and banned shortly but I'll live. It's their call whether I have crossed the line so I can't do anything about that. If they want me gone, I'll just be gone and no hard feelings and I wish them well.

This board is already shrinking so I don't get all of the bans, but you do what you gotta do is how I look at it so no harm and no foul if I get hit with one. I waste too much time posting on this whore board anyway. They would probably be doing me a favor.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Lighten up Francis was something I tested to a coworker a couple of years ago. I got hauled into HR and accused of sexual harassment because I called this idiot a female name. I showed that FRANCIS was male and FRANCES was female. They didn't care how ignorant someone was. I was wrong as far as they were concerned. Kind of like some moderators.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The funny ( sad) part of all this ""Woke"" is there are no rules changes daily